Do you have a “feel good” perk that you have a hard time taking off?

For the record, when I mean “feel good,” I don’t mean meta perks like Ruin or Dead Hard. I mean perks that are kind of like an addiction that mainly are there for QoL.
For me, it’s Iron Maiden on Huntress. I think I’ve gotten used to the fast reload speed so much that if I take this perk off, I will miss the perk so much. I can take off Ruin, I’m All Ears, Whispers, BBQ, Corrupt, Nurse’s or any other perk I usually run on Huntress and be just fine but taking off Iron Maiden would feel absolutely terrible.
So what are your perks that you have become addicted to and will have a hard time taking off?
Quick and quiet
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Yeah I guess I can see that being an addiction.
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Sometimes I get upset af at the horrible killer FOV and go into a Shadowborn trend where I run it on every killer for almost a week. Just had one of those recently.
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Brutal Strength.
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Shadowborn seems to be the epitome of an addiction perk. Not interesting too much in running it tbh.
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Windows of opportunity. Can't queue up without it.
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I don’t run that perk that much. I’ve only ran it when I went for adept Trapper.
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Spine chill
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WoO is actually pretty underrated especially in solo queue.
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I used to run this perk a lot when I was new but not so much anymore.
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Devour Hope.
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I probably have close to 2k hours but still love spine chill
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I always use it. Without it, everything feels...slow.
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Very useful on loops with high walls there's been plenty of times where I'm playing around a dropped pallet killer thinks I'm standing there but really I'm running away because of quick and quiet
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Not hard to take off...but
B l o o d W a r d e n : )
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Spine Chill and Resilience
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All of Cheryl's perks. I have to have at least one on my character at all times.
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Spies or Unrelenting as a Killer. Spies helps me find so many Survivors because no one ever preps for it, and Unrelenting, well, I don't pretend to be perfect. I have whiffed plenty of shots, and will whiff plenty more, amd when I do have the perk on it certainly helps.
Survivor wise I don't feel right if I'm not running my Windows + Lithe.
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Alert too much great information I feel blind without it.
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STBFL, I just can't stop using it...
The survivors call me crazy, but I don't care they're all dead...
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Soul Guard when I'm playing my main survivor. It's not even for the unbreakable. If you've ever recovered to full and been picked up by a survivor just to be slapped down again a second later you know darn well why I like this perk so much.
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Inner Strength. I love me my 8 second locker heal. I swap it out for a meta perk if I have a med kit, but I always like having a way to heal since in Solo Q there is no depending on other survivors for it lol
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Spine Chill :) It lets me listen to music while I play without reducing awareness too much. It's also great for playing while intoxicated haha.
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Monitor & Abuse and/or Sloppy Butcher.
I don't know. I main Doctor.
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I've been running flashbang on at least one slot since the RE chapter came out, but if i had to say a "feel good" perk i have a hard time taking off has been Fixated lately, I've been having a lot of escaped by simply faking my trails and walking another way. Been doing that for so long i removed it in favour of another perk and realized "ah crap, i ain't moving fast this time around" or "I forgot i can't see my Scratch marks now"
But my biggest issue is removing perks i would have been able to use during the trial. Like if i remove unbreakable i get slugged in the very next game. Although i hadn't run unbreakable in a long time (or any of the Metas for that matter)
But Yea Fixated and Flashbang are perks I've been having fun with, sometimes i feel like removing Flashbang because some games i get chased so much i can never do a gen to get one. So sometimes i want to swap it out but i just don't see myself doing it because i always think of the opportunity to have fun with it. Be it to win a chase or my favourite, save a survivor in the killer's grasp. But Bite the Bullet is also a perk i don't like to remove but i will if i want to use another perk. Silent healing of friends is a good thing to have.
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Survivor I cannot play without bond, if I take it off then I feel horrible during the match.
Killer...... I think stbfl as I use it on almost anyone with a few exceptions ofc, maybe whispers as well.
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Empathy. I feel blind without it.
On all my killers, I run Lightborn, BBQ, Beast of Prey, and Distressing, and I hate taking off any of those perks, I love that build and have been using it for a long time now, but at this point the perk I'm most attached to is Lightborn. I need my Lightborn, I feel anxious starting up a match without it.
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BBQ and Spine Chill.
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Oh definitely.
Plunderer + Ace in the Hole + Appraisal
I get an endorphin rush seeing what I'm going to fish out of the next six chests. It's like playing a Gacha game each match, except I'm not wasting money on in-app purchases.
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For Survivor for me it would have to be kindred. I feel so naked with out it. As for killer agitation always feels good to get to that hook.
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Kindred is losing a lot of its steam in the current meta. Too many Wraith players.
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Corrupt intervention
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Prob Brutal Strength at most for me. I know it's not THAT great, but I'll run it on literally any killer like 60% of the time.
It just feels nice to be faster, and gens are like butter
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True but its still nice to see all your team mates to know what they are up too acrossed the map. And also lets you know not to waste your time going for the save if someone else is already on the way.
And even just a general direction the Killer is going helps me a lot. Because you can still see the wraith just before he cloaks.
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DS :)
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Spine Chill.
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Resilience. It makes me feel better when I'm injured. I don't know if it saves that much time, but I see no other benefit to stay injured.
(I know there is DH for injured plays, but it's super inconsistent to me, while Resilience is activated no matter what as soon as you're injured.)
Iron Maiden as Huntress. Reloading faster is addicting.
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Mind breaker and power struggle i love them too much
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Kindred and Borrowed Time.
Kindred helps me a lot with information, without it i need to rely on my instincts.
Usually when i take Borrowed Time off, my teammates are getting tunneled.
I noticed that every time i unequip something, i will always regret not using it in the next game. because there will always be something that i could use to counter it.
For example unequiping Iron Will - next game is Spirit.
Not getting tunneled for 2 games unequiping DS - next game getting tunneled.
I will use a medkit without Self care - the killer has Franklin's.
No Spine Chill this time - stealthy killer is watching from a far.
So yeah, i need to think twice before unequiping something =)
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Blastmine, my current record is blinding the killer 4 times in 1 match.
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BBQ and Iron Will
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Iron Will or Decisive Strike.
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Its kinda strong but Devour, if I have a spare perk slot I dont need for anything else I will throw devour in, its just a really fun perk when it works.
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You stole my answer friend.
I too love Iron Maiden on huntress and trickster and won't remove them. STBL is something that is hard for me to turn down but can be considered Meta.
So to try and give a 3rd option that wasn't already mentioned I'll say Monitor. Been running this perk forever it feels like on my Pig, Mike, Bubba, and more. Been thinking of removing it on Pig because I have a unique style with her and feel I don't necessarily need it.
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IDK seems like a built in toolbox to me. I also always have this perk on a survivor if I have it. I work my builds around Resilience (IW, DH, Fast track, FTP). FTP so I can insta heal a teammate and injure myself for resilience. Backfires sometimes as the teammate I healed will chase me not understanding why they can't heal me.....Rough Life sometimes. Oh and DH was obviously based on if Xbox is working, Right now it ain't so that is swapped for SC.
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Barbecue & Chili.
Double BP is a very big QoL, but still QoL.
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Corrupt, Barbecue, Shadowborn.
I use those 3 Perks on almost every single Killer even though I don't need them. I could play without Shadowborn and instead pick something else, BBQ was mainly for points but since I don't really need to much points anymore I could technically dip it. And Corrupt on Killers like Blight and Billy is quite unnecessary but I still use it for consistency.
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Spine chill. Got so use to running the vault build I literally cant take spine chill off without feeling a little bit on edge that a stealth killer sneaks up to me
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for lolz I've been playing Huntress recently with just 2 perks, Enduring and Iron Maiden. Enduring is super fun if you can hit someone with a throwing axe as they try and blind you post pallet stun