How do you as Survivor player want me to play Killer?

It has gotten to a point in this game where no matter what killer I use, what perks I use, what addons I use I literally cannot play a single match without a single person lecturing me about something I'm doing lame.
So tell me. What do you as a Survivor play want to play against?
- An AI?
- A Killer who allows you to do everything for free?
- No perks?
- No addons?
- Use the worst perks in the game every game?
- When the game starts allow you to do as you please for a full 2 minutes?
Am I missing anything? If so please drop some comments just to see if it helps me not getting lectured every match.
People are gonna complain if you run Monstrous Shrine (that damn OP perk) and only Monstrous Shrine, and they'll complain if you run Blight + Meta.
People are going to complain no matter what you do. The same thing goes for Survivor builds. Killer's complain no matter what too. People will complain if you run off meta, on meta, whatever.
People complain. Just play what you want.
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I only complain about one type of killer. The tunnel and camp at 5 gens killer. Other than that play how you like.
Some survivors just want easy mode same as some killers
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For myself, I hope that everyone in the match gets the chance to participate in a few ways, chases, generators, hook and unhook, healing. Not all survivors aren't going to try any of those things, though, let alone all. I do prefer a killer that will try to work through hooks on all survivors but of course, that's not exactly a killer's goal.
I almost wish the game had a 'hope meter' or a 'despair meter' or something that we could watch and then sort of get more cut-throat when the entity thinks the time is right and the survivors are ripe for culling or the killer needs a lesson in humility!
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Dont tunnel. Dont camp unless all gens are done. Dont slug more than 2 survivors
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If you're on PC, don't read the chat. If you're on console, turn off your messages. It's not complicated.
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All I and many other players ask for is for killers to play fair if they can. So this includes camping and tunneling for no reason. I get sometimes those things are necessary to win, like if you have no kills and there's only 1-2 gens left. I don't really care about that.
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It is completely impossible to please every survivor. Survivors got mad when I killed them, survivors got mad when I farmed, I've even had a survivor get mad at me for hooking everyone 2 times, downing everyone an additional time, and then hanging out for the remainder of the match. Don't bother playing to please others, play to make yourself happy.
Though if you unironically want my opinion, I'm happiest playing against a killer who switches up their targets (meaning each survivor has a chance to do multiple things in the game and nobody spends the whole game gen jockeying or getting chased) and only hangs around the hook if there's another survivor there or they've got stuff to kick. I don't care much if you camp/tunnel towards the late game, but I hate when it's done at the start of the game.
I especially appreciate killers who don't punish players for getting sandbagged or farmed by their teammates, but that's more bonus graciousness, not something I'd expect.
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As a survivor I do have a request on how you should play!
Play how you want to. And if you want to play to win, do that, I'll match your energy. Want to play to be toxic? I wont like it, but I'll do my best. Play to meme and want me to escape? Darling, I'm matching your energy and dying to the entitys lil hug. Memes are life.
Play how you want. Ignore the complainers, the whiners, the entitleds. This game isnt supposed to be one sided. Its supposed to be challenging. Fun! So you do you, to hecklers with the haters.
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Pretty much this.
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There will never be one true answer, every survivor wants something different. Just play normal, idk what normal is per say but theres really no reason to sweat at 5 gens or camp, its impossible to get each side to play fair though. When i play killer im playing just to play, i have no reason to camp slug or tunnel even if im losing hard, you know why? cause its just a game and ranks dont matter, even if i have no kills and 2 hooks and the doors are about to open i dont camp the hook, they won, they did their objective and i failed. Next game. i probably still got a good chunk of BP and thats all i care about
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I always wonder about this, I see many people say that they always get flammed after a match but I play killer and rarely get any toxicity, sometimes it makes me think that some players do have a trashy way of playing.
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Use the worst perks in the game with no add-ons.
And stand in the corner after a gen is done.
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You can play however you want and that is the right way.
I don't like bm but it is your choice to do that too like it is mine to react to it as I see fit.
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Play as you want but it doesn't mean I'm not going to be annoyed if you tunnel and slug at 5 gens or whatever.
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I save my crouch as Ghostface for those who BM. It is a sacred privilege when I slap my... um... charms, on a survivors face. Clearly they are asking for the real deal as they dunk on the... floor? I am such a nice soul that I will give it to them.
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Do 100000 hooks but don't kill anyone, even if they stay on your face
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Just tunnel. Every survivor more or less says the only fun part is being chased.