Can we PLEASE fix this damn bug that prevents the killer from chasing survivors out of the gate?

More and more survivors abusing this bug that prevents the killer from hitting you at the exit gate and its ######### annoying, standing there, watching them tbag you while you cant do anything.
I played a nice demoboi the whole match, didnt tunneled or camped or anything and only got a 2k and they still feel the need to do this #########.
Pleas. Fix this bug!
If they feel the need to be like that, and exploit a bug to annoy you, does that count as reportable under Exploits?
I mean they are purposefully doing something to prevent you from hitting them.
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Would be nice to know so i can start recording my matches so these people get punished for it.
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I'd assume so.
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I doubt it as its not game breaking.
I can't see them banning players for a bug created by them which overall is an irritation, the egc timer is going down so the game will end.
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By that logic, why did they banned players who abused old legion back then? They would all eventually die.
Its still extremely unfair to exploit bugs like this especially if you are that toxic with it.
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My money's on "yes". You could try asking a mod to be sure.
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This is essentially why they could not ban for it. Since the EGC timer is running, the match will end, so there's no taking the game hostage going on.
Since this is highly visible and easily reproduced I'd wager it is patched out next update.
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There are other rules besides not holding the game hostage.
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True doing this in the gates can be described as taking advantage of an exploit for example. My point was since the timer is going and no one is bobyblocked or whatever, I can't see doing this ever acted upon with bans.
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These posts always come back to the old Legion bug for some reason.
The old Legion bug was completely different from this as it was game breaking and lasted the whole match.
This is an end game bug when the egc is active so the game is already on a timer and will end.
They have banned for both killer and survivor bugs in the past up until that Legion point. Since then very few if any have been banable and many have affected game play sohave been far worse than this one.
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I just named that as a example because it was the only thing i could think of right now.
Yea, it lasted the whole match but both is of this is still a exploit and even if its not holding game hostage, it could fall under griefing and exploiting of bugs.
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It's not bannable because the game can get to an end. I can't remember if it was Peanits or Mandy who chimed in.
They have changed their policies on bugs since long. They almost never ban for those unless some other rule is broken.
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But wouldn’t it fall into the category of holding the game hostage?
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Nope as a hostage situation has to be an instance where the game cannot end where as with this bug it will last 2-4 mins due to the egc.
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BHVR claims it was fixed 5 patches ago in 4.7.0 "Fixed an issue that could allow survivors to position themselves between the exit spikes and the exit trigger volume and avoid the killer’s attacks in all maps."
It wasn't.
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I had people do that earlier, I was playing trapper and not really playing too seriously - just wanted my crown. But they’d been BMing the whole match. Anyway, at the end all 4 were at the exit gates and couldn’t hit any, 3 left but claudette stuck around to teabag and point, so I started setting a trap right where she was. I didn’t think it was going to work… neither did she apparently because she stayed where she was - only to get trapped and subsequently hooked 🤭
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[double post]
Post edited by SammehStormborn on0