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Furtive Chase is pretty bad. We know this, but has there been a time you got this to work once?

Has there been a time the decrease in your Terror radius during a chase actually assist you or have you managed to make a good set up build with this perk?

I want to try and like some of these perks and diverge away from the meta


  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278


    I like using to bait and switch mid chase on unsuspecting survivors when I have 4 tokens. It’s great on Myers during T3 EW. Down someone, and then catch someone off guard close by when they suddenly hear your restored TR.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    Interesting, I've never been fortunate enough to get this perk to work for me.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    edited July 2021

    It’s just about being deliberate in your approach to always go for the Obsession if you hear the audio notification that you’ve found them (unless they’re a looper that wastes far too much time). This becomes easier to do mid chase as you gain tokens, and once you get your 4 stacks then you always slug the Obsession to avoid accidentally killing them.

    4 tokens can easily result in easy hits on unprepared survivors when a chase takes you near them, such as past a gen. It’s just about remembering to switch to another survivor you’ve spotted, and always keeping in mind that the survivor you’re chasing is way more prepared with their spacing than the survivor that was just caught off guard with you being much closer than they realised.

    Are there better perks? Sure. But FC is fun to use if you are deliberate in taking advantage of what it can offer.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553

    only a few times playing casual games as Michael, trying to play a more stealth based build to get a few more scares. Doesn't necessarily help you win a match, but it will catch a few off guard...if you can reach 4 stacks without the Obsession dying/ the game already being over.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    I’ve got it to give me the “hook the obsession 4 times” challenge.

  • SacrilegeGG
    SacrilegeGG Member Posts: 85

    In regular matches, outside of some incredibly niche build, Furtive Chase is worthless. Obsession builds aren't really viable at the moment, unless perks like Dying Light get a solid rework or QOL change.

    With the "hook the obsession X times" challenges though, the perk shines. Ignore everybody but the obsession, hook them and leave so they're unhooked, chase down the new obsession. Rinse and repeat to clear the challenge extremely fast.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,221

    You can make an entire build around it: Furtive Chase/Nemesis/Make Your Choice/whatever

    It's not a good build, but Furtive Chase will work in this instance.

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    Furtive chase, dark devotion, make your choice, and nemesis is fun

    You can swap out make your choice or nemesis for hex third seal to cause some chaos.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    I had a pretty funny build with this perk on Myers.

    His addon that inceases his stalking against the obsession is quiet nice and I first tried it for the "hook the obsession 4 times" challenge. It was a pretty fun game and since then I take out this build sometimes, not the best but it is very funny. TheClownisKing said all there is to say about it, this perk can trip survivors off pretty easy.

    Another fun build I had with this was to combinde it with Rancor and Blood Warden. I go out of my way to hook the survivor and then wait if somebody dares to rescue them and risks getting killed. Blood Warden is needed so that I can go an hunt survivor and play this scenario without camping. Makes for a tense endgame without using NOED. You can even decide how long you want to play this game, because nothing forces you to kill you obsession it is your choice.

    However you should bring Lightborne as flashlights can ruin your plan.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291
    edited July 2021

    I honestly don't see a reason to use Furtive Chase when Beast of Prey exist tbh.

    Beast of Prey

    • +Can mind game in chase easier
    • +Can break chase easier
    • +Works on everyone consistently
    • -Need Bloodlust (15 seconds of chase)
    • -Losing chase means you need to start chase and spend another 15 seconds in chase to start Bloodlust again

    Furtive Chase

    • +Works instantly at the start of a chase when you have tokens
    • -Need to hook Obsession but cannot kill obsession in order to start getting use out of the perk
    • -Doesn't get max value initially - Needs to build up value
    • -Even if you use it to break chase survivors may know you're nearby due to smaller heartbeat being possible to hear + Red Stain
    • -Encourages Tunneling because you need to hook obsession constantly to get value out of perk. The rescuer will always become the obsession so encourages unfun playstyle if you really want to use the perk to its full potential.
    • -If you don't start chase with the right target you cannot get value out of perk
    • +Combo's well with Make Your Choice BUT...
    • -...The only synergy with Make Your Choice is you get your tokens faster and could just use Make Your Choice on its own.

    The main takeaway here is Furtive Chase is unreliable and not consistent. Beast of Prey isn't great but at least it's consistent.