Ok I change my mind, bring back the dc penalties.

When they were shut off because of the crashing I knew some people would abuse it because that's what they always do. But the dc rates are completley out of control. 12 of the 15 matches I played over the past few days have been literally nothing but constant disconnecting. If you played dbd before the dc penalty then you probably remember how bad it was, and now I'm getting nostalgia to the days when the first survivor would dc on first down 90% of the time.
I really thought this whole time that the dc penalty wasn't really doing much but it's quite clear to me now that it worked wonders to stop the disconnecting. This game has such an unbelievably high amount of rage quitting and I don't understand why in most cases. Sùcks for the people crashing during this update but the people abusing the lack of penalty are making solo queue and killer barely playable.
This isn't just my experience either, I've seen a lot of people having the same issues. If you disagree let me know why, maybe you can change my perspective on this because I really think it needs to come back asap.
I would rather them keep DC penalty off. And make it so if a player disconnects they pip down an entire pip regardless of what points they have on the system.
8 -
Absolutely bring it back. Was playing a game where things were going perfectly smoothly, a player disconnects on her first down and then we all die because of it. I hate early DCs as both survivors and Killer.
23 -
Since the patch yesterday I've played couple dozen matches, only had 2 matches with DCs - one 2 survivors DC'd the other the killer DC'd. I figured they already turned penalty back on.
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That doesn't do anything when pips don't matter.
Hell it would have the opposite effect, just DC 25 games and now you get to play with rank 25s..
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No matter what DC penalties are a necessary evil.
It sucks to be on the receiving end when it happens from a crash, but it prevents people from acting like actual children.
14 -
An entire pip? Do you mean rank? 🤔
also they don’t care about pips, if they did, they wouldn’t DC. They don’t care about BP, or they wouldn’t DC. People who continuously DC only care about winning, and if they get downed, or even hit first, spawn on a map that isn’t to their liking, or go against a killer that isn’t to their liking - they DC.
Knowing someone who does this regularly (and no, I won’t play with them any more), they won’t play against a majority of killers and don’t care about anyone else’s enjoyment but their own. That’s fine. It’s a game and everyone should have fun, but when it’s DCing against the majority of killers, and some maps, or when you get hit first and leave the rest of your team and set them up to fail? Because when you barely have a gen done and there’s 3v1, it’s unlikely to give survivors a chance. It encourages further DCs. The ones left depip and lose BPs for trying to hold on as long as they can in a 2v1 or 1v1.
Roll on the DC penalty.
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Literally who cares about pips in this game. Plus deranking so fast is a bad thing for low rank killers.
The only thing is gonna hurt the players who dc, is the bps reduction.
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DC needs punish. Happens in almost every game now..
It's bad at every rank too, I started playing with a fresh PS5 account to teach my friends the game, random teammates DC constantly, ruining our experience for new players.
When I play Red Ranks on my main, same thing. You would think Red Ranks cared but they don't either.
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it feels like there's a 33% chance that any survivor might DC when they get downed/hooked first.
Way too high, and makes everyone else suffer
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God cry some more. It's like no one has ever played a multiplayer game, people won't play the way you want so stop expecting them too.
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You sound fun at parties
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What party do you go to that is centered around a game's multiplayer lmao
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on pro Evolution soccer, there is an option to prevent matchmaking from letting you play with a player you have blocked. it could be a solution! DC would be isolated!
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but who are you angry with? It is not understandable!
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What is this even supposed to mean? When did I say I was angry with something?
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That doesn't mean their game was running smoothly.
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Angry at the killer for finding them first at the party? 😉
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I can't figure out if you are a favor or against Dc!
Excuse my english!
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I don't care for DC penalties cause I can accept that people won't play the way I want them too. This game is also not a competitive game so punishing people for leaving a team makes no sense. BHVR only implemented a penalty system cause they couldn't stand people crying about DCs and didn't want to find any other fixes.
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DC penalties should be reworked before they come back, but I agree they are necessary
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the nature of DBD being a PvP game means that it's competitive.
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It is a 1v4 and not a normal team competitive game. Also the high amount of RNG of everything in the game can make it vastly unfair to one side. Just cause something is PVP doesn't make it a competitive game.
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Just because DBD isn't like other competitive games, does not mean it's any less competitive.
Survivors and Killers cannot both win. They have conflicting goals where they compete against other players.
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Make it stricter.
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It is less competitive because the devs have not put out definitive win conditions for both sides. The game can't be competitive just because you make it competitive with your own rules.
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You are simply trying to create an excuse for why you think it's acceptable to rage quit in a pvp game.
You are being matched up against strangers who at the very least are expecting that everyone plays out the match to the end.
If you want to play a casual dbd, go play kyf.
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The only problem with that is some people who DC for no reason don’t care about pips
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How can they play or not play how I want, when they aren't even playing the game?
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Not just that, there has to be some kind of balanced 3v1 scenario prepared to be implemented as soon as the first survivor DCs in order to make the rest of the match fair for both sides
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I never said it was acceptable for people to disconnect. Just pointed out that you can't take the game seriously if even the devs don't. I don't like it when people DC but I'm not going to sit there and cry about it on a forum and let it ruin my day.
Then that's your problem if you expect people to play a match all the way out. Like I've said you can't expect people to play a certain way, especially you're own way.
The entire game is casual and will never be competitive especially because of how much RNG is in the game.
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You're wanting them to stay in the match and play it out, that's you wanting people to play the way you want them too. You can't force people to stay in a match if they don't want to.
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DBD is a competitive game. It's fine if you want to play it casually, but at least respect the competitive elements that exist in the game. If you can't respect the competitive elements then it might not be your kind of game.
Many people play other competitive pvp games casually.
Also RNG doesn't matter. Pokemon gets played competitively and pokemon has many rng elements.
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Allow me to blacklist people so I don't have to play with first-hook quitters
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No, that's me wanting them to follow through on the commitment they made when they queued up: to participate in normal gameplay until the match is completed; how they do so, is their prerogative. By leaving, they are no longer playing in said match and quitting is not a gameplay mechanic, so neither meet the criteria of your comment.
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Honestly people don't care about pips. Also the type of people to disconnect early are also more than likely the type who would gladly depip to have much easier games against opponents they should never be going against.
Instead of de-pipping from disconnecting, it should black pip you, but you have a penalty towards blood point gains for the next game, and more games will be added for continuous disconnects.
That way it combats the people who DC by actually punishing them by removing something they want (blood points), and as a bonus combat people who de-pip to bully lower ranked players.
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What competitive elements? List them. It can't be competitive if it can be vastly unfair to one side half the time. There is no competition when you don't even know what you're competing towards.
Because most other games have options to do that.
If you say RNG doesn't matter in a competitive game then you obviously don't understand how much it can influence a match in any game. Pokemon is a very bad comparison to DBD.
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Can't expect people to play out a match just because they clicked a few buttons. If you don't like it then that's your problems.
It is a mechanic because BHVR has given everyone the ability to do it. If you don't want people to DC then go cry at BHVR and tell them to remove the ability for people to leave the match early.
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Surely you can see how abusable that is?!
I mean it’s already happening isn’t it: people purposely deranking to bully newer/lower ranked players.
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but they shouldn't have to play a match if they don't want to!!! no one should force them!!!!! (this is sarcasm btw...)
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Any particular reason you’ve created a forum account just to be aggressive and antagonise? I’ve seen a few of your comments across a few threads now. You have nothing nice (or mature) to say so far.
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Why would you care? Get offended or something? When the devs do something good I'll say something good.
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I hate to say it, but with the community at large this would probably also be highly abused. I would guess the majority would blacklist players they can’t win against. In fact I feel confident that it would go hand in hand with those that frequently DC.
- Survivor goes down first
- survivor DC’s
- Survivor blacklists the player playing as killer.
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I’m guessing somebody didn’t read the forum rules...
Is the plan to get yourself banned here as fast as possible?
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"Because they clicked a few buttons." I guess signing off on a loan is just scribbling a few lines on some paper. Give me a break. You queue up to play a match, you are committing to finishing said match. Even BHVR have said that DCing intentionally is against their terms, which is why it's also reportable at end game.
And "go cry to BHVR?" Lol. That's literally what this thread is doing; asking them to bring their DC penalty back which btw, is also a mechanic BHVR have implemented into their game, to prevent selfish, entitled players from ruining everyone else's experience.
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You think getting banned from these forums is a loss lol? Sorry if I don't live on these forums like you do with your 6k posts lol.
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Honestly it just feels like literally everyone is toxic lately on both sides. I'm starting to take a break from it all. I don't know if reinstating DC penalties will help bcuz people are just nasty and mean no matter what.
The way I view a fellow survivor(s) DCing is like: okay, I guess it's a pointless match. If 2-3 people DC I just leave too because literally what's the point? Like seriously lol
And the killer DCing ends the match obviously which we've had happen plenty of times if they get a map they don't like which like idk it's whatever.
This game is a joke anymore. I'm just trying to have casual fun with friends can't do that. I try to get better at looping nope, can't do that either because I get face camped and hit on hook by questionable rank 1 killers who have issues.
I have fun as killer until it gets depressing playing alone and then I just close the game and play something else tbh
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If not, why be here in the first place? You could have just not bothered creating an account at all.
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Because it's fun seeing people like you, that live on forums, get annoyed and cry about my comments.
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A LAN party dude
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I feel sad for you. It sounds like the traits of a deeply unhappy person.