Decisive Strike is in the Shrine

So now survivors can stop complaining about tunnels.
As if running DS, BT, and taking hits for teammates stopped killers from tunneling. LMAO
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Uhh they just tunnel through it anymore.
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It doesn't stop tunneling.
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Nope. The killer can still tunnel you even if you hit the skill check.
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Even the Devs said DS is to give tunnelers a cost, its not an anti tunneling perk. If I want you down, Im more than willing to take that 5sec stun then continue on you & ignore others.
I had so many match that I body block Killer on tight place, using toolbox for sabo instead of Gen to save a double hook team mate.
The game isnt 1v4 any more, its about 1v1 then 1v3. Other 3 get no interaction with Killer until 1 dies
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Of course it is right after I got Lourie Strode to lvl 40....
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nah, gotta eat ds's early so you aint punished later. pro-tunneling perk.
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True the perk only give you a third health state its not like this can do something if the survivor is bad
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People always try that when someone is on death hook and I have no idea why they commit so hard to giving me a free down. I am not complaining, but I genuinely don't understand.
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Isn't it convenient that while the shrine has been changing daily it has had a lot of perks from the killers and survivors you get with the base game, when the primary reason people buy teachables from the shrine is so they don't have to buy the DLCs?
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Im on my first hook, I know I still have 3 team mates behind. If I let other get into last hook, then if Im on my first hook, there are 2 team mates. I do that only vs hard tunneler or when someone on last hook + I dont get any hook + there are more than 1 Gen left.
Last match, vs Huntress in Gas heaven, Clau on 1st hook, two Jill complete 2 Gen behind, I was about to finish 3rd, Huntress coming and hit me. Clau unhooked, Huntress instantly go back to Clau. Jills complete my 95% Gen (3 Gen done). Then we continue on 4th Gen.
Clau got 2nd hook, 4 Gen done. A Jill unhook her then go back to 5th Gen. I was on injured from the beginning, seeing two Jill push Gen while Clau on last hook, I have my brown toolbox sabo a hook, fail to sabo 2nd hook and down, but my down had Clau free and escape, I got my 1st hook. 5 Gen done.
Huntress leave my hook and hunt that Clau down. I & two Jill escape. We were around 15-20k BP, Clau was 12k, Huntress was 14k.
Body block is annoying since I dont camp/tunnel. Especially I main Trapper without slow down perk. Most of the time I got 2-3 hooks spread out to each survivor. But as Survivor I just hate tunnel/camp, I do my best to save team mate if the situation is right (I still rush Gen over saving if there are still more Gen left)
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You mean maybe now killers can stop tunneling?