So, will we have another new map this year?

As I understand it, in some concept of Year 6 they had a new map planned for Chapter 22, is that true? If so, what type of map can it be?
I think they will add new map for next licensed chapter.
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If it's Candyman, it could be the apartments or the parking lot (I'm not really sure because it bores me to watch the movie lol) If it's Chucky, Good-Guy Factory is a dream come true.
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probably yes, the only maps that need reworks are Haddonfield, Red Forest and the Swamp, so it's likely we'll get a new map this year
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Need some new maps or some new variants of the existing ones. Rotten fields and shelter woods could get ditched for fresh versions.
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During the Anniversary they said they will release 4 Chapters and 2 new Maps. One of them the RE-Map.
So we will get a new Map, either because it is a licensed Chapter or because they finished the Updates of existing Maps and are ready for a new one.
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I wouldn't mind a neon map similar to Tricksters chapter.
But that's just me thinking aloud.
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I'm already terrified what we'll get next 😱
Midwich -> R.C.P.D -> ?
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Midwich police acadamy
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They said there gonna add 2 maps this year on their news section on their site. One of the maps was the R.P.D. Im quite excited for whats coming next.
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Kinda hope not they haven't added a map I liked almost ever, pretty much all of my favorite maps are in MacMillan and auto haven and the realm reborn has been direct downgrades in terms of gameplay for pretty much every single map they've touched with it, so idk whats changed about their map design philosophy since like year 1 but I hate it.
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I wanna Chucky and Good Guy Factory. He is my fav slasher.