Wraith's rework

jamally093 Member Posts: 1,783
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

Why did Wraith get a rework he never needed one he was fine the way he was.

The blur thing wasn't even a problem it could have been see as a way to not make him so powerful ever kill has a counter.

Trapper you can see his traps and disarm them running doesn't show the prompt to disarm but that's what makes it good to face him be careful.

Old Wraith you could see where he was if you looked closely but he was still hard to see and he made a noise when cloaked so he wasn't overpowered.

Hillbilly he could charge at you hiding behind objects or lockers helped.

Nurse running to her or going behind big obstacles to help with blinks.

The list goes on every killer has a counter but not a big one to ruining the fun of the killer but not seem overpowered to survivors.

The one rework i've seen that was good with Hillbilly and Leatherface mainly Leather since he could constantly chainsaw but with Wraith he's overpowered and hard to face since the rework i've never eacaped him if i play as him every survivor has no chance of escaping.
