solo survivor is TERRIBLE

I hate playing as solo for the sole fact that every random I get doesn't know what a generator is. I just played a match on game against infinite T3 Mikey which he got AT 5 gens. I ran him forever obv because of how dumb the map is AND did 3 gens alone. In the time that I ran him they didnt do a single gen. When I finally did get caught I dcd so the random couldn't get save points. LMAO. Not any other reason beside I didn't want the random to get points lmao
Solo Q has always been awful and I can feel your pain.
In a game like this, teamwork is crucial because you don't want teammate running willy nilly, blowing gens up, and not knowing their surroundings. That's why SWF is the preferred mode for survivors. It's not mandatory, but after playing solo q a lot, SWF will almost feel mandatory.
This however causes some killers to think every group is a sweaty SWF that wants to bully although there are many groups who just want to have some fun with friends. That's why I also play SWF so much, because randoms I get just... ugh-
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Bragging about DCing because things didn't go your way? Gonna be a yikes from me, dawg.
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I have a lot of fun as a solo survivor. It feels so much more rewarding to win as a solo imo. Just set realistic expectations - you're gonna get potato teammates at some point or you're going to go up against a superior killer and they're gonna wreck the survivors. You just gotta laugh and have fun sometimes even when you lose.
This is an extreme example but, If I only played with an optimal swf and won every game I ever played I'd get bored of DBD within a week.
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That's the catch. But man is it satisfying when you pull off an incredible team strategy without any proper communication.
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well I was done with the game. 5 minutes of chase 3.5 gens done alone. For what?? Other survivors to do nothing and get free points? Im set with that lol If they were at least somewhat competent it would be fine but I was done with it seriously like watching paint dry to play a match where you know you should have at least finished the gens and nothing gets done!!!! Not that I need your approval but I was done with it.
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O00o0o I def do set realistic expectations. If you are a red rank you should AT LEAST know to do gens. I dont care if you potato in chase or any of that but if you cannot do a SINGLE generator then you should not be in red ranks. I know the threshold for red ranks isnt hard to meet but come on man
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pinging system when???
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I hate how kindred feels mandatory to run at this point