VPN + WiFi is the new meta for killers?

I encounter this more and more lately. All these hits through a pallet, hits through window and pallet vaults, hits from a great distance, misdirected hits which should have missed but still hit even though they were directed to the opposite side. I guess more and more killers start finding out that having a high ping as the Killer in this game is beneficial due to how the netcode and hit validation works right now, and they deliberately increase their latency. I have to pre-drop pallets now and just shift+w instead of looping, because of how inconsistent this all gets. I don't even remember the last time I stunned the Killer with a pallet and WAS NOT HIT right after that!
Is there any way to counter this, other than DCing on the first BS hit? Are BHVR even going to do something about it? When every killer starts using ways to get their pings to 1000+, playing a survivor will become impossible.
Is it your wifi? Like sure I see some bs hits each day but I cant say its every game like you're making it out to be.
Isn't this a pc thing? With vpns? Pretty sure you cant do it on console
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If you're encountering it more and more, it's probably on your end (aka your internet).
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Direct cable connection and stable 50ms ping for me. Still one #########-tier hit after another.
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It's not just killers, and as far as I'm concerned, whoever does it is cheating. It's complete BS to be hit after a pallet drops, or when you're running away from a window, or to miss a survivor that's in your face only for them to jump forward after. It's unfair to both sides and the "hit validation" doesn't help.
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One thing some survivors don't understand is the movement speed curve of a lunge... and this can make it seem like the killer hit you from a farther distance post down than it actually is, let me explain..
The movement speed of a killer gradually increases and decreases during a lunge, its not just instant, this is also true for the end of a lunge, and they still keep that pretty decent burst of speed at the end, and if they hold backwards while doing it they'll go backwards.
You also have instances where a killer can flick really fast in the direction of a survivor and hit them, all the game needs is for the lunge radius and the survivors hitbox to collide even if that means for a split second.
Now you have pallets, getting hit through a pallet isn't all that common if you actually take the time and learn the distances you're able to get away with, unless of course its actually a case of desync.
And you should know this by now but medium vault hitboxes are atrocious, and this I do believe needs to be fixed.
But really, if you blame absolutely EVERY hit from a killer is latency, its not, its you.
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Killers have priority when it comes to hits. The devs explained it in one of their blogs that whatever happens client side for the killer takes priority over what happens client side for survivor.
Unfortunately that can be somewhat abused by people using a VPN or with a poor connection.
I think they are changing it in the mid chapter update, instead the server will “decide” if the hit was valid or not. Hopefully this will solve issues with killers with poor connection.
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Hit through a pallet is when you stun the killer and only AFTER THAT he hits you. It's not the "timings", it's just broken hit validation. It happens because on the killer's side, which is 1 whole second or more too late thanks to his latency, he sees the moment where you haven't dropped the pallet yet, and hits you on his side. The server then takes his client-side hits and confirms them, because "if he sees a hit, the hit is true". Hit validation in shooter games works like this, but in shooters any player can shoot and it works both ways: for you and for the opponent. In DbD, however, only the killer can "shoot", or just hit, and so it happens that hit validation always favors the Killer. And the higher latency the killer has, the closer the survivor to him on his client side (because the killer is chasing the survivor), and the more ridiculous the hits become.
The same happens with all the other hits: the killer sees an old picture, hits the "ghost of the past" of the survivor, and the servers just gladly confirms every hit the Killer's client sends to it.
About vaults: if only I were hit just after medium vaults. I get hit after fast vaults and then running a step or two after that. It's not hitboxes, it's hit validation + high ping on the killer's side. As simple as that.
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Isn’t that one of the things they actually tried to improve in this midchapter?
haven’t played on the PTB, but I am pretty sure they have explained it in a dev blog, specifically on Pallet hits that register currently after a stun and also something about grabs..
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You can, but it's only really used to discourage router frying, zip bombs and DDoS'ing.
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Idk I've been noticing it for literally years on 40-65ms cabled connection so if that's the problem then ######### am I even meant to do to get it faster
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eww.... No wonder you think killer is fine. If i play on console it gives me 60ish ping and i hit survivors through dropped pallets, but when i play on pc with actual decent ping it is impossible.
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I am also on console and always have a ping around 20-30. Cable.
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honestly how do you tell someone is on a vpn I typically sit around the 50 ping range so idek
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I have 30-40 ping cabled and I never have survivors complain about getting bs hits. They did a lot when I was on wifi which is the main reason I switched to the cable. If the pallet validation on tomorrow's patch somehow works then vpning and wifi will hopefully be less attractive.
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I can confirm the VPN stuff, I’ve noticed multiple times people using it. I play from Norway on PC and when I suspect it I check the killers profile. Sometimes I am right, sometimes not.
I’ve played killers from Mongolia, Japan, Vietnam, Peru and many more I can’t remember. Players who is clearly exploiting it, being super toxic and saying “ez” when they win.. A super big ugh!
I expect survivors to use it too, but I haven’t personally noticed it. I do believe killers to benefit from VPN the most.
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I don't know if it's about poor connection only or if you should consider how your games are matchmade geographically. I get a server where playing in Spain(with wifi) I run 40ms, then I face a russian killer that will run 100ms more than me at least because they got thrown into this server for some weird reason and I might get hit long after a window vault or once a pallet animation finishes where the killer should've been stunned or at least hit the pallet. BHVR is "fixing" this in mid chapter anyway, but I suspect we're gonna get the reverse bug to what happened with the HUD update that killers would never get stunned by pallet drops.
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It sounds more like your connection is the problem and you're only just noticing it, leading to a state of frustration-induced confirmation bias. I've always had to deal with this because my ping is normally around 60 and gets to be around 70-80 if I forget to use my VPN service (a lot of us actually use them to cut down on latency).
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I'm on wifi and I can hit 80ms, that means nothing.
It can just be your connection
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Who else remembers the guy who came here to brag that when he switches on his vpn to play across the ocean he suddenly gets 4ks every match and that this must mean those survivors are worse than those on his continent? :D
Don't know why the game doesn't just yeet anyone with a 600+ ping out to main menu.
Screenshot's from an older game I'll never forget. Every single hit against every survivor was like this. Nope, not my connection.
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Oh lord forgive me for playing on what I physically can and cannot make it quicker how absolutely ######### dare I not have the best internet connection known to mankind while having to balance out the plan I have between six people what a cardinal ######### sin.
Also apparently it's a DBD thing, considering whenever I play Paladins I'm unlucky to get a ping over 10. But sure, all my fault, killer is easy, etc etc.
EDIT: Wait here's a good idea! I'll stop saying killer isn't the worst torture known to mankind if you pay for my Internet! So you can stop bitching, great idea!
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"Something doesn't seem to work the way I think it should, so it must be that the entire player base of the opposing side is using exploits."
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Thats probably just me tho, i pay 50€ per month for my internet. xD
Others i know only pay like 20-30€ per month.
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50 ping isnt that great tbh I normally get under under 30
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You're mistaking people with toaster computers for cheaters
Very few people use a VPN in this game. It's actually an unpleasant experience as you yourself will be lagging hard because the server's trying to mediate between your actions and theirs. You can get some cheap hits, but are they really worth getting when you're rubber-banding all over the place?
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The game should only pair killers with bad connection with survivors with bad connection.
problem solved!
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When I play killer, if my ping spikes to 1100 as I go for a hit, that survivor is getting hit across the pallet.
It's definitely not always the survivor connection.
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From what it seems, the regular braindead hits through pallets and windows are just usual DBD stuff that I hope the mid-chapter will fix. 40-65ms is fine btw.
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Not an issue I see a lot on console. There is lag for sure, but if you notice it early on the match it's best not to wait things out until last second. Drop your pallets early and server corrections don't become a factor.
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I think if your ping is higher then a certain amount you shouldn't be able to play.
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To OP: Yeah it defenity is. To have a killer with good ping is super rare now. Sad to say but laggy hits have become the norm. I was shocked yesterday when a hit i swore was gonna connect didnt, but then my friend later had the opposite happen. It's also quite common for killers to be appearing somewhat low ping cause they struggle to get downs, then they end up lagging and slaughtering the team. I wish something could be done about it. Its getting out of hand now. I never have ping above 40, yet I'm getting punished for it. Hit validation doesnt even take effect unless the killer has 200+ ping. Such a useless system right now. The game might as well go back to peer to peer, least then it wasnt as bad as this.
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I understand having dodgy hits sometimes, but you make it seem like its every game, and unless youre in an area where theres not really a server close enough then I highly doubt its as frequent as you make it seem
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Unfortunately, DBD is a game where you are rewarded for a bad internet connection. And the devs refuse to give priority to the player with the lower ping.
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It pretty much is every game, at least in my and my friends experience and we're all in the same country.
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The hits aren't BS, you're just playing badly. Survivors have been blaming mechanics since DBD launched; for a while it was blamed on Killer hosting the game, then that got fixed and they blamed dedicated servers. It's neither of those things - they just aren't as good as they think.
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What country? And whats your ping on average?
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UK, and 35-40 ping
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Makes sense, pretty sure there's no many servers in the UK, meaning people who are further out don't have any servers to play on and are forced to play on the same servers as you and your friends. Its the same case in NA where we can go against some SA players who have relatively high ping
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Is there any reason why we can't see the Killer's ping in the game?
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Server Side Hit validation happened ages ago though, its Server side Hit or Stun Validation now.
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This is such a... misinformed thing to say LOL
Sure, some survivors will blame the bad latency boogeyman, just like some killers will blame anyone but themselves. But a good part of the time, people who complain about laggy killer hits have good reason to complain. If you spend enough time on DBD, you'll run into tons of killers with horrible internet, and some who are VPNing. I have to wonder if you spend much time on survivor, if you genuinely believe it's not much of an issue...? Like have you never pre-dropped a pallet and gotten hit anyways? That is NOT uncommon, and it is NOT due to the survivor playing badly. You shouldn't be getting hit there.
I myself live in Florida, and I end up going against a LOT of South American based killers. No idea what the internet is like out there, but 70% of the time I have an issue with bad hits during a game, when I click on the killer's profile in the end game chat, they're based in either Mexico or somewhere in SA. I've literally had killers defend their bad internet and say they'll never upgrade it- they KNOW it's a problem and they don't care lmfao
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I have 30 ping with Wifi.
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Why do people say very few people use VPNs or cheats on PC?! That's the biggest lie going around. VPNs and cheating are so rampant most games don't allow PC cross play.
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a few games don't have crossplay with PC because console players fearmonger about it
in a thousand hours as a PC dbd player, I've encountered 3 cheaters
I've never encountered a cheater on Brawlhalla (the most popular PC fighting game)
I've never encountered a cheater on Tekken 7
I've never encountered a cheater on Left 4 Dead 2
The only game in which I've encountered many cheaters was Team Fortress 2
Console players just love to pretend it's rampant, partially out of competition and partially out of envy
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I was a PC player and I know the signs of cheats on DBD. A lot of em use wall hacks and speed hacks. Y'all just don't know all the cheats available. Some are minor like wall hacks but if you know what to look for you'll realize a LOT of PC players use something. Fighting games have very few cheats cause nobody plays em. Look at the top games like COD, Apex, Fortnite, GTA...they have separate servers for PC players only cause the cheating is so rampant. Wake up, there is no such thing as a PC gamer. I run into a few cheats here every day and they get banned right after I send my video proof. That's the key, proof, and I record every match.
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VPNs are a PC thing for the most part, but consoles having pretty much the same effect with crappy wifi is also very much a thing and even more common
There's a reason why "coup de console" is a meme to describe many console DBD players amongst pc dbd players because of how bad their wifi is. I don't really get what's hard about using ethernet on a console but whatever
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I kind of want to try to run a vpn to see if it makes a big difference. How does it work
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I heard they fixed those VPN hits through pallets. Just played the game for the first time after the update: nope, they fixed nothing on this end.
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This problem has actually been better than ever compared to how it used to be. Seems to me like you just don't understand when you're going to get hit through a vault/window based on distance and hitboxes. I've certainly not had this issue, and most of the time I'm surprised I don't get hit. It could also be a you problem if it's such a consistent problem.
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There is nothing to understand: if I stun the killer, he cannot be able to hit me. If I stun the killer and simultaneously receive a hit - it just doesn't make any sense: the killer shouldn't be able to hit you while he is stunned. But he is, thanks to the netcode.
The same goes with vault hits: if I'm clearly already on the other side of the wall - that's it, his hit shouldn't reach me. But it does somehow.