Mringasa Member Posts: 980

Why do they even have this map in the rotation? Just had a match there, going pretty good against a Plague, down to 2 gens and she had some hooks in us. Then the game just freezes up, wait about 30 seconds or so and over to the "Escape" screen cause it dropped us all apparently.

I understand RE is the newest chapter, and they want to grab the fanbase with the neat idea of running around the RPD being chased by Nemesis, but why even bother when it's such a hot mess? There's no reason to keep this map in rotation when so many people are having issues with it. Wasn't this addressed in the PTB? I mean... isn't that why we have a PTB for the game? So people can test things, break them, then get them patched up BEFORE it releases?

Anyways, just a frustrated rant. I really love this map, although I've never played an RE game. Nemesis is a solid addition too. Really fun game play. But ffs... please make sure this stuff is actually playable before making it live? Maybe?


  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Rpd shouldnt be in rotation if you get it itll usually crash your game until they figure out why its crashing

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    Well, it's been having issues since it came out, however people complained that it wasn't in rotation when they took it out. However, if they made it as common as other maps and have offerings intentionally bring people to said map, people would complain that it causes issues like this. This is just an unhappy medium where they can monitor its performance and figure out the issues.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    The map is so bad I’d rather have my game crash than play on it tbh

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,659

    Same. The visuals may be nice, but its layout is #########.

  • HJ757
    HJ757 Member Posts: 3

    the map looks amazing but to play it my god both as survivor and killer I absolutely hate it.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    the map just suck

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    So far I’ve had maybe 7 matches in the Police Station. I think 4 as killer and 3 as survivor. Personally I haven’t experienced any performance issues myself but I’ve definitely gotten lost going around in circles until I find out how to get to where I was intending to go. I’ve carried survivors into dead ends and had to backtrack to a hook lol. As a survivor I’ve gotten stuck in a maze just praying they don’t go into struggle before I make it to them. As Wraith the extra speed while cloaked has given me trouble getting through some of the narrow doorways fora second or two but my 2 matches as Trapper was a slaughter. I only had a brown bag and brown setting speed addon but it was enough to make a large portion of the map an absolute death sentence.

  • shinymon
    shinymon Member Posts: 298

    Can I just say, kudos to everyone calling the map RPD instead of RCPD. I realize people who are less familiar with the resident evil series are more likely to call it RCPD but even then, we have the RPD initials plastered at the very front of the building.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    I actually wondered about that. Isn't Raccoon City Police Department more accurate? I've never played any of the games, so don't know all the lore.

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    Quick question, do you know the version of the game we get on PTB is more like the Alpha verions of changes while Devs are allready in that time working with Beta version of those changes, right? In most of the games we had like League of Legends or Overwatch, yes we do have test servers to break the game so developers can see how much bugs there are but for Dead By Daylight PTB works more as an tool for making Hype and see the reaction of community on changes they are working on

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    It wouldn't surprise me. Testing costs a good bit of money, and requires a mindset of "Let's break #########!" that a lot of people just don't have. Gamers make better testers from all the Alphas and Betas (not to mention Early Access) I've taken part in. It's just rushed development and the Marketing Department having more of a say in a release than the actual coders.

    I just don't think they should have it in the rotation at all since it's this bad. I've played 4 matches there. 2 of them went quite nicely. The other 2 were pretty bad. I don't mind a hitch or slight bit of latency every now and again, hiccups happen and BHVR's dedicated servers have been pretty poor since they implemented them, but 2-3 seconds of freeze, completely missing skillchecks because they're on the screen and gone before I even have a chance to register one happened, the whole dropping everyone thing. It's hot garbage right now and should be taken back out. Leave the Offerings oc, people can use them once it's actually functional, but that map needs to be pulled.

    fwiw, I wish every game developer fired their entire Marketing Department and put the money into hiring more coders and modelers. Who really needs someone doing market research or target group studies when you have social media and its viral nature? Not to mention the rabid nature of your fanbase who will spread the word all over the place when it's good.

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    I understand yet I want to mention that people where crying about that they can't play on new map cause Behaviour dissabled it. That's why they bring it back. Also thanks to those matches that as you said have problems Devs gets more date thanks to which they can faster find the issues.

    About hiring more coders and modelers, Behaviour probably won't do that but not because they want more money for themself but because they are just walking slowly. We need to remember that it's actually thier first game AAA that they do alone. Also more coders won't do much in a team where everyone have thier role and know what to do. If they would hired more people they would first need to get use to new job of course but later it could make Devs work lower on updates than now. Let's say we have two coders, one's job is to code every hitboxes in the games(for attacks from killers or pallet stuns) and one that is working on how perks are working. Now if we would add another person to one of those two things then it can end up on that for example one will make hitboxes lightly bigger for Tall killers while the other one will use part of that code to make hitboxes of survivors smaller which can bring us to the place where we had an issue that makes survivors hitboxer bigger or killers hitboxes smaller.