Man, HG, Retribution, ToTH, and Undying is so damn funny.

Getting those rascals panicking for nothing, desperately trying to get those bones cleared...
Gotta try this.
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This build sounds so stupid but funny. I'll try it if I manage to get these four perks on a killer.
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It’s an entertaining riot. I’ll make sure to pretend it’s important that I keep my Hexes by going after a ToTH notification, make the survivors more determined to try and cleanse them rather than do gens, then I let the chaos happen.
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Yeah it's a good one. You can also run doc with sniper addons to zap them off the totems which will only make them more obsessed with cleansing them
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This was EXACTLY what I was doing 🤣
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Here's another good build for you.
The hardcore Expose build,
Noed. Haunted. Undying Devour hope.
along with One Shot Clown
Never expect it,
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Retribution might be the most underrated perk in the game honestly. On Myers and plague it can win games on its own
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In this build, what's the worst Hex to lose first?
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I'm so stupid. I sat here for fifteen minutes thinking what "MAN" was.
"Is it a hex? It'd be easier remembering the killers who have hexes"
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My go-to "Forever Exposed" fun-build is Make Your Choice, Starstruck, Agitation, Dragon's Grip with Trapper.
The idea is to go as fast as possible to a 4 or 3 gen and start setting traps there, by the time you're done, you should already have lost 2 gens, maybe 3.
The tricky part is getting someone down quick. After that, hook them in the middle of the 3 gen or 4 gen and kick the gen that has most progress.
It all goes downhill from there, and fairly quick too.
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I remember a match where i tried to protect survivors from cleansing totems. They always ran back to the same totem and once they cleansed it, all 4 perished due to HG. Fun times!
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Can i offer you a cup of coffee or something stronger?
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After playing 2 matches with this build on Mendslinger i also need that Whiskey.
- Gen rushed with 5 cakes. While i wanted to farm. Survivors escape with 13 to 17k basepoints and ask if i was playing serious. Obviously not.
- Only 2 cakes, so i play normal. First totem gets cleansed before i cross the map (survivor spawned on it). I get a few hooks and 1 down from HG. I down a survivor for the second time (2 other hooks in between) and he disconnects + leaves a message in russian on my profile. Now i remember why i should have used Freddy for that build.
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What?! Oh that's just awful! I feel so bad for you
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(stupid, sexy, cultured clown main...)
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Unrelated to the build, but I've been playing a lot of solo-que in the past few day's, and you will not believe how many people were running Hunted Grounds. Like seriously, this perk showed up almost every single match I played.
Is there some hidden Hunted Grounds meta I'm unaware of?
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It just sounds better on paper I guess.
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Haunted Grounds is just a really neat and easy to use hex perk. About every person out there will cleanse a hex totem when they find it and 60 seconds of Exposed on everyone is nothing to scoff at. Even without any good build idea in mind, it's usually a pretty solid perk that gets results. Rarely do I have games where it doesn't activate.
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But I even saw killers like Huntress running it. In all my 2,000 hours, I don't think I've ever encountered this perk so much.
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Ok, this perk is good and all but Huntress isn't a great killer to use it on. Maybe they just don't have anything better to use?
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HG is better than Undying. With HG you get at least the exposed status. While Undying is just a decoy perk that has no downsides for survivors.
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That does sound kinda hilarious actually! Love those crazy meme builds!
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Yeah, I kind of regret getting Undying instead of Haunted at the shop. Undying is a bit better to just protect your Ruin from getting cleansed early, I guess... But Haunted seems more generally usable to me.
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Pre nerf Undying was great. But now, other totem protection perks are simply stronger. Thrill and HG both have more advantages over Undying.
Which ironically is always the first perk to go.