Survivors, I’m not here to hear your crap

TheGorgon Member Posts: 777
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

I don’t understand people’s mindset nowadays. DBD is marketed as an asymmetrical PvP Horror game. Both sides have different goals and they have to reach their goals to win.

As a Killer, I’m supposed to guarantee you to leave the match dead. As a Survivor, I’m supposed to leave the game via exiting the exit gates.

I happen to come across some laughable and to be Frank, popular unreasonable criticism. It sounds selfish, but as a killer, I do not need to meet your rules. I never ever read your personal ToS and agreed to it right before the game started.

My job is to kill you. I don’t care if you don’t like me tunneling or camping during one time or another. It’s admittedly an optimal strategy since it helps me reach my final goal.

I don’t like being tunneled or camped either, but sometimes the killer needs to do it to get the upper hand, which is absolutely understandable. So yeah, I dislike many things in DBD, but it doesn’t mean I need to obey or satisfy the other side.

Just thought I had to get this off, since many people are under the impression that camping and tunneling are super cowardly strategies, when they’re in fact very optimal strategies that are required in many situations to win.

Last but not least, a couple of the issues people have with DBD are from their ego’s being recently hurt, not actual core issues within the game itself, I.E Camping & Tunneling. Just because you don’t like something, doesn’t mean there’s anything particularly wrong with it.

Genrush away, it’s your goal after all. I have perks and add-ons to try to slow down that process that is required for you to win, just like you do for camping & tunneling. To both sides, stop verbally abusing people in the post-match chat and realize that putting arbitrary rules on the other side is simply silly & stupid.

EDIT: Since so many people are taking the post the wrong way, I need to clarify something: The only time I would condone and tunnel/camp someone is when the game is blowing by and I need to get some pressure on the survivors. Getting one person out of the game is favorable at 1 or 2 gens left.

Post edited by TheGorgon on


  • Sypherpathic
    Sypherpathic Member Posts: 488

    It's a fundamental problem with a multiplayer game online, of course. It's easy to inculcate a sense of 'other' and revile the other side even though that other side is just people like us. Somehow, those others are the bad players while the ones like me are the good ones! You see it everywhere there is any choice involved. It's really great when things are done with a sense of community across ALL the players in a match or forums but it rarely happens. Kumbaya, whatever. Can't we all just get along?

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Yeah let me go onto the call of duty or rainbow six siege forum and complain people are shooting at me lmfao.

    If you play killer “nice” in this game…..

    ~the game where you are supposed to be a bloodthirsty serial killer serving a dark god~

    …..I’m convinced you drive the speed limit in grand theft auto.

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    I love it when you hook someone and turn around to see the other 3 survivors like 10 meters away. They get mad if you don't just ignore them and let them unhook and heal on the spot. They'll whine and call you a camper if you don't run to the other side of the map...

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    I think the difference is that camping and tunneling directly impact the ability for survivors to play the game. If I'm found first, and then tunneled down, I didn't really get a chance to do anything.

    The games where I'm the lucky one, I walk away with 3k bloodpoints. I don't expect killers to take it easy, but damn dude, let me get some points.

    Not to mention that camping is not an effective strategy for doing your job, against survivors with a brain. And against good survivors, tunneling isn't the greatest either.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited July 2021

    So we should only hear your c..p then?

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759

    Hmm actually well said. I mean I agree I don't think we need any more threads on this. But honestly I would say your post summarizes this really well. And I'm not being sarcastic. I actually enjoyed this perspective. 🧐

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    If camping and tunneling didn’t work people would not be on here every day crying about them.

    The answer is to play survivor better. You only need to run the killer for about 80 seconds to win the game if your team is actually doing gens. How people can’t even manage that against M1 killers on maps like “the game” is beyond me.

    When I am killing people before corrupt intervention is over it’s because they were friggin terrible. There’s just no other way to put it. And there’s no reason to stop chasing them if they go down in 15 seconds every time. Easy win for me. It’s really that simple. Same with camping at 5 gens left. No better time to do it. I know the survivors can’t end the game before I secure the kill and can snowball in the 3v1.

    Camping and tunneling have nothing to do with skill. They are strategies that you employ in the right situations when they are beneficial to you. That’s it.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    Popular but unreasonable opinions? Ok keep saying "genrush".

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    You cant compare CoD to DbD, they are 2 VERY different games.

    In fact you cant really compare any game to DbD when it comes to this topic because DbD is asymmetrical, they are not many games out there where 2 teams are basically playing a different game in the same match.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    Thats true but thats not exclusive to asymmetrical games either, the minute you make a game where 2 sides have different objectives, this applies

    The difference with DbD is you have 2 sides who are essentially playing 2 different games, and both can go out of their way to make the other miserable without being able to properly respond

  • Daisymoon87
    Daisymoon87 Member Posts: 68

    I am a survivor main. I used to complain about dumb ######### but then I realized that all it did was ruin the game for me. Not to mention that if this were reality...none of these killers would give two shits about my feelings and I most certainly would never come across a "fun killer". I've learned to just play and try not to get frustrated over things I have no control over. I mean, I really hate dying so quickly but it just shows me that I need to work on my chase and my loops so that the killer can't down me so easily.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    People complain about camping and tunneling because it royally sucks to get camped and tunneled.

    Also, you literally just made my point: if you're camping/tunneling and it's working, it's because you're just shitting on bad survivors.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    I agreed with you until you said that there are times you need to tunnel and camp. There is never a reason to tunnel or camp unless you are just that bad at killer that you need to in order to get one kill or you are intentionally trying to piss players off and ruin their day.

  • meowzilla69
    meowzilla69 Member Posts: 408

    Can we stop with the divisiveness?? It’s getting old honestly

  • Pookalookie
    Pookalookie Member Posts: 31

    I pretty much put “GG” and continue to the next game. People will get angry it’s better to ignore them. I also like to think if someone does get salty in the chat, they eventually realize they're talking to themselves :)

  • Sup3rCatTree
    Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588

    Bruh I'm sick and tired of tying essays for killer mains like you complaining about survivors even though they don't play survivor. I'm not even going to bother at this point.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You're job is to kill everyone. Not one person, not three people, everyone. Tunneling only really helps in trials you could have won anyway, and camping is only useful in very sweaty trials.

  • CLB198
    CLB198 Member Posts: 315

    You can hear the survivors?

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,292

    Here's where you're wrong: If, starting tomorrow, every single killer camped, tunnelled and slugged exclusively, the game would be dead within the week.

    So if you want to continuo playing this game, play with some consideration for the other's enjoyment. I'll take some time out for funny perk builds, going for chests, and cleansing dulls if you refrain from tunnelling, camping, and slugging.

    Both sides need the other to continue playing this game. It got plastered over the forums when survivor queues were getting long, so now that killer queues are 5 min+, you'll have to hear it too.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281
    edited July 2021

    Well i got super salty red rank survivors yesterday. I was playing as wraith i noticed 3 of them had flashlights so yeah i put franklins on, and yes i had NOED.

    Well during the game i knocked their stupid flashlights of their hands and after their few minute gen rush i killed 3 of them with my noed. They started complaining to me that i used crappy perks and yada yada you know the normal survivor stuff and i just wrote to them...

    Do bones and this wont happen.

    If you bring that many flashlights yes i will franklin them out of your hands cant stand them

    and last one they said to me was go play clown it fits you..sure i can go play clown but im still going to use NOED and franklins against groups like you <3

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    That is a good idea. I ran into a flashlight squad and wished I had lightborn, or whatever from Hillbilly, but Franklin's WOULD do the job. Thanks for the tip.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Remember the good ol days of getting spawncamped in TF2 by 6 snipers and sentry guns? Im sure they cared about MY FUN, as i paid for that game too.

    Dayum, vs mode in L4D2 was lit, but why dont let the infected let me rush through the level?

    Ever went by that door in De_dust2 and got instantly headshot? how dare they ruin my game by removing me from the round!!!!


  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60


    If the game dies is not the player's fault.

    In fact there's no fault, no right or wrong in players who choose to act on a set of possibilites. Which is the intended game design.

    Otherwhise you are limiting the playerbase that enjoys doing or facing those strategies, designer/s' freedom, probably contributing to a more monotonous environment...

    Now of course if you have proof that a reduction on those strategies would be beneficial for the game i would be interested to see them.

  • Wavy
    Wavy Member Posts: 162

    Camping Tunneling and Slugging are unfair. Gen rush is fine you have a lot of meta perks to counter it. Play fair next time.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    If like 3 - 4 Gens are done and all 4 Survivor are alive tunneling can really to get 1 Survivor out so u can better Protect the Last 3 Gens because if 1 Survivor is Missing u get a better Chance

    There is a Different between tunneling and hard Tunneling. Hard tunneling is stupid and unfun where the Killer only focus on 1 Survivor and ignoring the other Survivors. Tunneling can be used as a Tactik i mean IT a Survivor get unhooked and the same Survivor always running into my Face why i should ignore them ? why should Survivor tell me how i should Play ? 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Also Camping also can be a Tactik for some Killers. In a Twins Main and if 2 Survivor are left i really like to put Victor on a hook so if the other Survivor try to unhook u easy CAN find him and make some damage on him :)

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    The stupid " Survivor Rule Book " is just Nonsense i Play how i want

    I had a Game where a Survivor blamed me just because i didnt let him escabe when the ExitGates was open a Killer should always let the Killer escabe when Exitgates are open 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤣

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,292

    It can be.

    Games die to exploit abuse and hackers all the time. Now, those are, of course, outside of the game's actual mechanisms, but it still demonstrates that players can have a negative impact on any game environment if they so choose.

    Camping is constructed out of the game's mechanisms, sure, which would make it BHVR's fault for letting it sit there. But if players opt, en masse, to abuse it, then it's their fault too.

    I contribute to the game's health by choosing not to engage with the worst aspects. I don't tunnel, I don't camp, I rarely slug. I could opt to just run a facecamp build and play Bubba all the time, but doing so would make me complicit in DBD's worst aspect and I would personally be making the biggest problems more eminent.

    In short, if the game were to die to camping, it would be partly BHVR's fault for enabling it, and partly players' fault for exploiting it.

    Otherwhise you are limiting the playerbase that enjoys doing or facing those strategies, designer/s' freedom, probably contributing to a more monotonous environment...

    And this is a useless argument that can justify literally anything. You could say that the removal of old DS was 'limiting the playerbase, the designer's freedom, and contributing to a more monotonous environment'.

    This kind of thinking operates from the assumption that there is no 'generally good' and 'generally bad' form of game design, but if that were the case, why are some games complete flops while others succeed? There is such a thing as 'engaging gameplay', and camping is pretty definitively -not- it.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598

    just look at the Football EM, poor Brits had no fun after losing the match, talking about all the other teams before them!

    how DARE you think they had fun losing their matches!

    they also deserve better, what about THEIR FUN?!

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777
    edited July 2021

    Probably have double the amount of hours on survivor than killer, but go ahead. Last but not least, I never implied that I do it often. I was just saying that in the worst of the worst situations where survivors have so much pressure on the killer, getting one person out for game is the best way to go about it.

    I wouldn’t tunnel or camp someone if I didn’t need to make some type of pressure at a very stressing time. You see this in tournament play and in really sweaty games, killers sometimes tunnel/camp to gain the upper hand or to make pressure in a very bad situation.

  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60

    Games die to exploit abuse and hackers all the time. Now, those are, of course, outside of the game's actual mechanisms, but it still demonstrates that players can have a negative impact on any game environment if they so choose.

    There's a reason why i bringed intended design.

    All players have agreed to play under same circunstances. They are equally responsible of being exposed to the same emotional triggering factors.

    Notice how i avoided your wording "negative impact" for "emotional triggers".

    Why? Cause the negative connotation and the specific triggers is completely dependant on each individual and no player can have proof that a specific intended behaviour has a "real negative impact" on the game.

    I contribute to the game's health by choosing not to engage with the worst aspects. 

    The same as above, how exactly you determined those are unhealthy or worst aspects of the game?

    And this is a useless argument that can justify literally anything. You could say that the removal of old DS was 'limiting the playerbase, the designer's freedom, and contributing to a more monotonous environment'.

    Before the DS was changed it was intended player behaviour, the argument still holds...

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Tunneling doesn't help in that situation, you're ######### either way because the survivor is just going to waste you're time. The only thing that helps there is hooking someone near the generators and patrolling the area. And to be perfectly honest, those situations don't come up all that often in most regions, and yet camping is still a huge issue, as is tunneling. Funny that.

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    Another post specifically attacking one side...

    Thank you for the perfect example of why this community is corrupt, its always the Us vs Them mindset

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,292

    No, you don't have an argument, because your argument is 'no one can judge whether something is good or bad'. You are trying to approach game design like it's an exact science like chemistry or mathematics, and that doesn't work.

    By its very nature, game design is all about emotional triggers.

    Your attitude is to throw up your hands and turn the game into abandonware because there is no 'good' or 'bad'. There's no possible way of improving the game because there is no 'good'. Conversely though, this can also be used to flip the coin the other way and say that there's no reason not to implement something, because you can't prove it won't be good.

    So if someone said 'bring back perma-sabotage', you can't bring up the argument that perma-sabotage was unbelievably bad design.

    Before the DS was changed it was intended player behaviour, the argument still holds...

    Then why was it removed?

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    It's not a strategy, as a strategy, or tactic, requires thinking and planning. And there is no such thing in something like "Me see you, me chase you forever" (and to be clear, read this with the voice of Samination's Trapper, it represents many killer mains). So no, neither camping nor tunneling are strategies, they are just choosing the easy way because you can't be bothered to do anything else, or you simply can't. Just like full SWFs. Killers always try to make it sound like they are not being toxic towards players that might as well be playing solo, when they camp and tunnel. And they always, purposefully, fail to see the bigger picture. Which is that of you preventing someone from playing. Or I take it that you would like to pay 20 bucks for a pizza, and then get kicked out of the restaurant empty handed, because you are not allowed to eat it?

  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60


    No, you don't have an argument, because your argument is 'no one can judge whether something is good or bad'. 

    Please read what you write, you are not only contradicting yourself on the first phrase but attributing words that i never said.

    You are trying to approach game design like it's an exact science like chemistry or mathematics, and that doesn't work.

    What of what i wrote made you think that?

    Then why was it removed?

    Because DEVS determined that it was better for the game. Following that logic, if Tunneling, Camping, Slugging... are still unchanged it's cause they are good?

    One more time... my argument,

    Cause the negative connotation and the specific triggers is completely dependant on each individual and no player can have proof that a specific intended behaviour has a "real negative impact" on the game.

    This is about player's influencing other player's behaviour. About connotations of what is good or what is wrong for the game from a player perspective who probably lacks all the tools to know it.

    Of course i'm going to need proof to know why any player would want to influence other based on the potential false premise of knowing better.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435

    Everybody should play how he/she likes... But I don’t get it, why some killer are more interested in a 4k even if they kill every survivor on first hook and finish the game with 16k bloodpoints in 3 minutes, instead of playing more relaxed an Max out the bloodpoints... It’s just a thing of mindset. Personally I prefer this way, although I get sometimes only 1 or 2 kills.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598

    I wonder about that Survivors who 5gen with 5 Cake offerings as well.. people are weird

This discussion has been closed.