Part 18: How would you feel abut SCP in DBD

HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

Welcome to my 18th poll regarding licensed characters even though I don't think this is technically a license. Also going to need to set up a ground rule or 2. If you want SCP in DBD since this is SCP you are going to need to specify which SCP out of the thousands you want to be in DBD. Rule number 2 you can pick more than 1 if you wish but don't go with an absurd amount such as 10. Personally I think 7 will be enough for anyone. @glitchboi your time to shine.

Previous Poll:

Part 18: How would you feel abut SCP in DBD 42 votes

Scary_Punk_GhostDr_EmaraldDerZuntorglitchboiMarc_go_soloCheeseAntonViktor1853aztecsoul454scp_plsthxD4M4VR1CKUnkn0wn_ 11 votes
🟩Sure I'd like it
Cornpopers_Evanxtr4meBasementDwellerHaunterofShadowsnakotamccEvilTurnip690swagger12kekprod 8 votes
🟨I'm indifferent on this matter
Seiko300VolantConch1719TapeKnot[Deleted User]xEaAvilgusAwkward_FiendChurchofPigFobboGannTMdbdplayerabc123RyRapsYTThat_One_FriendBigBayBubba[Deleted User]TrickstaaaaaVioletCrimesBennett_They1Them 18 votes
🟧I don't like it but its whatever
GlamourousLeviathanBadonkadonkSmoe 3 votes
🟥Hate it I'm uninstalling if they add this
GibberishOrion 2 votes


  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    edited July 2021
    🟩Sure I'd like it

    I think the obvious choices are the Plague Doctor, Old Man, and Shy Guy. However I do think SCP-001 The Prototype could be a cool skin for Demogorgon. Lacks face, similar body structure, similar coloring, can attack at fast speeds, animalistic, can teleport yeah I think that could work as a skin.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    Yo, you called me?

    Hell yeah I'd love it! There's a large variety of characters to choose from, when it comes to killers and survivors. I think SCP-106 (The Old Man) would be the best fit for the killer.

    Unfortunately, it'd be difficult to implement due to the creative commons license.

  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 497
    🟩Sure I'd like it

    Depends on which SCP it is, since most instantly kill someone.

    The Old Man (106) would probably be the best option, since he likes to cause pain and fear.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    Long Post by a man who knows almost nothing about SCP

    There are many possible candidates for killer and survivor and that's particularly why I want it.

    Most of the licenses were pretty shut cases when the got in (what I mean is of course the Halloween Chapter would bring Laurie and Michael, if any L4D survivor were to be introduced of course it'd be the one who died, obviously the Silent Hill chapter would bring Pyramid Head and Cheryl being the fan favorite out of the original 3 protagonists, they'd be stupid to not bring the 2 survivors who been the most games and the most iconic villain of the series in the Resident Evil chapter). Meanwhile with SCP I feel like it'd be basically impossible to tell who the characters would be.

    No matter who the survivor, we will get a new archetype not present in the game (whether it's a D-Class that could potentially be the Protagonist of SCP Containment Breach, we'd get our first prisoner. And of course we could also get a scientist which we don't have). Finally with too many SCP to chose from the killer(s?) could bring a lot of new to the table.

    My other thing, I don't know about the mumbo jumbo that goes on with the license with SCP, but I think it could have the potential to be free? If that's the case, we could get a rift for the characters and the charms that would come out of it would be amazing (imagine if instead of those boring 5 tier recolor charms every main survivor and killer gets, we progressively go through to get better keycards. And multiple SCPs could get figurines, I'd kill for SCP-999 to get a charm)

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    To be honest I think its good but between is the honest answer.

  • RyRapsYT
    RyRapsYT Member Posts: 300
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter


  • Badonkadonk
    Badonkadonk Member Posts: 79
    🟧I don't like it but its whatever

    I steer more towards being indifferent, but I don't think it fits in DBD. I have nothing against SCP and yes, saying a huge catalogue of characters and lore to choose from 'doesn't fit' seems pretty unlikely as there are a handful that probably do and that I can even imagine right now that could work.

    The problem for me lies here: I feel if you are going to represent something that originated from the internet, Slenderman makes most sense, but not much else as a lot of other stories are way too niche or (in most creepypasta's case) poorly written.

    I feel like a lot of potential SCP's that are most notable and iconic have abilities that would work just fine for a more iconic character, (SCP-173 being the most iconic; his power could just instead be given to Slenderman), there are more unique and interesting ones but that's going even deeper into something already niche. I can't see it, and it would feel weird to me, but it's not impossible and I wouldn't be furious or upset.

    If BHVR is fine with using niche characters from a niche franchise, then the possibilities are pretty much endless.

  • D4M4VR1CK
    D4M4VR1CK Member Posts: 58

    SCP-106 can walk through walls and telport and (if I remember correctly) knock you out by touching you. Now, ignoring the one-touch thing, he would be amazing. His power could be where he can hold m2 button and he moves super slow (like crouching speed or slower) and if he touches a wall he can phase through it. He can get understandable after he goes through and he can have a penalty where he can't instantly hit afterwards. Making certain loops harder but isn't the end of the world if he goes through a wall that your near. Making where during loops he can phase through the wall or pallet and punish you if you're not watching out, but makes it to where it's useless outside of a loop. Making him balanced (in my opinion).

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    Would greatly depend on the SCP.

  • dbdplayerabc123
    dbdplayerabc123 Member Posts: 70
    edited July 2021
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    What is scp