Let's say 2 vs 8 became a thing...

Not saying it would be balanced or anything, but hypothetically... which killers would make the best team? If you pair a killer up with themselves it would be boring and just be Nurse^2 or Spirit ^2, so be creative.
The only real answer is Double-Bubba for Double-Facecamp.
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Any killer paired with Doc would be an OP duo because Doc will always be able to constantly reveal survivors locations for the other killer. Imagine Doc with Blight or Nurse. Doesn’t sound fun.
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2 of the same killer is boring. Try thinking of something more creative.
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Imho legion would be a great support keeping everyone injured so that killers like spirit or fast killers like blight could exploit the fact that their injured
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Trapper & Hag so survivors have to be careful where they go the whole game. Legion & Doctor since you have to snap out of it before you can mend. Oni & Legion for easy blood orbs.
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I guess if the killers had comms together, but I would think they won't get the same info.
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Trapper and Blight. Trapper does the setting up around the map and Blight chases.
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A survivor screaming, is a survivor screaming. That isn’t going to be mute to another killer playing with Doc.
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Myers and Ghostface would be terrifying. Although I wonder if it would be fair if another killer could insta-down a survivor Exposed by another killer?
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As bad as I want this game mode the game is so broken due to spaghetti code it'll never work. I wish IDV was actually a REAL game.
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Yeah, but wouldn't Blight step in traps all the time? I don't think he could see the auras of traps.
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Yeah, I guess your right. Even survivors can see when other survivors scream.
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Legion and Nurse/Spirit would be the most broken.
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It's on PC so I would consider it a real game.
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I always imagined it followed a type of point system. Like a certain killer is worth the most points, and if they were selected any killers who had equal or near the same amount would be blocked off. Preventing you from selecting them. Like, if you selected Blight, Hillbilly, Spirit, Oni, and Nurse would be blocked off. Select Trapper and Freddy, Deathslinger, Legion, Clown, and Pig wouldn't be selected.
In addition of some killers having their power nerfed for the game mod. Like Pig's trap can't insta kill or the timer just shuts up if a different killer is within some range.
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Fair enough. That doesn’t change the fact that an additional killer will be profiting off of everytime Doc makes survivors scream, or when they’re in tier 3 madness.
Would be very OP for whoever that killer is.
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Oh yeah, without a doubt.
No argument here. Personally I'd love for a 2v8, but the powers need to be nerfed severally or reworked from the ground up in order to prevent complications.
My dream duo is Ghost Face and Pig
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Twins and Nemesis? No matter where you go, there's most likely something coming at you. Also, YAY!, now we can potentially have 5 survivors face camped at once!
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Legion and Oni would be pretty strong. Legion keeps them injured and spilling orbs that Oni can keep collecting.
What about Deathslinger and Trickster? Slinger reals someone in while trickster pelts em with knives for a fast down. ...maybe not since that is both killers on just 1 survivor.
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It wouldn't work right now, but if said mode was to be implemented my dream duo would be Old Freddy and a good Nurse.
Freddy could equip Class Photo and Paint Thinner and just run across the map putting everyone to sleep, while Nurse would be responsible for most of the chases and hooks.
Outside of a chase, survivors would have to deal with the Dream World's massive slowdown, which could be increased with some add-ons and perks. And when they did get into a chase, it would barely last sine it is against Nurse.
I would love to give this a try!
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Why would killer powers be nerfed? Survivors stomp 95% of the cast as is lol.
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I just commented this on another post but nurse and huntress sounds really fun and really scary.
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You want a realistic answer? It would either be various mixtures of Nurse, Spirit and Blight, or one of them with Legion or Doctor.
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For the 5%, Killing Time. For the 5%.
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2 Bubbas, one hits the hook and the other does the job.
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I think Spirit and Plague would be very fun to play against.
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Trickster and huntress for sure! Especially with iron maiden on both.
wraith and myers, the stealth/ strength of that combo.
hillbilly and leatherface would be terrifying
trickster and oni maybe?
i think it could be fun. Not sure how balanced but fun
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doc and nurse make not only a nice theme team but also a deadly combo. The killer where stealth is the best option and the killer that counters stealth
Plague and oni would also synergize nicely, as survivors either have to stay injured and feed oni his power or cleanse and make plague powerful
Blight and hag, one speeding across the map herding survivors to the other one who is controlling an area
Nightmare and basically any other killer. Every partner of freddy becomes a stealth killer because of the dream world
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- Obligatory reminder "Check Identity V duo hunter rules" for inspiration for DBD duo hunter rules.
- Obligatory reminder that 2 killers focusing 1 survivor leave 7 survivors to bumrush gens.
- Obligatory reminder that "1 camp 1 hunt"-strategies leave 6-7 survivors to bumrush gens.
- Obligatory reminder that DBD mobile copied IDV's skillcheck design ;P
Doctor/ ANYONE is probably the best comp. The madness debuff can be quite devastating. The fake red stain will be devastating, and depending if the other killer can see the illusion doctor, it'd be quite useful for tracking.
Trapper/Hag just for the trap-pairing ;)
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Imagine double Hags... ugh that gives me nightmares.
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The thought of this keeps me up at night
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identity v is horribly survivor sided tho unfortuantly, camping is mandatory in high ranks most of the time :/
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Atleast they got the formula down for 2v8 lol
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Death Slinger with anyone with a instant down.
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