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Springtrap Idea, IDK

Shaun Member Posts: 28
edited July 2021 in Creations

Idea I had, thought Springtrap would be a decent fit since people want him.

Power: Mechanical Ingenuity: Press the power button to go into and out of 'machine mode.' While in machine mode:

*The Machine moves at a slower speed (110%).

*The Machine's terror radius is reduced to 0, replaced by faint mechanical sounds which can only be heard at 16 meters.

*They Machine loses the ability to see any auras.

*Any audio created by survivors is heard at an additional 16 meters.

*Survivors performing interactions within 24 meters will have killer instinct reveal their location.

Special ability: Mechanical Failure:

If a survivor performs a notification action while in 'machine mode' such as failing a skillcheck, if not in chase, the Machine activates Mechanical Failure. While active, an AI takes over, rushing the Machine at 150% speed to the location of the notification. If the Machine runs into a survivor on the way to the notification location, the Machine will target the survivor, chasing them until either:

*The survivor takes one health of damage.

*The survivor stuns the Machine.

*The Machine loses track of the survivor.

Any of these interactions stops Mechanical Failure. If the Machine reaches the original notification location without detecting a survivor, Mechanical Failure deactivates.


A Robot's Haunting:

After picking up a survivor, all windows, palletes, and lockers within 32 meters of the pick-up will be blocked for 20, 25, 30 seconds. If a survivor is in a locker, they are forced out.

Cursed Mechanic:

Kicking a generator while highlight it in a white aura and apply Cursed Mechanic. Whenever all available generators have Cursed Mechanic applied, the progress between all current generators is evenly divided, losing an additional 5%, 10%, 15% progress in the final outcome. Cursed Mechanic is then reset.


When all generators have been repaired:

*Opening the exit gate as killer activates Spring-Trapped.

*While Spring-Trapped is active, the End-Game collapse is slowed as if a survivor is in the dying/hooked state.

*The Entity will block both gates while Spring-Trapped is active.

*Once End-Game progress reaches 50%, 40%, 30% remaining, Spring-Trapped deactivates.

Once deactivated, the End-Game collapse resumes as normal. Only one exit gate blocking perk can be activated in a trial.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I don't know how to feel about this. The first 2 perks seem pretty bad while the third one seems busted as it's a bloodwarden that doesn't need to be activated by a hook. The ability seems fine if maybe a bit underpowered

  • Shaun
    Shaun Member Posts: 28

    Eh, the first perk could maybe be 35, 40, 45 seconds, the timer starting after the survivor is dropped/hooked. It's really meant to avoid pallet saves, head on stuns, and survivors fast vaulting windows to get saves. The second perk would spread generator progress while losing a drastic amount. Say all generators had 30%-50% progress. At tier three, having the perk activated would set all gen progress to 40% (The median), losing an additional 15% at the end, resulting in all generators on the map being set to 25% progress. Now imagine if there was one gen remaining, three on the map. One gen has roughly 80%, other two 20%-30%. Perk activates, all gens get set to maybe 43% progress, losing an additional 15%, taking all down to 28%. That would change a lot. The perk is more or less a end-game perk, getting stronger as the final gens remain. The last perk was more or less a mechanic perk; killers have the ability to open exit gates, but why, unless you have Blood Warden? Unlike Blood Warden, however, you can't die from the end-game collapse since it stops way before it happens. The numbers should be adjusted though to 60%, 55%, 50% of the end-game timer remaining.

    Power could be adjusted, just want a stealth killer that relies on gaining immediate information rather than staring/dashing (I know dashing is part of the power, it isn't the primary power though).

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I still don't see the first Perk as anything more than situational. The second perk(with a numbers buff) could be really good and the third perk with that nerf seems good

    If you wanted to make Springtrap a stealth killer that could gain information, I have a concept for that if you would want to see it. Otherwise, like I said, the power is fine