Soooo when does survivor get to be fun?

I've been playing DbD for a couple months now, and genuinely I consider it one of my favorite games. Playing killer helps me get my stress out after hard days at work, even if I get a bit tilted at times. I'm not that good, never have been past yellow rank, but I love playing the game!

Except for survivor... Survivor at low ranks is utterly miserable. Every other game I get involves face camping or proxy camping. If I run a killer even somewhat decently or stay evasive because I'm doing gens and unhooking when he's gone for Deliverance/We'll Make It value i get slapped on the hook. I do three gens in a game and save and I die. Slugging constantly. Long ass queue times. Unhelpful team mates.

I want to enjoy survivor, I truly do, but the experience is so irritating I can barely stand playing two games in a night. I don't consider myself a great killer but at least that's fun and almost entirely in my control. Survivor at baby ranks feels like me praying for a good team/respectable killer.

I can't tell if I'm being whiny or if other new players feel the same way.


  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    Solo survivor is really bad, I can't stand playing solo, I have to play with friends to make it actually fun, it doesn't even get better at high ranks, I am rank 1 survivor and it's mostly the same, you will get the same face camping killers at rank 1 just as often...

  • Basks
    Basks Member Posts: 11

    Nah dude, survivor is clearly insanely overpowered and needs to be nerfed hard. If someone gets camped, tunneled, slugged for four minutes, or otherwise disallowed the ability to play the game they've spent money for, it's clearly their own fault for being toxic or egging it on. And before anyone tries to disagree, remember that camping and tunneling are perfectly valid, efficient, and fair strategies to win. Killer mains should always get the benefit of the doubt because they have it oh-so-hard in a world of four versus one.

    Don't worry about having bad teammates either. That's not possible when every game has an efficient four-man Survive With Friends (YUCK!) that bullies, gen-rushes, and abuses the poor and undeserving killer mains.

    Have fun playing this great game. You'll find that the community is very inclusive, as almost everyone agrees with the preapproved facts and anyone who doesn't is clearly wrong.

    I wish you luck making your own fun playing survivor if you choose to continue to do so. Or continue having fun playing killer, if you'd rather. :)

  • PerfectlyPink
    PerfectlyPink Member Posts: 435

    Either get into a swf or grind a couple hundred hours and sink 60ish dollars into the game to find fun as survivor.

    That's the sad reality. You're not going to have fun unless you have a lot of perks to play with and are good enough to carry your team

  • knight_killer
    knight_killer Member Posts: 54

    Survivor even with a SWF is a dice roll if you will have fun or not, people hate to admit it but the killer is in charge of the fun. They can camp for an easy kill and ruin the game for everyone or get ambitious and let everyone play but some decide not to. Personally been playing solo survivor recently in red ranks and I haven't had too many bad games, yellow ranks must just be a cesspool of noed and wraith players. Once you make the push to purple ranks gameplay styles start to change, if you can make it through then some fun can be had

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Think of Killer as the warrior role in DbD. You pick up your weapon and go smash.

    Think of Survivor as the wizard role in DbD. You learn your spells. At the start you don't know any spells, but at Rank 1 you have a full spellbook and can root and devastate the warrior. What changed? Nothing physically. You just got your spells.

    There are old wizards. There are bold wizards, but there are no old, bold wizards.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    In my experience, it starts being fun when you accept things the way that they are. The game is full of tunnelers, campers, sluggers, and killers that speedrun the match. Then of course other survivors that will quickly abandon you whenever you need help. That won't be every match, but sometimes it'll be every other match. When you stop expecting things to go your way and you start learning the patterns, you can start to survive for longer and enjoy the game despite what's happening.

    When it gets to be too much, take a break. I can't emphasize that enough. Since you play both killer and survivor, maybe playing killer for a bit can help too.

    Also, anyone that says you deserve to get pulled out of the game just for playing is being salty.

  • gerolau
    gerolau Member Posts: 6

    Like this is all genuinely true, I guess my big thing is I don't sink too long into my dbd sessions in the first place. I get off work late and play for two hours at the longest.

    Say I play three survivor games, I have to queue for at least five minutes each cause matchmaking sucks. I get in the first game and start playing, killer hooks someone and kindred shows us all he face camps. Great, we all do gens since none of us have BT. Repeat until all four are dead because by the time theres two the other person is hiding while I play cat and mouse with the killer.

    Next game say we get a decent killer that doesn't camp. Someone gets hooked and I go to save them cause I have Deliverance and wanna use it. I unhook and killer comes back, get caught in a dead zone, and hooked. My team mates leave me until second stage and unhook me after; killer hooks me again.

    Third game say the killer is decent again. I decide to do gens in my lane and save if I am close, maybe they hook one or two people. Finally they find me and I actually run okay, maybe get a pallet stun. Eventually I get downed cause I am inexperienced and suddenly I am getting BM'd on the hook cause I tried to not die?

    In all of these situations I have no clue what I have done wrong besides lose a single chase in a match, and I face the fullest consequences. Thirty minutes AT LEAST of my life is gone when I could have played my favorite killers for two games and probably would have felt better even if I choked. Low tier survivor is just so disgustingly trash ridden.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited July 2021

    RNG is the biggest enemy in this game.

    Whether it's the map you get, the type of killer playstyle you are met with, or (if in soloQ) the kind of teammates you encounter.... All of those are RNG dependent.

    In order for you to find the "fun" aspects of the game, you have to basically accept that with the good comes the bad, and that while yes in lower ranks killers camp because they are trying to learn the basics of the game, you'll also be preparing yourself for a worse version of that type of face-camping in later ranks. Because you'll have a more experienced player who knows how certain perks will affect camping etc.

    For me I have found the fun in SWF, why? Because playing with my friends is like having insurance for DBD. Even without inside communication I have no doubt in my mind that I could trust my friends to do gens, make saves the proper way, take a hit or aggro where I need it. Etc. Mind you... these are things that even in solo Q I still do myself for other people. But again, it is something that you can't expect others to play a certain way for you.

    There is nothing worse than the feeling that you are doing everything for "others" who are less deserving to escape or claim a win. Just know that you aren't the first one and certainly won't be the last one. At least know that your efforts are recognized, and in fact many of my friends list peeps I have added due to their selfless acts and the way they truly made the match feel like there was real teamwork.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    It's not just low-tier. It's an increasing problem with killers becoming more aggressive. I will say however that lower rank survivors do tend to act less often than higher ranks. They're more easily frightened and don't fully understand survivor mechanics yet. Once you get a bit higher, you start running into survivors that are less afraid, but still panic after unhook and won't take any protection hits or heal. Or my favorite, the ones that pull you across the map to heal you and bring you right back to the killer as they run off lol

    I guess my best advice would be to play the killer matches you enjoy so you're not stressing yourself out after work. Save survivor for a day where you have time to burn and rank up a bit more. It can get really bad playing a role you don't want, especially on limited time.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419
    edited July 2021

    Survivor is a boring drag that's only worth doing because it's more forgiving on your mistakes. Hold m1 for 80 seconds, run, hold m1 for another 80 seconds

    Friday had amazing survivor gameplay and I had hoped initially that it would prompt DBD to make more alternative objectives.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    You answered your own question. Get to high ranks. If you're not interested in that, then find some friends and let loose with them. I personally love the challenge of solo que, it will frustrate you a lot (even at red ranks) but it is 200% more satisfying winning with 3 strangers who all coordinate together w/o comms.

    So in short, its up to you. Practice a lot and get out of low ranks. Focus on being a great teammate and doing a little bit of everything.

  • InList
    InList Member Posts: 85

    Wait for MMR to be added. The last time they tested it was the best solo queue experience of my life.

  • Drywatr
    Drywatr Member Posts: 135

    In the 2nd game you say you got an unhook for deliverance but your team let you go into struggle. Why didn't you deliverance?

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279
    edited July 2021

    When you get better at it and rank up to green-purple ranks.

    Thats usually where survivor starts to be almost always fun and killer almost never fun. At least in my experience it was like that

    Or play with friends if you want to have fun and easy mode at the same time

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Grind out the survivor rank a bit, use the early ranks to practice looping and map awareness; where are others, where is the killer, how to avoid 3 gens and such and try to ensure you don't depip with gens, totems and some chase. Don't expect to escape!

    Survivor is way better even as a solo once your team has some general experience and aren't extremely scared, start doing gens, etc.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I'm in green ranks on PC as survivor right now and it's still terrible, lol. Even at red ranks it doesn't get better (I always stayed at red ranks on console before I switched). I almost always have to try and carry my team. I wish the devs would take the time to make some decent changes to solo Q.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    But do you think survivor gameplay needs a buff in some way? Or is it your teammates that are bad?

    Because if the latter is true, then its matchmaking fault not the game balance. Many people are in red ranks while they play really bad.

    If you get really good teammates, the game plays out different