Jeez Counter-Force is so underrated

You can literally get rid of nose before it even exists plus it works great with inner strength for a locker build. I want to know why it's so underrated.
I don’t find it super useful because it shows you the furthest totem on the map. I prefer “Detective’s Hunch” over it.
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I've seen people call it overpowered on these forums lol
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Yeah I mean it is definitely strong which is why I'm surprised when people say it's bad or weak
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If it showed the immediate closest totem, yeah, that would be pretty OP. But as a killer, you would have to let the survivor ping pong across the entire map five times.
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I don't think it's underrated at all, I'm pretty sure most people agree it's now the best anti-totem perk in the game. I don't think that seeing the furthest totem away is inherently bad. The reason it's so strong is mainly the 40% speed increase to cleanse. The aura reading just helps push it to be better than Small Game or Detective's Hunch.
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I use Small Game because it is a base perk. I would probably use better stuff if I had it, but I can still find totems easily enough and hide in lockers while my team is brutally murdered.
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I'd say because in solo queue, it doesn't matter if you break all the totems if your team won't do gens. It feels like in a majority of my games, I'm sitting here doing a minimum of 2-3 gens. Otherwise 2 people on deathhook and 1 gen has popped. So naturally I'm going to ignore totem perks. Also, I don't even think NoED is that good that I need to dedicate a slot for it.
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I wish more killers thought this way. I’d say about half of the killers I went up against tonight ran NOED.
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Yeah that's true NOED doesn't need a whole slot but what if the killer has a couple hex perks it also helps with getting rid of them if they are hiding in sneaky spots
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Ruin and Devour Hope are bigger immediate worries to me than NOED. NOED is a later worry.
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I mean, it does have moments where it shines like a killer patrolling a stacked devour totem. I just had less than stellar experiences with it. In a swf, it's pretty good because you can just throw out roles for everyone. But more often then not in my solo games, someone else would run into the hex before I did, or were going around charging inner strength.
It's definitely not trash, but I just find it situational.
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It can be situational but I feel like it can do more especially with the speed boost just in case they have thrill for example
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I still prefer Hunch, but Counterforce + Hunch/Small Game can be combined to make the most consistent totem hunter build.
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When you're the one on your team who does 2-3 gens (god help me, there's 3 other survivors), it tends to not be favored as much as other perks. I'll let the attention seeking/super altruistic people go for it if they want. I mean, they got the time right? Since they're not doing gens? I don't think its underpowered, I just think there's other perks that help your team a lot more overall.
I can see it being incredibly strong on a well coordinated SWF, but since I play solo survivor, I value gen progression and saving teammates a lot more. Most teammates I'm with are not good in chases, they go down in seconds. The only way I'll go looking for hexes or even run Counterforce is if I know my team is decent and can buy me time. Which is most of the time, not the case.
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Because people who play this game are so used to be taken by the hand that when they see a totem light up in the distance they feel like they need to drop everything and go cleanse it now.
If you have some basic knowledge of where totems spawn and you aren't a dum dum going to the furthest one everytime then it's probably the best antitotem perk in the game
Eruption has the same issue where people who use feel like every gen needs to be kicked before downing someone and when they realise they have no pressure cause they have been wasting their time kicking they think the perk sucks
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I’m the same I’d rather run detectives hunch it’s more useful imo
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Its worse than small game or detective's.
Combining is a waste in solo, a luxury you dont have.
Counterforce simply not good enough
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It's outshined by all the other anti-totem options already in game.
It's not really efficient as a totem hunting perk. It's more of a TotH counter.
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Its nowhere near as good as people claim. First off it pretty much forces you into cleansing all totems in a row whereas small game lets you do it at your own pace across the course of a match.
Also, its awful at the one thing it could be good at, finding totems on RPD/Hawkins/Game because it doesnt actually locate your first totem. Then theres the time loss from it always showing the furthest totem.
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Yeah it is really underrated, it is funny how now I can cleanse ruin undying fast as heck plus always healed with inner strength.
Ngl I've single handedly countered more noeds compared to before.
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That's the thing, it doesn't force you at all.
Counterforce is for the people who have mapknowledge of where most of the totems are.
And if you do you can cleanse all totems waay faster then any other totem perk.
If you use it for finding totems it is like using sloppy butcher for tracking. That's not it's main purpose
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My totem buster build requires only 2 things, Detectives hunch and a green map.
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From my experience after using it instead of Detective’s, this perk only really shines in situations where you needed to cleanse something fast. I.E. there is a trap that you have to disarm, so you’re fast enough to cleanse it before Trapper is back, or killer who is generally humping the totem.
On a ‘normal’ game though, at best the aura reading of the furthest totem is just like “sure when I get to that side” because I’m not going over there for one totem.
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It's decent. I find detectives hunch better I my opinion. I'm currently using it in a build and it's ok but the most times I got use out of it was twice.
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Small Game and Detective's Hunch are still overall better, imo. Yes, the cleansing speed with CF can be awesome, especially if the Killer is camping a Devour or NOED totem. But generally, I find the time saved by the cleansing speed doesn't outweigh the time spend zigzagging across the map. CF also somewhat relies on other people not cleansing totems or you stumbling over another one.
Someone who knows the maps and knows the hiding spots might find CF overall better, but I doubt that it is if the user is spending more time criss crossing the map than doing gens/hitting totems close to them.
Now, DH or SG paired with CF combos are the best of both worlds if you're really wanting to make hex perks no longer an issue. Hugely efficient on finding and cleansing and still compatible with gen repair.
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Any Exhaustion perk / Counter-Force / Small Game / Inner Strength is a pretty solid build for super fast heal and Hex haunting, but I'd rather put Quick and Quiet instead of Counter-Force, because I can hide in a locker and heal mid-chase sometimes.
I often have problems to find the first totem with Counter-Force, so it doesn't replace Small Game from my build :/