Too much Rank Variation SWF should not be allowed imo.

D3spair Member Posts: 713

SWF where they let a brown rank survivor join should not happen imo. These kind of SWFs want Brown rank people to join them so there's a chance that they can go up against that poor Brown Rank trapper that has no good perks yet essentially hoping to smurf. This leads to Experienced Survs boosting Newer lesser experience Survs creating those dumb red rank survivors you always get in solo queue which I hate.

IMO in the upcoming MMR, make it so like MOBAs where too much rank disparity or variation is not allowed so no baby trappers will experience smurfs and solo survivors won't have dummies for teammates.

(PS: Checked the accounts of the above btw 1.1K Hour Rank 5 Cakes is friends with 98 Hours Rank 16 IU. These 4 are steam friends and I assumed are pretty much a four man SWF)


  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Have you tried solo at rank 16? Not being funny I cant get red ranks to do gens, run a chase or not camp and drop every pallet instantly lol

  • sensovsky
    sensovsky Member Posts: 102

    that makes perfect sense, no idea why this wasn't in the game from the start. make it at least 2 colors difference, so red can only play max with green and etc.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,256
    edited July 2021

    That is what I have always said for SWF it should be way harder to rank up. Because good survivors can carry bad ones. That is what happened to a couple of my friends that got to red ranks, but don't know how to loop or do anything in general other than hide and complete gens. Which is why some red ranked survivors lack knowledge of the game.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 713

    I know it's hard as I generally Soloed Rank 20 to 9 and gave up on my Teammates. For some reason Purple Rank is not much different from Brown Ranks as most of them are just dicking around... and Red Ranks is the most annoying ones as I expect at least you know how to win by holding m1 or looping. What I get most of my solos are people who just keeps on healing on a corner or crounching behind a rock when the killer is near me! These are the ones that I hate and are probably the ones who are boosted.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Well ranking is too easy and that's the issue, it why I keep hoping for a better ranking system. I know everyone hates on mmr, but it doesnt have to be as strict as it is. But red or even purple ranks shouldn't play like new players at rank 20 lol. I cant blame them though I had to play with my misses till she hit low purple so games was more playable and fun for her

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 5,690

    It should be allowed, because plenty of people just legit want to play with their friends (who are new, or haven't played in a while, or whatever.) But matchmaking needs to change so that it finds killers based on either the mean rank of the group, or just grabs the lowest ranked survivor and sets that as the bar for the killers it searches for.

  • D3spair
    D3spair Member Posts: 713

    IMO it should be the highest ranked survivor rank that should be the bar.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 5,690

    That's what I meant. Lowest rank = 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. It's a little difficult to talk about ranks when progression means going downwards.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,082

    At one point, SWF was changed to match based on the highest rank. But that seems to have been removed quietly.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158
    edited July 2021

    Not really,

    I can tell you from my experience, pretty much last night, where I played with 3 other friends.

    I was rank 2, one rank 3, one rank 6, and one rank 10.

    In all of our matches, we had red rank killers, rank 1 or 2.

    If anything, it's the weird DBD matchmaking at work. I've been sent against green ranks quite a few times last week when I was playing Solo Survivor.

    Unless I'm misunderstanding something... by high rank you mean those that are rank 10+ or the ones that are red ranks? DBD ranks are as confusing as ever...

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,082

    I consider high rank being red rank.

    But matchmaking has it's issues as always and doesn't always match up ranks rights as it is (largely when queue times get lopsided).