How would you rework: distortion ( episode 3)

Title. I actually have an ideas for this one.
distortion will have 3/4/5 tokens no scratch marks for 6 seconds.
how would you guys rework it??
Soft buff: Start with 3 tokens, every hook stage you get earn another token.
Strong buff: Start with 3 tokens, every safe unhook earn another token up to 5 max.
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They could make it a CD ability, instead of tokens
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My problem with it is that those charges we get are used very quickly in some cases. I believe, for instance, when healing and Nurse's Calling triggers it, if the killer moves away and back again it uses multiple charges. The totem perk that reveals nearby players' auras will use all three charges in a matter of seconds. In fact, I don't believe it is possible to break a single totem in the time of three distortion tokens.
So, I'd suggest a buff to how long it remains in effect, or just a fix for those and similar situations that will consume all your tokens at once and basically break the perk. Even if we had 5 or 6 tokens they would still evaporate in the situations I mentioned above.
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Starts with 5 tokens
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when healing and Nurse's Calling triggers it, if the killer moves away and back again it uses multiple charges.
Is it true? I thought it only consume another charge if 10sec from a token is dropped.
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every 1000 bp earned in the match adds a token up to the max of 3.
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I feel like the best way to buff it is to give it a way to gain tokens.
EDIT: Just wanna say, I'm looking forward to this series!
Post edited by glitchboi on0 -
You can gain tokens by simply safely unhooking survivors while ur in the killer's TR
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Whenever the Killer attempts to read your Aura, Distortion activates:
- Your Aura will not be shown to the Killer.
Distortion does not activate when you are in the Dying State or in a Killer Trap
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I would increase the number of token from 3 to 4. And recover all the tokens every time your unhooked.
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Everyone really wants to keep the tokens thing uh?
I feel this perk would work better has a CD ability
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To be honest I would also just make it so that all aura reading ranges are decreased by a certain number. Maybe 10 or 15 meters and get rid of the tokens.
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The 10 seconds is the amount of time your aura is unreadable and you don't leave scratch marks. Not the cooldown. AFAIK Distortion does not have any cooldown. Undying eats all the charges.
If you pop a gen with a killer who has Bitter Murmur and they hook with BBQ around/at the same time, it will eat 2 tokens. Undying is fun but thats just broken. I literally bought Blight just for it but after seeing what it actually does, I feel dirty as hell for using it. You don't even need another hex perk to use it.
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I like it but add that your teammates cannot read your aura either. I feel that would balance your suggestion.
I hate to say it, but people still troll other players with Bond REALLY hard, esp SWFs with solo teammates. This would be a nice counter to it.
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Start with 3 Tokens.
Every time you escape a chase, gain a Token up to a maximum of 3 Tokens.
Effect stays the same.
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Distortion is fine as it is. It's an incredibly useful info perk. It tells you which aura perks the killer has, while also hiding you from them for the first three attempts. That's super powerful.
Lose a token at the start of the game? Lethal Pursuer, run and hide.
Lose a token when someone gets hooked? BBQ, now you know to get close or jump in a locker when you're out of tokens.
Lose a token when you're healing? Nurses calling, now you know not to heal near the killer when you're out of tokens.
Even when you run out of tokens, this perk is still working for you by the info it has already given you.
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Should have a couple ways to earn more tokens imo, so that you need to take a risk in order to have more tokens.
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We could have it slowly regain tokens just like the Pebble does, being near the killer long enough but not chased