New Killer “The Thing” in DBD.

What does everyone think about The Thing being added to DBD as a killer? I think it would super cool, unique, and a smart decision for the game. I hear there is a new The Thing movie in production and I think this would help promote that movie or keep every up to date for those that aren’t familiar with it, The Thing would be a great addition, in the 2011 movie The Thing is able to split itself into two (possibly more) and mimic/replicate into other people. In the movie The Thing is not able to mimic any kind of metal, I think this would be a fair weakness for the survivors. More importantly, I think the fact that The Thing can mimic humans is cool and after RE Chapter 20, I don’t think its impossible to add to the game. I think the coolest feature The Thing as a killer could do and should be able to do is mimic a survivor and survivors would have to guess where or who The Thing really is. While someone is doing a generator The Thing could be right next to them and the survivor wouldn’t even know. I know many will think this is OP but with the 1982 and 2011 lore I’m sure developers can find something to work with to make this a great addition to the game. Lastly in the 2011 The Thing combines itself with another human and it has two heads and walks on 4 legs, it looks pretty creepy and I think this would be a great look for the character if it was added to the game.
there are a lot of concepts similar to this, and the main problem people have is that swf's would totally destroy it's ability. devs would have to find a way to work around this problem.
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One way the Thing could work is to take it's body-twisting abilities and look at it from another angle:
If they realms of the Entity are made from Auric Cells, which very well may be part of the Entity's anatomy (I'm not so clued up on this, sorry, but it's clear nearly everything is made or consists of this), then to combat the issue of SWF the Thing could hqve an ability to not only morph into people but objects as well!
Basically, take the principle from "Prop Hunt" and put that into DBD. That way, nothing is safe, and even SWF will be wondering who or what it is.
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I like the idea, but it doesn't work at all with the Thing's lore
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I admit I'm not really up to scratch on The Thing lore, and the only defence to this would be - since the Entity reaches into a multiverse of worlds - is that it takes a Thing from another where the lore fits.
Afterall, the Resident Evil chapter certainly doesn't follow RE lore, so it wouldn't be unusual for BHVR to take from an alternate timeline.
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If the thing was added it would be almost a different gamemode, the thing just wants to get off the planet as soon as possible and only kills to keep its identity secret and to further its goals. Maybe the thing would have to kill and replicate survivors to get pieces of its ship. Instead of damaging gens the thing would rip parts from gens to gather the parts it needs and it would only hook survivors if necessary.