It finally happened people saying new Hillbilly is busted.

I just read a post and people are saying Hillbilly is mega busted and yet have forgot Spirit existed. Even Sluzzy has said new Hillbilly is pretty fair. I'm saying this because I don't want my Hillbilly to be hurt again.
Edit: Turns out this was from an old post before the nerf that somehow got so high up.
Entering that rabbit hole will just drain your sanity.
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This game has taken what little sanity I had left.
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I think that post was from 2019 if you read what I did LOL.
I doubt Billy will see anything except buffs/bugfixes in the future with the communities sentiment on him.
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I still have PTSD from the Billy nerf.
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People are crying about Wraith. If they're complaining about him, they'll complain about every killer.
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How did such old a post suddenly get so high up?
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Someone must have necromanced it HAHA. Must have commented thinking it was recent when they used the search bar.
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I don't blame you for reacting that way after such a traumatic, terrible nerf.
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Billy is pretty good if you know how to play him. New billy is had but manageable
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Wraith definitely isn't anywhere close to being a top tier killer, but he certainly is a miserable time for the average survivor. I love playing Wraith...but even I can't stand playing against him.
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The fear that headline made me feel, thinking they had nerfed my boy again.
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Reworked Billy needs some tweaks to increase his curving potential. Right now -at base- he can only hit a curve when you're at around 5m of distance AND the survivor has to run through the pallet at that exact distance without dropping it. At any other distance you're either:
- A: Too close / close enough to get stunned (>5m)
- B: So far away the survivor is out of range (<5m) for a curve-hit as they will be around the next corner just in time even if you turn around the corner perfectly with maximum-curve-angle (which is harder to do consistently than playing Nurse).