I'm so sick of the DCs

Seriously, just play the game and quit ruining the fun of the other players involved. I'm really missing the DC penalty because without it, there's DCs left and right no matter which side I play. I just want to play the game and enjoy it but dealing with these constant rage quitters because things aren't going their way is really getting annoying.
Devs, I understand that people were unintentionally DCing due to the crashes and I know that y'all are working on getting that fixed before bringing the penalty back, but please fix those issues. Players abusing DCs is a serious problem that is more problematic than the things that make people DC.
Incoming people sayings "DCing is alright" in 3..... 2..... 1....
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Right lol
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DC's because of crashes is the worst feelings. I enjoy a survivor disconnecting but at the same time it effects my points too.
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I'm in full agreeance with you though. I don't think they should add them back until the game is in working order, but they amount of times I spawn in (either as killer or Survivor) and somebody either DC's immediately (likely to de-rank) or after they get downed once, no matter how long the case is, is really starting to get on my nerves.
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Oh yeah eating a 5-minute ban because of something you couldn't control was annoying but I really hope that gets fixed so actual intentional DCers get punished.
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It is annoying but it's only way now I don't want to be punished for something I can't control I'll rather take lost game than 24 hour bans each day because of crash
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Let’s hope the fix that soon.
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I never cared if people DCed before and I don't care now. What I do care about is being forced to stay in a game I don't want to play anymore, because the killers slugs because they know I want out, or because I can't kill myself on hook anymore. All of these changes along with the DC penalty make me play the game less and less.
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Don’t tunnel or camp and you’ll see little DCs
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If this is pointed directly towards me then I think you’re telling the wrong person not to camp or tunnel because I don’t do it unless I absolutely need to.
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People are entitled. You don't even have to tunnel or camp. If people feel that you are ruining their fun, they will DC. I had a person DC earlier because they got unhooked and proceeded to go unhook another person I just hooked like 3 seconds ago. So I downed the savior and they DC. I didn't tunnel. They made a bad play and didn't want to accept that they did. So they DC while probably thinking I tunneled them.
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Patently untrue. I do neither of these things and I get players DCing in 1/3 to 1/2 of my killer games. People DC when they see a sign of a killer they don't like, people DC when they go down for the first time, people DC when they try a tech and fail, people DC when (they think) I'm about to kill them on death hook. DCs are rampant right now.
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It’s for all killers. I see only 1 or 2 dcs in 100 games if the killer doesn’t camp/tunnel
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Game is already unplayable on consoles, turning off the dc penalty to also make things significantly worse on pc was a mistake. You cannot expect to please every person's silly rulebook so they stay in the game.
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It's the worst as killer, if you down someone early on It's a guaranteed d/c and loss of a BBQ stack
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I've yet to meet someone who wants the DC penalty removed who doesn't regularly abuse it with the "I don't want to be forced to play this match" excuse. People don't want to except the consequences.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Once again; DCers trying to blame everyone else for their toxic behavior.
Even if no one tunneled and camped; DCers would find other reasons, and other excuses, to keep pulling the plug instead of learning to git gud.
Hence why we need a punishment at all; scrubs will scrub.
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It's super annoying especially during this event when the cakes are wasted.
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How about you don’t leave and actually don’t ruin 4 other players’ fun. Some people like playing Spirit and want to play an actual real game.
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Someone had to say it!
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I hope you're letting your fellow survivors know in the pre-game lobby that you'll plan to DC at any available opportunity if things don't go the way YOU want them to. I'm sure they'd appreciate that heads-up, so they can bail to another lobby with actual "teammates", and not myopic-thinking indiviudals who ignore the consequences of their actions on the experience of others.
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Ya I have noticed many many many more! It's really destroying the vibe.
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Ruin other players fun?
That's what the killer player already does in the first place by playing Spirit. It's not like other Survivors cared in my games anyway, with the dc penalties on they'd just throw the game against her and kill themselves on first hook.
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Maybe some people actually like Spirit and want to enjoy playing as her? You ever considered that?
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no one plays as spirit to ruin survivors fun... sorry if you feel that way tho.
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I'm not an advocate for DCing by any means, but this double standard surprises me a bit:
- It's not ok to ruin peoples' fun by DCing from a match/it's selfish/etc.
- Yet, it IS ok to ruin people's fun with selfish behaviors like genrushing, camping, tunneling, etc. which are all excused by their respective sides all the time as valid, yet are only beneficial to the person using them as well.
Why are people allowed to ruin peoples' fun for their own benefit, but not ruin peoples' fun by leaving something they don't want to play?
I just find it weird that one of these is seen as a moral travesty, while the others are all perfectly fine regardless of who's experiences they ruin.
You can say they're in the game so they're valid, but so is the leave match option. So which is it? No malice or agenda here, just genuine curiousity.
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What a self-absorbed view. Since you don't like Spirit, clearly everyone in the world only picks her to troll. Absolutely no one can have a different opinion from yours, and thus enjoy playing Spirit! 🤦♂️
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At least there’s actually some form of play against those things you stated. DCing just gets rid of one person for the whole match with no other say from the other players.
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Here the thing... everything is camping and tunneling to people who blame everything and everyone for their own poor plays. Unfortunately that is a huge chunk of the player base.
Also saying 'I won't DC as long as you play how I want' is childish.
Can't wait for the penalty and ban system to stop entitled little brats ruining the match for everyone ^^
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umm I've had plenty of teammates who DC'd at the start of the match cause they got hit first.
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you said it best.
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Don't rush gens and you'll see much better and Funner games,
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It's still wrong to DC just because your opponent isn't playing the way you want them too.
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At what point did I say that? I have never cared when my teammates or killers DCed before, and I don't care now. It's stupid that this game forces people to stay in when they want out, and because if that, I play less and less. I'm not sure how you turned that into "I'm going to DC every time I'm downed," but go off, sis. I'm not even sure why I'm bothering to respond when you seem unable to comprehend the words I typed, or you're just blinded by your own projections.
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I can't recall the last time, as survivor, that a killer seemed to let up on the survivors or dicked around in long chases just because gens were going slowly.
Let's face it; players that play hardball play hardball regardless of what the other side is doing.
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One could argue that there's no game play against a Spirit who phases back to the hook as soon as your teammate takes you off and chooses to put you back on. Wash, rinse, repeat until death hook.
As a player, I agree with you for sure, and I don't think DCing is the answer to anything, but I also don't think "ruins the experience of others" is an objective reason that can only be applied to some situations but not others.
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You're acting like this is the only game with a DC penalty.
'It's stupid that this game forces people to stay in when they want out, and because if that, I play less and less.'
Literally EVERY small-squad PvP game has DC penalties so selfish players don't ruin the fun. DBD did not invent DC penalties.
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I don't play any other game that has DC penalties. It is not literally every small-squad PVP game. Again, I never said DBD invented them. It's not fun being forced to stay in a game you want out of. I love that you turned me saying I'M STUCK IN A GAME to YOU DC CONSTANTLY AND RUIN IT FOR EVERYONE
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Here's the thing; NO ONE wants to 'stay in an unfun game'. The problem being, most people DON'T LIKE LOSING!
So no DC penalty turns 'I'm losing!' into 'I'm not having fun! DCs'. And thus, no Killer/Survivor can ever finish a match as people DC for 'not enjoying the match' when they start losing.
NOW do you get why the DC penalty exists? Or is 'your fun' the only metric that matters, and everyone should make sure you're happy, lest you DC! 🤦♂️
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Oh thank you. I really appreciate you explaining it to me. I was too stupid to understand why the DC penalty existed before you came along. Please, continue to ignore what I said, put words in my mouth, and project your own thoughts onto me. FACEPALM
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You DC defenders are really exposing yourselves.
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Your own words:
"What I do care about is being forced to stay in a game I don't want to play anymore, because the killers slugs because they know I want out, or because I can't kill myself on hook anymore. All of these changes along with the DC penalty make me play the game less and less."
Whatever you want to claim, that's an egocentric view of the game. With your take, you clearly put your own self-interests over those of anyone else, priortizing your experience to be more important than the other people you play with. As someone who plays solo survivor from time to time, you're exactly the type of player I hope to never see in my lobby as a teammate, and it's players who think that way that are the reason I prefer playing as part of a SWF. I know that, no matter what, they won't quit on me or the rest of the team, even if that particular match isn't fun, because it screws the rest of us over.
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They're not wrong, though. The reason the DC penalty has to exist is because in a game like this, one side's fun - successful plays - typically comes at the other side's frustration and unsuccessful plays. If you let players DC whenever they feel like it, it becomes nearly impossible to finish matches, much less archive challenges that specifically want all four players to end up skulled and not unplugged. Survivors are completely screwed if another survivor disconnects at the start of the game, which survivors are starting to do in obnoxious numbers. You get people that cherrypick the games they're willing to play, and will disconnect if they're found too early, if their first chase doesn't go well, if the killer is on their list of 'I don't want to play against these killers', if a perk they don't like is in play. They leave a string of doomed games in their wake, and 3/4 other players wasting their offerings, addons, and items as well as their time. Killers do the same thing, quitting if the early game doesn't go their way, but at least the game just ends and the survivors get a bonus 5k for it.
It's already been amply demonstrated that people take 'I'm not having fun' way too liberally here. Whether you have a more moderate assessment of situations as they happen are irrelevant, because too many other players are blatantly abusing it. And as it is, the fact that you're complaining about players slugging you because you blatantly ask them to put you on hook is a little telling.
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I've seen survivors disconnect after getting downed in the first 30 seconds of a chase, because they get overly cocky with taunting the killer and the killer wipes the floor with them. No tunneling, no camping, no toxic behavior, etc. Just the survivor being an absolute child, thinking the world revolves around them, and not giving a single care about the team aspect of the game. I had people disconnect against my Bubba on Midwich the moment I revved my chainsaw, because they couldn't handle playing Leatherface on the worst map for him..
It's why if I see enough disconnects in a lobby, I'll let the remaining survivors have a choice of taking the easy way out or farm it out and move onto the next game. People's experiences shouldn't be destroyed because "oh no, killer got a BS hit on me!"
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That has nothing to do with it. People are dc-ing simply for being downed. Camping and tunneling don't apply when the killer hasn't even hooked a survivor
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Tbf, it can be quite the gamble to ease up on the Survivors. These times are rare, but in the past, if I knew that the Survivors were struggling then I'd go out of my way to give them multiple extra chances. However this backfired on a few occasions as suddenly, 4 or 5 gens turned into 2, then 1 and finally none. These days, I'll just play normally and maybe I'll give hatch to the last one if I really feel bad. It isn't always easy to determine the skill of any particular player so it's understandable I think, that many people don't really go easy when they're winning. So yeah, you're probably right.
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Oh, absolutely. And there's been times I gave a hook to a struggling killer towards the end of the game and got camped/tunneled for it. A lack of communication makes it near-impossible to differentiate bad gameplay from intentionally letting up, so players are almost always going to play as though the other side is giving it their all.
Being nice or forgiving typically doesn't pay off, so you can only really afford to do it when you don't care about the outcome.
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Just popping in to remind everyone to please keep the discussion civil and respectful, and please remember that the endorsement or encouragement of Unsportsmanlike Conduct (DCing) is against Forum Rules.
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I actually think that if someone DC's then the match should just end. Its so unfair when you're at 5 gens and someone leaves. Also you might dislike me for this but if someone DC's at the the start of the match then i do too, the match is a lost cause at the point and theres no point in playing.