Developer communication is key

A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,015
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

Notice the difference between these two?

I’m going to also link the two dev posts regarding the issues currently facing the FFXIV servers and how they are handling it and communicating it to the players.

Follow up -

Imagine if the developers had barely communicated with the player base, I guarantee you people would be up in arms about it. I know that me and my friends would be as well. Server issues like this deeply effect the players ability to even play the game, and to that end, the developers are doing everything they can to solve the issue ASAP and keep people up to date as much as they can.

People see this, they notice it and they appreciate it.

Why can’t BHVR do the same?

Post edited by A_Can_Of_Air on


  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    "Why can't BHVR do the same?"

    No one's sure. But one thing that I am certain of is that BHVR needs a clear direction first and foremost. Though that kind of retrospection can't happen if they plug their ears and just continue working on more and more content every 3 months without wondering if what they already has works or not.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,454

    I want to do that survey do, they might listen a little. Link please!

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,015

    Yeah it looked different on the screen I was doing it on. It's a public comment section regardless and there's no real reason for targeting here.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    To be perfectly honest.

    I'd avoid the forums like The Plague if I worked at BHVR.

    Last thing I need on my mental state are the people playing the game I am working on constantly shitting on it and giving me constant Impostor Syndrome.

    So I understand why they don't do it.

  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    I can understand that myself. But to be honest, like I described in the post earlier in this thread, they have a share in that themselves.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,015

    No, it wasn't. Of course, the games being VERY different is a factor in communication, but hardly big enough to justify the communication methods. The nature of DbD means that people are likely to be more negative towards the game and the developers, but I genuinely believe that most people are not like that. Yes, the developers will get ######### on for saying literally anything, but being more open with the community will only be beneficial for actually keeping people invested in the game.

    It would just be really damn nice if it felt like the developers actually care about us in the same way the other developers like SE are able to. Is it really that difficult? Apparently so. Coming from the FFXIV community to here is like stepping between that house that's surrounded by the sun and clear skies filled with rainbows, flowers blooming and unicorns trotting a dank, dark rotting house with dark clouds, rain and rotting corpses lining the garden.

    Again, I'm well aware that the communities are different, but the communication is one of many factors that gets people riled up and feeling like they aren't valued.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,454

    Thanks! Let them know I still like DBD a lot but current state of console is not good enough.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Oh definitely, I don't disagree with that.

    Management at BHVR just seems like they suck a lot. They really don't feel like they know what they are doing.

    Reminds me a lot of Bo Anderson from Overkill Studios.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944


    Apart from other factors,FF14 has to compete with other games in its genre.

    DbD doesn't,so BHVR will just do the bare minimum

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,652

    If you go looking for complaints you will find complaints.

    I went on their twitter and found this.

    Instead of talking in vague terms, You really ought to state, what you think BHVR should communicate to you.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,015
    edited July 2021

    Not once did I say FFXIV and SE we're perfect and didn't have valid complaints or people complaining in general. If my post made it somehow seem like that, then that wasn't the intention. You seem to be missing the point of my post entirely.

    What do I want them to communicate? Damn, literally anything that's actually beneficial towards community + developer relations.

    • Keep us regularly updated on the state of balancing/bug fixing/estimated completion times/letting us know when promises they made can't be met
    • Go in to more detail about changes they make to the game. Justify why they think making certain changes are for the best despite the majority of the community telling them over and over again that it isn't what they want (Hillbilly changes, UI changes, recent Trickster buff)
    • Offer faster solutions to game breaking issues with the game instead of throwing out shards and BP and calling it a day and expecting it to tide us over until the changes eventually come through.
    • Actually listen to community feedback and implement impactful changes sooner rather than waiting for several months before actually doing anything about the issue.
    • Prioritise bugs in the game that legitimately affect gameplay over fixing minor issues that nobody is even raising a fuss about (cosmetic glitching). Just because it's a smaller easier fix doesn't mean you should prioritise it over other, more serious issues.
    • Be more active on the forums. Despite the forums being a cesspool of hate and the Us vs Them mentality, that shouldn't be an excuse for them to withdraw and remain near enough silent. They have so much power, but are afraid to actually wield it and use it well. They'd rather us just squabble amongst ourselves.

    I don't think these are unreasonable things to ask for when other developers do these things, if not more. If we want to make a better comparison, there is a reason so many people are leaving WoW for FFXIV, It's because the devs don't listen and they do things the players actively do not want. If BHVR keeps following this pattern, it will not end well.

    (Also, Bard is a perfectly fine Job. It might not be as potent as some of the other ranged physical Jobs, but it's perfectly viable in any content. Anybody complaining about it are likely raiders, as it doesn't really affect casual players at all. The Job balance in FFXIV is in a very good state.)

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    This is what used to happen.

    The devs used to have a weekly stream detailing what they were doing and working on.

    The issues that arised from this were the community itself. No matter what they talked about the community would jump on them for changes they did not like, changes they beleived should be made and if the date of anything coming was announced and changed the forums were a mass of complaints calling them incompetent.

    Slowly these disappeared and today we have a scenario where they try not to discuss upcoming changes or dates too much until the are 100% confirmed.

    Most bugs and issues are answered with a we know and are looking into it statement.

    Could they be better? Of course and I think they should be in some aspects but at the same time knowing what happened in the past I can understand why they use the words tentatively, proposed, not final, we are looking into it etc.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,652

    Your post speaks volumes about how little you know about game design and development.

    I would not expect to get an update of most of the things you suggest while they would be nice.

    However most of your complaints is something you need way more time and evidence to demonstrate is a problem.

    Honestly you should have suggested these things without the baggage. Like seriously.

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728
    edited July 2021

    Kind of surprised this topic didn't get moved/whitewashed by the mods yet.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,572

    "milking your customers", "no other choice"?

    Dude, after purchasing it, you do not have to pay ANYTHING to play the game! All the original characters can be unlocked with playtime alone (shards), only licensed ones have to be purchased (and thats solely because the license holders want their share of the cake). You can get any perk without paying, you just have to be lucky (shrine). If you are willing to spent 10€ once, you can use it repeatedly to buy the "battle passes", since you get totally refunded when you max it out.

    The only things that are really expensive are cosmetics, don't buy them and you don't get "milked".

    So, pls explain me, where is this "milking" you are complaining about, that apparently no one can avoid, since we have "no other choice"?

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    Yep, I agree and it will get moved quickly to the "Feedback" section where no one will see or read it much less the devs.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,015

    No, I don’t know about game development and I’m not going to pretend I do. If what I’m asking for is unreasonable, that’s fair, but I’m speaking from experience when I say I’ve been apart of and am currently a part of communities where the developers deliver some or all of the things I’ve stated.

    judging by the tone of your comments, I can assume that you favour the style of communication BHVR have chosen, and that’s fair, but you don’t have to tear someone else down because they don’t agree with the way BHVR handle their community. Its that simple.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,015

    It’s very easy to say that you can just earn every single OG character with shards, wait for the shrine to give you every licensed perk for free (which you would be waiting a VERY long time for), don’t buy any cosmetics etc.

    Many people simply don’t have the time to grind for characters, they see a cosmetic they really like but don’t have the time to grind for it or don’t want to grind, people with expendable incomes, people who want to own every licensed chapter or really want a specific Killer but HAVE to spend real money on it.

    Its easy to say “just don’t buy it”, but if it were that easy, BHVR wouldn’t be making the sheer amount of money they’re probably making. The issue isn’t a single person choosing not to buy anything, it’s the general player base being collectively milked by purchasing DLC’s and cosmetics/rifts.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited July 2021

    There is no other live assymetrical survival game. Ever. That means all the Devs have to do is keep the game functional and the ones with money will throw it at them for cosmetics because they have no other game they want to throw it at. And the ones without time will pay for chapters. And the ones that want lisenced character have to pay for chapters.

    Meanwhile, unlike nearly every other live-service game, they do the absolute bare minimum because they don't have any risk of players leaving for the next biggest title. Because there are no titles.

    Just because you, personally, don't pay for anything doesn't mean this game isn't a golden goose of microtransactions.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,652

    lol what? I literally said some of your suggestions would be nice.

  • psionic
    psionic Member Posts: 670

    The key is keeping people playing and spending money.

    BHVR won't care unless there's really something that compromises the game image. That's why probable the whole team worked on the colour blindness changes with a blink of an eye and now they are working on the console "fixes". After that, they will come back to the outfits and the new dlcs, theses are the things that give money and keep people playing.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,572

    What is wrong with earning money with OPTIONAL game content? WIthout it the game would be dead, the servers and employees wouldn't get paid. Or are devs not allowed to earn anything if the only "do the absolute bare minimum"? How much do you have to "care" to be allowed to earn something from it, then?

    Personally I find the constant cries about the "greedy devs" not only insulting, but on the edge of defamation, esp. when this game gives you so much options to unlock game related stuff without having to pay a single cent.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,481

    Just because they don’t respond or directly implement any feedback or suggestion doesn’t mean they don’t read it. Feedback belongs to the feedback section because that’s what the section is for and that’s where the devs look or the mods collect the it to forward it to the dev team.

    everyone has the ability to look into the section and participate in the discussions there, it’s not being hidden at all.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    Because they're human. Sometimes humans don't take lessons to heart and they do not learn. Sometimes humans need a little trial and error in order to understand the repeated mistakes that cause the errors before the issues can be rectified.

    There's a big difference in the kind of clout one developer may have over another, and in the case of BHVR, the fact they have any community relations is a positive and affirming direction, even if community members find that team disagreeable.

    It takes time to get a point across, so maybe there's another channel or avenue to have the discussion, in terms that are clear. Ultimately, if the message is clear and the community does not receive it's collective bargain, sales in upcoming DLCs will assuredly suffer.

    If sales are successful, then that bottom line dollar means that the community is in fact receiving what it's paying for, and with DBD at its highest concurrent player base ever, it is likely enjoying very high revenue.