has your anniversary event been going on till now?
As for me... it gotta be the saddest anniversary i have played on this game,
Like its à copy from the last one but with tweaked numbers,
I still can find only à very small amount of cakes (last year you had one per mevel at least if i recall it correctly)
Like after doing 40+levels on Zarina to have like...9 cakes...
And add with that the fact that for some reason people are sweating their asses off or playing toxic for sope damn reason...
Yeah i havent been enjoying this tame very much
Logged in once got my 9k shards and 500k bp spent the bp on slinger and thats about it,
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Fine I've p3ed Cheryl gonna p3 Quentin and then blight and trickster
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It's a'ight
Most games have at least two cakes in play (I am always playing a cake or BPS if I don't have one).
It would be nice if there were less jerks going out of their way to ruin it (not people playing normally, survivors rushing like they'll die in real life if I catch them once or killers just face camping) but I've found that's maybe...15% of my games. Overall people have been relatively chill. I wish more survivors would take advantage of me hitting them at the gate so they can heal each other and we all get free points but I do understand why so many are gunshy about it (even though once I hit, I step WAY back to make sure it's clear what I'm doing).
I'd like the event to be a bit more than just a copy/paste of last year but whatevs.
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I've p3ed some survivors (including Jill and Leon after only being out less than a month!), gotten a ton of cakes, and gotten some good perks from the shrine. Also got a few adepts out of farming matches, even if that's a cheap way to get them lol
Overall, very well! I just wish the glaring lag and performance issues didn't hinder everything.
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Pretty much like mine. Killer sucks for me right now (XBOX) and survivor is hard to get cakes. Some survivors I get them every level or two and some (Kate, Claudette, Elodie for examples) I have not got one in 15 levels. Disappointed comes to mind.
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Have gotten all perks in the game on tier 3 on all three new characters, no I never prestige. Also bought all outfits for Yun-Jin Lee spent around 50000 shards on that plus the rest in auric cells.
I'm saving all new cakes and I use last years cakes since I got over 800 that event and have many cakes left. Hope people are not mad because they give 1% less BPs 😟🙂
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The copy/Paste is really cheap
Glad you can enjoy, i see many cakes but the games.usually dont go very high with the points anyway so its à bit useless, i cant even give cakes lol
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Glzd you are enjoying yours :)
Wish i had à.foew farming rounds for the crowns lol
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Managed to get all the teachable perks from my survivors and got them all on Leon who is my main, so pretty well so far, only had like 6 survivors before the event
Now doing the same with Killers, the Shrine helped a lot here since i got a lot of the lv 40 perks, so i only have to get a lot of the killers to 35 instead of 40 to get them all.
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Lots of game breaking issues, lots of free DCs, lots of wasted cakes. I've played probably 5 total killer matches and mostly to farm because I'm tired of playing 5v1. It's you as the killer vs 4 survivors and the game itself.
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Having a good time. I've levelled up a lot of characters - P1ed Nemesis, Nurse, Hag, Bubba, Zarina, David, Bill, Ace, Meg, P3ed Pig. Gathering cakes on my P3ed Wraith (32) and Plague (64). Tried collecting event items on Jane, but the survivor bloodwebs are just so bad. Bought Oni and Trickster with shards, and I'm having fun with Oni. Mostly playing killer and then taking it easy on survivors, making sure everyone walks out with 20k+ bloodpoints - gathering cakes is an exercise in frustration as survivors and I can't control whether I don't make enough points to make the cake even worth it when I do use them.
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I finished all my Survivors to 40, maxed Feng and Dwight again, and have Elodie almost maxed as well.
Working up the Blight and finally finishing off Oni on Killer side. Then I'll need to max the Killers I enjoy playing, which is going to take FFE as I have a few.
Overall though, other than the lack of people playing Cakes (damn hoarders), the Event has been pretty fun. 5 cakes seem to bring out the worst in people, both Survivors and Killers, but the 3-4 cake games have been enormously profitable. Had some salt from both sides, but overall a lot of fun matches and very little toxicity. Best games so far have been 182k on Dwight, and 197k on Trickster, but it's usually in the 80k-120k range depending on cakes and sweat.
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The queue times are abyssmal during the day though.
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There's an event going on now? I guess that explains the loading screen slides we see with quotes from the devs and the art work. I've also seen, occasionally, survivors seem to have fireflies circling them.
Honestly, if these 2 things hadn't been added, I would be hard pressed to know that there was even an event going on. The dev's could have saved themselves some coding time and just gave us all 5 million blood points or something.
I don't know exactly what I was hoping for, but this, this ain't it.
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Not very fun, but honestly I wasn't expecting it to be.
However, I did manage to get my Piggy to P3, which is basically the only thing I wanted to do, so:
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Tbh gathering cakes as killer is simple, you get 1-2 per level
As à survivor this year you get either cakes or items, last year you had one garanteed cake pee level, cause i had like over 30 or 40 woth each of my survivor...and this year i got like 20 at best for all my survivors
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I haven't been grinding as much as I normally do during events. At least I unlocked P3 on Nemesis.
A lot of my game time has been eaten up playing a new game I bought during the Steam summer sale.
That said, I still plan to play DbD a decent amount before the event ends.
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It is going great. I have 3 killers at level 50. I have one at 45 (actually had every perk I needed by 40, but then I accidentally leveled one of them to 41, so my OCD kicked in). One killer at 40. 2 killers to 30. And some excessive 9 levels I threw on someone before I bought more killers. Rofl.
Oh, and a survivor to 50.
Very great progress for a beginner if I do say so myself. My goal is to get the level 40 killer and the two level 30 killers maxed, and maybe a few extra levels to fish for BBQ, Ruin, or NOED, depending on what they are missing. Maybe finish up the level 45 who doesn't need it just to make the page only level 1 or 50 besides whoever I am working on.
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We all got a big screen notification in game telling there is an event.
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If youre beginning, make the most of the event and cakes :)
And dont force yoirself to have the perks people tell yoi to have, play with the perk you want to play with to.enjiy yoir games
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Tbh i have been playing as much as i normaly do... and its only been going downhill and deceiving, mostly unfun for an event
And it scares me to think this is the way DbD will go
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It was sarcasm