This grind fest is unbearable every time a BP event ends.

This game has gotten way too grindy with all the characters we get every 3 months.
At this point, 2x BP should be default. I'm devotion 20 level 60, 4,563 hrs on record on steam and I'm still grinding. If I were to start playing right now I would have given up.
If the game is even grindy to people with 1k+ hours, I can't imagine how awful it is to people starting just now.
This is even more noticeable after events that have BP offerings or double BP gains.
Something has to be done about this.
I’m devotion ten, level 40, 2500 hours in on my PC account. All killers are P3. Half of them have every perk unlocked.
Survivors, I have twenty-one P3’d. It won’t take me long to finish prestiging the last four.
I bring this up because I’ve played half as much as OP and am looking at the end of the grind. How’s that the case?
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he plays survivor and you play killer?
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I’ve practically finished both character classes in half the time. What else does OP want to grind out?
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Devotion 7, level 50ish I think.
I have 4 killers P3 and 5 survivors
Don't know my hours been playing since curtain call. We need a raise in Blood points
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2xBP is not a good solution, because if someone does not want to level up a new character, they can just use these extra BPs to always run the strongest add-ons. Which is in my opinion not good.
The solution is to make all perks available without the need to buy them from bloodweb. This removes the grind but does not break the add-ons.
More details here:
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No it has not, its super easy to get to lvl 40 on each character to get the perks and even easier to unlock them on the characters you want.
If you go prestige, thats your own problem. if you want all perks on every character? thats your own problem too.
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It's almost like only playing one side isn't intended.
I have all my Killers nearly maxed out and one survivor, but even most survivors are at least P1 and I barely play survivor. I have 3,900 hours logged - mostly Killer.
Play Killer, people. You'll be nicer to your Killers if you do and make better BP. You might even understand why Killers get more after you have to work for your points instead of leaning on 3 other people and four perks to carry you to victory.
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I guess I never noticed the grind because I've had the game for 4 years. I unlocked all the perks over a long period of time. When a new killer/survivor comes out I'm free to pour everything into them. I also run WGLF and BBQ all the time. I do agree the current bloodweb is too much for new people and needs to be overhauled.
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x2 BP as default doesnt fix the grind, also it will make item/addon/offering never depleted (as Killer you can earn 20k per match, while you put 6k-21k each match).
Just remove perk Tier, now the grind is x3 faster.
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I know I'm not the only one who gets frustrated when the Entity grabs the stuff I actually want from the bloodweb and all I get are torn map fragments and map offerings for maps that I hate.
Cleaning up the bloodweb would be nice.
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poor killers, how much effort they have to do! lol
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New players yeah, not as bad for people who have played a long time as they have a few people and perks to unlock each 3months, sure it's a grind and could be reduced but I have 2k hours? And have all perks on everyone
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The game needs both roles to work, remember to look at it from both sides. :)
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in fact I was sarcastic ... every role is beautiful at times, sweaty at other times. i love dbd with all its faults!
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Even as someone with a lot of Killers Prestige 3-50ed, the Grind is still something I'll continue to complain about. After 3000 hours, I still feel like I am nowhere near the end of where I want it to be.
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But devs don't really care about the game being too grindy?
Also you must've spent your points to unlock every perk on a lot of non prestiged characters or have spent half of your hours when the bloodwed was unbearably hard to unlock. I've got 550 hours and i've got almost every character(I don't feel like owning twins or Freddy) to level 50, 5 of them prestige 3, 2 with all perks(Bill and Nemesis) and 11 prestige 1. The grind is horrible but at 4500 hours you should be long done with it unless you recently started prestiging stuff.
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You should play solo survivor more often, would humble your opinion a bit.
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Can you please let us all know what the "intended" rules to playing this game are? Can't see any on the store.
It's almost like, you should be playing what you like the most.
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Grind for perks in this game is ass
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Gonna quit the game till Tuesday without the event wow this game is boring
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How are all y'all who are done with the grind ... done with the grind? Like how did you optimize your bloodwebs or your BP gain or whatever you did to finish it so fast?
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Play Killer. Feed BP to your Killers and survivors, especially during events. Done. After that, you just grind out new perks as they release.
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Thank you!