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Do you think Nemesis was wasted?

I think he was too powerful a killer to integrate into this game, and they screwed up. Zombies don't even have a purpose, they're stuck most of the time. Please help me to change my mind.


  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I mean, they have Freddy and Pyramid Head in game, both of whom are technically far more powerful than Nemesis. If you go by lore, that is. I think they did a decent job at his kit. The third SB could be removed. And I wish zeds had more variety. Not to mention the total let down the map was.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2021

    I completely agree, he was kind of wasted. That’s why I was hoping for the Dimitrescu daughters. At least with them, they wouldn’t have had to be watered down and made weaker.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    I've been dominating with him. I don't get why everyone else is having so much trouble using him effectively and my zombies damn near win chases for me at times, but i have learned how to build nemmy and manage them so they are always where I need them.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063
    edited July 2021

    I thought that'd be the case at first, but Nemesis and Plague have totally different playstyles. Their similarities are only superficial. Plague creates lose-lose situations around cleansing and has an insanely powerful ranged attack that survivors have to give her; Nemesis has almost no benefits to survivors 'cleansing' and a much weaker ranged attack that he builds up over the course of the match and can get on his own even if he can't hit survivors at all, and unlike her, he never powers down. Nemesis is also a pallet muncher like Demo - who he plays much more like than Plague. Plague is a snowballer with powerful anti-stealth.

    Anyway, I like playing Nemesis quite a bit. The zombies are a fun mechanic and very useful for giving you direction during the match, and his M2 is easy to use even if it has the extra health state involved. Yeah, it extends a chase if you infect a survivor instead of damaging them, but I get along just fine when I M2 in places I wouldn't have gotten the M1 hit. Yeah, he's considerably weaker than Nemesis would be, but there's no way his power level could be held true in a game that gives you flashlights and pallets to fend him off rather than high ordinance. I'm having fun with the big guy.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    Everyone says they should have used the characters from 7 and 8 do you realize that would suck this is celebrating 25 years of Resident evil and Baker and Alcina don’t represent resident evil Nemesis is the main icon of resident evil.

    About nemesis I was kind of disappointed with his power but I was optimistic but then I got angry let me explain

    His power is basically just Plague and pyramid head put together it’s not a original power and the fact that it’s just a tentacle are you serious. In RE3 he used a rocket launcher a flamethrower and a mini gun. I was expecting his rocket launcher to appear but it didn’t he feels very watered down. I love how he has zombies but there so bugged and they always get stuck.

    Overall he’s very disappointing I kinda wish MR X was added instead

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Well you see we arent allowed good killers and when I made a post about zombies people said they needed nerfing lol. We cant have nice chapters while survivors constantly complain about them all

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,199

    he is like plague because that is what his lore is about. RE is all about infection that overwhelms everyone else but that S.T.A.R members are immune to. Its same for zombies. obviously they can't give nemesis rocket launcher so they had to downsize weapons and take context that DBD is not FPS. he is faithful recreated from lore.

    He is just weak but its BVHR so what do you really expect? he is not wasted, he is just got BVHR treatment so survivors do not complain.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    I think he is alright.

    But, I think the Zombies are pretty annoying, an original Killer with Nemesis Power would probably not come with Zombies - they are only implemented because it is an RE-Chapter.

    I really dont get why the Killer should get free zoning - as braindead as the Zombies are for most of the time (sometimes their AI is terrible), they are not too strong or anything, but getting smacked by a Zombie during a Chase or having to leave a Gen/Totem/whatever, just because of RNG is annoying.

  • ouroboros_world
    ouroboros_world Member Posts: 215

    You seriously complaining about zombies, just go to a different gen, they’re only 2 of them and is easily counter by flashlights. I don’t find it annoying, I actually enjoy zombies as a a survivor they even block nemesis in tight corridors so he is force to destroy them. Maybe buff the zombies speed or let perks work with them. Besides it’s rng and they’re really slow and only time they shine is in loops or hiding around corners. They suck at gen defense since you can perma blind them since flashlights blind them for 30 seconds which is a long time

  • Ludicris
    Ludicris Member Posts: 244

    I see equal parts people complain that he's too strong, and equal parts complain that's too strong. Same with his zombies mechanic. With that, I find he's a balanced Killer. I would like to see how well he does when they fix the bugs with his Zombies getting stuck, fixing their AI, and smoothing out his whip attack.

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    I'd like one more zombie plz :)

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I do not understand the complaints, he feels very unique because he has so much going for him. The vaccines are kind of like Pig (but actually useful), the infections are kind of like Plague, his tentacle is kind of like Pyramid Head (but way less clunky), the tier states are kind of like Myers, and the Zombie AI are more or less original. All of that in one killer.

    This game has a lot of killers who are very one note. At least Nemesis is dynamic as a result of it. Heck, his infection not dealing damage is already quite different. Maybe not in a way that makes him feel strong. But you don't get the "Nemesis experience" by playing other killers, you have to play him. He is one of the best killers in the game, if you ask me. I know survivors whine about any killer that can hit them while they unsafely vault, but the fact that he gives them a free hit should ease their pain just a bit. And with limited vaccines, maybe they are more likely to notice that half their problems come from garbage teammates and not the killer just being some cartoon super villain out to ruin their fun.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,145
    edited July 2021
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    You fail to understand the difference between "annoying" and "too strong".

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    I'd honestly like 1 more zombie because of how big the maps can be.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    I find him to be a really balanced killer and the one I enjoy the most, I find zombies come and join me on loops way more than they get stuck in maps, and if they do get stuck just slap them and it respawns in 12 seconds. The problem with DBD is if a killer is really well balanced people assume that means bad because they aren't spirit.

  • DrStone
    DrStone Member Posts: 132

    Lmao at people complaining that he isn't a good fit for DbD because they needed to water him down.

    I don't think that matters at all. We see that all the characters can be grabbed by the Entity.

    I was disappointed with his power tho, that there isn't anything original about it. Give me some new mechanics. Or imagine him having a rocket launcher that he can use even just once during the game ...

  • HellraisingPredator
    HellraisingPredator Member Posts: 75

    If they removed the zombies and buffed him to compensate I wouldn't mind him, but the zombies are just too annoying, as both survivor and killer.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Zombies can be hit or miss, but I just got out of a game where one basement camped a survivor and got a down for me. But then there's times they're stuck wandering into objects as well. He's fun!

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    Zombies aren’t incredible or anything but they’ve definitely forced me to move to another gen or waste time to kite it away. They’ve interrupted during heals as well. I’m not going to get into what’s good about Nemesis or complain either… not in the mood.. it is what it is.

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    Yes and no; Yes because what we got isn't enough to make the player feel like nemesis (no dash, flamethrower, rocket launcher, more complex power), and no because he is a decent character for people who are new to the game. Even so, I believe that he is a half-baked character in dbd, and unless there are some additions to his power (adding more to infection and longer whip range, and also making the zombies more interactive), he isn't all there.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    I've probably got a couple hundred games on Nemboi and I would say zombies prove to randomly influence the game about 75% of the time and for a wild card element that's pretty good. Even for simple tracking I would say they are always good, sure it's not like a BBQ aura read but monitoring your zombies movements help you read what's happening around the map.

    You can't put a price on watching a dude tea bag you 20 times on a pallet to then immediately go down by a zomboi and then standing over him for 20 seconds to let him take in what just happened.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    the entity can theoretically take away powers of killers to make them more fair to survivors.

    it's not just survivors the entity wants to feed emotions off of.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited July 2021

    He certainly does get wasted by decent survivors.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    I think with DBD you need to stretch your imagination a bit. Licensed characters will never be their true selves, because if they were they would wipe the floor with other characters.

    Michael and Freddy are a good example. Their true characters would have zero issue disposing of 4 survivors. They are watered down in this game.

    On the survivor side there is Ash and Bill. Ash, with his proper chainsaw, could go toe to toe with a bunch of the killers and win. He has faced far worse then Trapper or Pig ^^" Bill has been through hell and back. I am sure he too would be able to take out a few killers as well.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    I wouldn't say wasted but they could have done better with his power tiers and the zombie AI.

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517

    If they didn't pick Nemmy or Mr. X, it probably would've been disappointing on some level

    That being said... it's Nemmy without a rocket launcher, and Nemmy incapable of sprinting or roaring - it's a bit underwhelming to me. There are other one shot down killers that are balanced with limitations on their powers, so I feel like a rocket launcher could've been doable (hefty cooldown, alternative objective to obtain etc.) AI zombies are cool and all, but no matter how you slice it, Nemmy is just a much weaker version of PH. I don't hate this iteration of Nemmy but it just feels very forgettable and underwhelming to me.

    RE Resistance had a boatload of issues, but Nemmy was an absolute blast to play in that. By a wide margin the best part of the game. Nemmy in DBD could've been so much better than what we got. It's hard not to feel disappointed

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    Michael is probably the most in-character licensed killer in the entire game, from his playstyle to his power. You're thinking too much of sequel Michael, where he's more like Jason in terms of strength/durability, whereas DbD's interpretation of The Shape is based on his less Jason-esque portrayal in the 1978 original.

  • InList
    InList Member Posts: 85

    I'm disappointed by his add-ons. Myers has strong and transformative add-ons and there's plenty of potential upgrades Nemmy could enjoy. Even something as simple as showing survivor auras when in range of a zombie isn't here when every other killer has a wall hack linked to their power.

  • Weasdat
    Weasdat Member Posts: 143

    I think his power is dumb and not what I would want from nemesis. It's so weird that a character who's whole thing was his ability to run fast and use heavy weapons that get more dangerous over time has no movement ability for his power. Nothing to make his power more lethal or scarier as the match goes on. Breaking pallets a few milliseconds faster and 1m extra is so lackluster.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    He isn't weak at all, but they should replace his tier 3 with rocket launcher. its kinda funny this huge guy can only use tiny tentacle to attack.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    You do bring up a valid point, its just as you say, this game cannot hold justice to how he is in RE3, that's why I was kinda hoping for the Dimi daughters as people started guessing way earlier, it would've been interesting to see what they did with those three.

    And honestly would be the first bug-related killers, I'm just a tad bit dissapointed in how nemmy was executed in the long run since apparently not a lot of people play him now out of the pbe, or so I heard, I wish it was a bit different.

    Regardless I do believe he seems kinda fun even if it isn't my pick.

    SHYHERIST Member Posts: 165

    Nemesis doesn't have to be weak and rely on zombies. In DBD, I don't have the feeling that I'm playing for Nemesis. Oni look more like a Tyrant than Nemesis himself. It is necessary to remove the zombies and strengthen the killer.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited July 2021

    I think they just kinda wasted a potential power. His power as it is... sure it fits him. He does infect and attack with the whip in both RE3 games. But from a dbd gameplay perspective its jus tkinda boring..

    He's a barely reskinned Pyramid Head, more or less.

    Funnily enough he's still more lethal in dbd then in the remake. Dodge roll turned him into a joke in that game.

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264

    more tha nemesis, I believe that the T VIRUS was wasted...I mean...ok Nemesis gets more powerful if he infects but the virus does literally NOTHING to survs....such an iconic thing for videogame history reduced to cause just a little cough here and was hugely disappointing actually.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    edited July 2021

    For as much as i love nemesis, and especially love his power, yes he was wasted. Too much of his character is too powerful for him to fit into dbd, hes not gonna be able to bring his signature weapons like his RPG into this game, which neuters him a lot. Hes a wonderful pick to represent the franchise, but not very great when you realize how little his character specific quirks fit into dbd. Mr X or the other "Just punches/slashes people" characters would have been the smarter more adaptable choice.

    Also on the subject of zombies, holy hell. How hard is it to program a 2 m/s walking hazard that doesn't constantly get stuck?

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Yes his main power feels pretty boring and isnt unique. I think they should have made him more focused on zombies like remove his tentacle and make his zombies more dangerous and then making him spawn the zombies himself where he wants them to patrol like at a hex and like in loops to stop survivors instead of them just being rng on if they are in the right place at the right time.