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Stretched resolution

What exactly is "stretched" resolution for you guys and is it cheating in your opinion?

A lot of YouTubers and streamers on Twitch are using "stretched" resolution for example 2414x1440, 1600x1080, 1440x1440, 1440x1080, 1080x1080 etc..

Lets talk about "native" resolution, it's native for you monitor and depends on what monitor are you using, most common native resolution is still 1920x1080, for larger monitors it's 2560x1440 and for really old square ones it's 1280x1024 or lower.

I was reading a lot of comments on Youtube under these videos and there are a lot of ppl complaining about "cheating" because of "stretched" resolution. It looks like for these ppl the one and only "native" resolution is 1920x1080 and you MUST play on this resolution, if not you're cheater! So if your resolution is not 16:9 that means you cheating and you shoud be banned permanently because you using it as your advantage.

So 2414x1440, 1600x1080 is custom resolution for sure because it's not 16:9, 16:10, 5:4 or 4:3 but it gives you that much advantage? 1440x1080 is custom too but it's 4:3 aspect ratio.

1440x1440, 1080x1080 are most used resolutions in competitive gameplay of Dead by Daylight, because it's 1:1 and it change your vfov really hard compared to 16:9 so this is used for advantage, because you can clearly see above loops, it's kinda soft "cheating" because of the vfov change but it's not real cheating or hacking in my opinion.

And my last question is, if I'm using square 19" monitor with native resolution 1280x1024 which is 5:4 aspect ratio am I cheater? Because if I use this resolution on 1080p monitor it can be stretched or black bars and between these two options is no difference in vfov. But still am I cheater for this?


  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    And my last question is, if I'm using square 19" monitor with native resolution 1280x1024 which is 5:4 aspect ratio am I cheater? Because if I use this resolution on 1080p monitor it can be stretched or black bars and between these two options is no difference in vfov. But still am I cheater for this?

    I'm only going to address this point without delving into the whole debate.

    In point of fact, if you're using your native resolution, you're not cheating. You're using your equipment at its base functionality without extra features. There's nothing listed in the minimum requirements to run this game about the necessity of a monitor of a specified aspect ratio.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    And it looks like trash, who do they think they are fooling? It looks nice? Rofl...

    I mean, I could care less. I play on console, so whatever. But I have seen stretched resolution gameplay and it is nothing short of vomit inducing.

  • InsaneCoaster
    InsaneCoaster Member Posts: 305

    As a player who uses stretched res, this argument always annoys me a little, because I think a lot of people really fail to see the reasons people use it other than extra FOV.

    Even though I like the look of it, the main reason I use 1440x1080 in public matches is simply because the game isn't well optimized. It's impossible for me to play at 60fps and record at a smooth framerate without it, so playing on native 1920x1080 isn't really an option for me. My PC is relatively good, I can generally play most games at around high settings at HD, but the optimization in DBD, especially in recent updates, has been especially poor. I never play more stretched than this in public matches, and in my opinion no one should. Comp of course is a completely different story, but I won't go into that.

    I respect how the stretched res topic can be annoying for console players who experience even worse optimization and cannot do anything about it, but unfortunately I think it's simply the nature of the PC platform. At the end of the day, PCs are designed with technical modifications in mind. You cannot stop people from using filters or changing their resolution through their GPU drivers. The customization and versatility is one of the main reasons people buy/build gaming PCs, and you should be able to take advantage of that as a PC user.

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    I do think its unfair, i dont care about it too much but i would be happy if it was patched out

    But my main concern is how stupid the game looks with stretch res XD

  • InsaneCoaster
    InsaneCoaster Member Posts: 305

    I cannot smoothly play the game on native. If the game was well-optimized, I wouldn't have so much of a problem with non 16:9 resolutions being banned, but stretched is essentially my only option to make DBD playable. I never use more than 1440x1080 in public matches to mitigate the effects of the FOV gain. I can understand 1:1 resolutions being completely unfair in public matches, but surely 4:3 isn't that big of a deal?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 537
    edited July 2021

    Stretched users never get banned yet


  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,327
    edited July 2021

    It's quite simply not realistic to try to enforce certain aspect ratios or resolutions with how DBD works, where it takes desktop res and uses it without asking any questions. If it's not possible to change the game itself in a way that eliminates the "stretched" effect, best that can be done is making the LOS blockers in tiles where LOS is supposed to be blocked so high that it's not realistic to look over it in any way whatsoever.

    And if you're using your native resolution, it's absurd to blame you for any effects that might have if it's an unusual res/aspect ratio.

    There's certainly some ignorance and/or lack of knowledge surrounding the subject, I've seen someone ask how to change from 1920x1080 to 1280x720 just to be pounced by people calling them a cheater... when both are 16:9 resolutions and there would be absolutely no stretch effect whatsoever as aspect ratio is what causes it in the first place.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,388
    edited July 2021

    It's an advantage. Most players who use it play DbD competitively/in tournament settings where every other PC player is also playing on stretched res. A lot of people don't take that into account. I play on 1440x1080 in scrimmages and competition and switch back to native for regular play.

  • maaadinsomniac
    maaadinsomniac Member Posts: 447

    The problem is because this game is probably designed for 16:9 aspect ratio, I'm actually playing with 1080p and these scenarios are just examples, because as I remember my previous LCD monitor by BenQ was 19" 5:4 aspect ratio at native, not 90s CRT as somebody said but LCD. And many people complaining about this and call all these people "cheaters". But what if you're sitting on native and it's not 16:9, are you really dirty cheater?

    If you use any other aspect ratio than 16:9 your vertical fov change a little and I'm not talking about 1:1 right now, because with this you can see above loops as I said and vomit in same time.

    I don't know if this is some problem with UnrealEngine because if you use stretched resolution in another game on different engine it doesn't give you this vertical fov advantage.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    When people are talking about stretched res they are specifically talking about the kind that lets you see over tiles.

    If that isn't the case then no, no one cares

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495


    Time to make mine W I D E

    I'm kidding. I play on console

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It's cheating when you can physically see more than you should. Which is why most people do it.

  • InsaneCoaster
    InsaneCoaster Member Posts: 305

    What do you mean 'the kind that lets you see over tiles'? I don't think you quite understand how stretched res works in DBD. Because of what is presumably a fault in DBD's graphics engine, any non-native (non 16:9) resolution will give an alteration in vertical FOV. There's no type of stretched res that doesn't give you a change in FOV. In fact, technically, if you stretch it the other way, you get less vertical FOV (a problem which I believe people with ultra-wide monitors face).

    The only way I could improve game performance without using stretched res (and therefore giving me more FOV) would be to run at a lower 16:9 resolution, but the reason why I don't is because they aren't nice to watch or play with. I much prefer the look of 1440x1080. Yes, I get a slight advantage from it, be it mitigated or not, but at least I can actually play the game somewhat comfortably.

  • InsaneCoaster
    InsaneCoaster Member Posts: 305

    Banned for what though? Simply using a different resolution is not ban worthy.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747
    edited July 2021

    Its an advantage that pc users have over console. If console can't do it pc shouldn't either. If your computer is struggling to run dbd then its not the games fault. Yes dbd could use some optimization but there's no justifying the stretch res advantage. Even if you're not doing "as bad as others" you're still part of the problem tbh. Yes pcs are meant to be modified but not games. Your pc settings shouldn't give you an advantage over others. Its unfair to the killers and behavior needs to lock the res. And ban people who are going out of their way to unlock it.

  • maaadinsomniac
    maaadinsomniac Member Posts: 447

    Actually PC games are meant to be modified, in most games you can change your resolution, vsync, quality of textures, shadows, effects, foliage and much much more.

    Just Dead by Daylight doesn't have these options, it's using your native resolution, you have 3 presets for quality, not even vsync or true fullscreen option is in the game, but you can change this in your config file. So if you change it in config you don't even need another app if you pick supported res by your monitor.

    And what exactly resolution you want to lock? It's impossible to lock game in only one resolution and it'll be kinda useless because you have this advantage if you're out of 16:9 aspect ratio. So you want lock aspect ratio, what if you don't have monitor 16:9, you just can't play the game? Go to store and buy new monitor if you want to play our game? They need to fix the VFOV not lock res/ar.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    If the game allows to to mess with those settings then yes. But if dbd doesn't have those options then you shouldn't be able to. Dbd should have a fixed resolution so that way even if people change their pc settings the res would still be fixed to fit the screen so they don't get an advantage. And the augment of "buying a new tv" doesn't make sense because again consoles don't have the option. Pc shouldn't either. And if you really playing from a TV from the 1990s then yeah its time to upgrade bro lol.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Strechted, filters, brighten screens... just ask yourself WHY you use it and be honest with that.

    If EVERYONE could use it would be fine, but as this isn't the case, it's not.

  • maaadinsomniac
    maaadinsomniac Member Posts: 447

    Every game allows you to change your settings in config files, you don't even need to start your game and you can set all from desktop via config if you know what do which command. And again "fixed" resolution is not a fix, if you want to remove the advantage you need to fix FOV on different aspect ratios and then you can play stretched, wide, circle w/e you want without any advantage just maybe in more FPS with ugly textures.

    I'm not actually using any of these what you mentioned. IDK if you talking to me, if not just ignore.

    Soo, before consoles and x-play, when the game was only on Steam it was totally fine you just said, huh? Because EVERYBODY can change everything on their pc's. And after x-play it's cheating in your opinion because of poor console players. Doesn't that sound stupid to you?

    M1MASTER Member Posts: 352

    No, it really runs better, but obviously the streamer with a fancy RTX 3090 is not gonna look into that. I have an old GTX 960 and because this game is also optimized like garbage, it's not stable enough to make me run it at 1080p even at low settings. I have tried 720p and for some reason it looks really bad and blurry even for that resolution. 1280x960 looks much better instead and runs even better than 720p, so sorry but i much prefer sticking with that.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    So you have to go in an mess witht he config files? So you don't think thats a problem? If people are getting banned for modding then messing with game files should be banned too. And again dude consoles don't have the option to change their res. And again if consoles can't do it pc shouldn't either. Either files need to be locked so people can't mess with them or the devs need to find a better solution. But something needs to be done so people don't get the advantage. You could argue that people have need to stretch the res but that its still giving an advantage. Shouldn't happen.

  • Why are you trying to hide the truth? Everybody know it gives an advantage above others

  • InsaneCoaster
    InsaneCoaster Member Posts: 305

    I didn't say it can't give an advantage. I just said it isn't bannable.

  • And I said it should be bannable, what's the problem?

  • maaadinsomniac
    maaadinsomniac Member Posts: 447

    And you still missing the point. I was just asking what "stretched" resolution means to you and you just talking about console players because they're not able to change anything, maybe brightness and gamma on their TV's but who cares.

    Modding is totally different story because you're actually messing with game files in root game folder but these config files what you "mess" with are stored with all Temp files on your Windows and every game on planet have one or more. Btw. anything what you can change directly in-game changes in these files too so it's not like modding something you're just able to change settings w/o starting the game.

    And I never said ppl need to stretch their res, but if they need to because this game is in last years really bad optimized as somebody said here why not, nobody wants to play this game at 30fps or less, again if it helps why not.

    There's only problem with this little vfov change and if bhvr can fix this thing it would be totally fine to play any resolution if you want or need to. Then you can say "It LoOkS jUsT bEtTeR" if you really want to play stretched because your vfov will not be changed and you see what 1080p player can see.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    What they should do is use fixed resolutions and fill the rest with black bars.

    "Not being nice to look at" is not a excuse

    Using mindgames is such a big part of killer gameplay that if you can't play without disrupting that. Then sorry but imo you shouldn't play at all

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Stretch res to me is the ability to stretch your screen to see over loops and buildings. The point I'm trying to make is the game should not allow players to stretch the res if it affects gameplay by giving an advantage to the survivor regardless if they're playing at 30fps or because of bad optimization. Then you'll have people use that as an excuse just to receive that extra unfair advantage. Its the same thing as people who used to put their settings on low to see the Killers red light.

    M1MASTER Member Posts: 352

    You don't have to go into the config files to use stretched or any other kind of 16:9 resolution like 1280x720 (which looks particulary bad for this game) for example which doesn't change your FOV. What DBD does from what i understand, is that it uses the same resolution you have set for Windows (so for a lot of people who have standard full HD monitors is gonna be 1920x1080). So whatever resolution you want to play with, you can just change it in Windows before booting up DBD and you're gonna have the same in game. You can go into the game files to force the game to run in a certain resolution regardless of the one you use in Windows, but that's not exclusive to stretched res, it's the same exact process with any resolution.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,388

    Has nothing to do with editing config files. Create a custom resolution in Nvidia Control Panel and launch game.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,432


    I had someone say the same thing because they were a streamer and thought he was trying to do what made the game ran better for them.

    Until I saw that he was also taking advantage of it when I went back to watch the VOD.

    My opinion is that obviously not everyone who is using a lower res is doing it to gain an advantage, but that there shouldn't be an advantage whether you are in low or high setting. At this point you shouldn't blame the people, blame the developers for doing a poor job on how their setting options can also be game changing.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,023

    I agree, although I feel like since they were aware of the situation in the past, it may be a really difficult task to fix the FOV boost from stretched res.

  • maaadinsomniac
    maaadinsomniac Member Posts: 447

    But you know this advantage is affected by different aspect ratio, that means if you lock the res for everybody and you play on 5:4(4:3) monitor you still have this advantage even if it's locked and it's not even stretched because it's native resolution. They need to fix the fov, if they fix this you can use w/e stretched or non-stretched res as you want w/o any advantage and ppl will use it only for fps boost if they need to.

    As you mentioned Low settings is used by Survivors for better view on Red stain, Low settings was actually used a lot of by Killers because before when Foliage level was set to Low you don't have any grass or bushes on the map, so if you met players which are not using Low settings and they're hiding in bushes it looks funny because you as Killer can see them nice and clear how they crouch in nothing but they think they're completely hidden. And also it was used because in 2016 you hardly hit 60fps with good machine because UnrealEngine is trash, not exactly trash, but bhvr was never able to optimize the game on this engine properly.

    Btw. this looks like you want to all players MUST play on vanilla configs, which is (native)+Ultra settings, because Low gives you advantage too and console players can't change their settings so it's cheating too. You probably have FullHD monitor and you playing Dead by Daylight on Ultra settings with Vsync ON + 60fps cap, am I right? Because anything else is cheating, or you just playing on console.

    At this point you shouldn't blame the people, blame the developers for doing a poor job on how their setting options can also be game changing.


  • H4d35
    H4d35 Member Posts: 7

    everyone is talking about the fact that the extended resolution is not fair and this is cheating. the first question is why nobody gets banned for this? if for this they are not banned, then this is not a cheat, but all the people who say that this is a cheat are just whiny children who cannot show a decent level of play. question number 2: if you don't get banned for it, then why aren't you taking advantage of the same advantage? if you do not use it, in my opinion this is your problem, and not the players who are using this advantage.

  • H4d35
    H4d35 Member Posts: 7

    Someone here wrote from console players that people playing on PCs using stretched resolution have an advantage. I appeal to you, my console friend, everyone who plays on a PC, regardless of resolution, has an advantage over console players, because the mouse and keyboard are not a joystick. I hope there is no need to explain why and what are the advantages of a mouse and keyboard over the joystick?

  • H4d35
    H4d35 Member Posts: 7

    my ping in the game is 105+ in every game and it's not about the internet, but about where the servers are located at bhvr. everyone who cries here about stretched resolution, that this is a wild advantage ... I'll tell you this, play with ping not 20-50, but 105+ and tell me if a wild advantage will give you a stretched resolution or not

  • H4d35
    H4d35 Member Posts: 7

    As one of the users correctly noted, the optimization in the game suffers greatly and the stretched resolution actually gives an increase in FPS. so why should I play in normal resolution when the game is not optimized properly? and the developers of this game give me the opportunity to increase FPS in the LEGAL way

  • H4d35
    H4d35 Member Posts: 7

    someone here said that people who use stretched resolution do it on purpose because (lowskill) with the usual one simply cannot play because of the viewing angle. I'll tell you a secret, baby, that if you don't know how to play, then no resolution and the most powerful computer in the world will help

  • H4d35
    H4d35 Member Posts: 7

    any good player will tell you that the key to good looping is not an extended resolution, but an understanding of the game and how to escape from the killer, etc.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    someday i'm going to play this game on a crt just to spite you