Now do the survivors have immunity to the hits when the pallet is dropped?

This is a damn joke, I don't know if it's the "NEW FEATURE OF SERVERS" but it seems like a joke to me.
I find it a shame. Killer isn't worth playing, it's NOT fun.
Some forum mod saw a post similar to this and said they'd tell the devs. They may update all that jazz.
4 -
No they don't. I have okay WiFi but I still get hits while being stunned.
1 -
It's called not getting free hits through pallets.
25 -
Latency on your end, devs said they'll change it so you get the proper feedback in that situation
3 -
It's a superficial issue; it'll be updated soon
1 -
This makes the developers give more priority to the survivor than to the killer.
1 -
I know what you mean i have the best internet possible and i play with a cable and i got robbed like you i stop playing right after. For me this was the last straw for playing killer you cant grab now you cant hit at a pallet the audio is bug again.
3 -
No, you don't.
And it isn't "best internet possible," it's whoever has the ping to the server
3 -
No, it takes Killer priority away.
If the hit registers before the stun, it goes through. If the stun registers first, the hit doesn't count.
4 -
Is anyone surprised that the devs took the laziest "Iframe" route with the pallet drops?
6 -
This has happened to me as Bubba and as Blight so far, very strange feedback to process mid chase.
0 -
I have 30 ping i think. All the game i have are around that number unless im unlucky and no server are close to montreal
0 -
Did you check the survivor's ping in the in-game options menu and your own ping in the lobby?
It's not a massive problem for me, it was only two hits that looked clearly like hits on my screen and the survivor screamed but did not take damage, but based on those cases, I believe they got their system backwards and give priority to the highest ping.
My own ping to the DbD servers is around a pretty stable 35. I always check this in lobby before I ready up. I'm not on wifi, I've got a wired connection to the router. When I checked the in-game pings after being denied those hits, the pings of the survivors who were granted priority by the server were 180 and 400 so I'm not sure if it's really the better ping that wins.
0 -
You didn’t get the hit, simple.
3 -
Have you actually seen the clip dude, the hit connected very early during the pallet drop animation...
7 -
on your end it looks like you shouldve gotten the hit, but i know for a fact the Claudette dropped the pallet before you would've been able to hit them
0 -
Don't play then.
0 -
Just responded to you, here .
I hope it makes sense now.
0 -
It doesn't matter how it looks on your screen. The stun connected earlier on the survivor's screen both in real-life terms and when it was communicated to the server. Hence, the hit was rejected.
It's exactly like most fps. The player who communicates the hit to the server first gets credited. Stuns are the survivor equivalent of shooting.
Whereas, with the previous system, it didn't matter if the survivor played correctly (i.e. it didn't matter if they 'shot first'), because vpn'ers/laggin killers could land a hit way after the pallet had been dropped on a survivor who had normal ping.
4 -
They removed 50/50's(Killer gets stunned, Survivors loses a health state) which is not the right way to fix pallets
0 -
Wrong. It’s the right way to fix pallets. If the stun happens before the hit then your hit shouldn’t count, simples.
7 -
Why should you get a hit there? It's the proper physics, you got stunned, why should a hit go through a dropped pallet at the same time? It was broken before and now it's fixed.
3 -
That isn't a 50/50, thats the game being bad. From my games, actual 50/50's have been removed
0 -
50/50’s only happen when the survivor pulls the pallet down too late. They still happen & haven’t been removed.
3 -
Entitled ruin, pop, corrupt killer main wants the unfair down cause he used to all these years.
More gen perks please. 🐑
Post edited by ThanksForDaily on1 -
We don't know about his ping, but from his side it just looks incredibly janky and unfair. People are naturally gonna care more about what happens on their screen.
0 -
Now if you mindgame the survivor correctly, not only do they have dead hard to back them up they also have this :)))
It's probably unintended all memes aside. If it's not then looks like I'm never playing m1 killers without endfury.
0 -
What's wrong with Gen perk lmao
1 -
From the games i played on both sides i didn't notice much difference as survivor while as killer it's an other story :
- Like chasing a looping survivor, who is doing really good and have time to do an other loop, then suddenly they tped 1m back into the pallet, no dropping animation, survivor literally standing still facing forward and looking back (so it wasn't a reverse technique) and 0.5sec later i got stunned + they got tped back to their position...
- In one game, a survivor just changed into the Nurse for few second and was tping back and forth for 1 sec Oo
- As the Twins, i literally jumped into the legs of survivors, just to slide off them (and get cruch of course)
- I still was able to damage a survivor and in the same second get pallet stun
2 -
Well then, the fake blood splatter threw me off lol
0 -
I mean, it looked unfair on the survivors' perspective as well before the patch.
I guess now it's just unpolished and the visuals need worked out, but whoever performed the correct action first wins. It's fair in the end.
1 -
Do you know what else isn't cool? Getting hit through a dropped pallet as a survivor because the killer has a higher ping than you. Survivors have had to accept that for YEARS. Now killer players need to accept the consequences of having higher ping. No more free hits. Deal with it. Have a taste of the crap that survivors have had to endure for years, only in this case, it's actually fair for both sides.
10 -
The hits shouldnt of connected anyway if the survivor has the lower ping. Now we just need actual hits and windows to work the same way. Killers with bad ping have been rewarded for AGES. it's about time this issue is fixed!
6 -
Still waiting for grabs to get the same treatment of being fair again.
Many shoulder massages to be done I guess.
4 -
Like others have said before, it is what survivors have dealt with for years. It has just now been reversed.
BS pallet hits shouldn't count
4 -
There's a huge difference between getting a grab and a hit in terms of occurance though. I agree that when I'm denied a grab it can be annoying. However grabs are such a rare occurrence in general when compared to hits. Standard M1 hits are SO much more common than grabs. This is why fixing hits is a much bigger priority as 90% of the damage killers do to survivors is through Hits, not grabs.
If grabs were a SUPER common thing to happen every single game as the killer, I would get that comparison, but it's not. Killers get screwed over by reverted grabs when they DO get a chance to grab (which is rare). Survivors get screwed over by M1 hits multiple times EVERY game consistently.
You can't compare grabs to M1 hits as one problem clearly outweighs the other in terms of occurrence and consistency.
5 -
Even grabs are off. Many times it happens when the survivor is already on the other side of the window, or has let go of the hook, or gen yet still get grabbed. We need a validator for every bloody action in this game with laggy killers.
1 -
Wrote in wrong thread sorry.
0 -
I wouldn't mind it nearly as much if it wasn't so disorientating. Often times, the Survivor will act as though they've been hit (Blood splatter effect, Survivor screams and on a few occasions, they even went on the ground on my screen for half a second) yet they're just magically ok. It can kinda throw me off at times. It hasn't ever caused me to leave them, thinking they're downed or anything but if I were ever really tired then that confusion could buy the Survivor a bit of time. If instead, I just got stunned and there was no scream or blood effect then I'd honestly be fine with it. I guess in it's current state, the game registers the hit but the server says no, leading to sometimes confusing scenarios. Maybe they'll iron that out over time, who knows?
0 -
And at what point is it a "free hit", because from the killer's perspective they landed a legitimate hit before you had a chance to counter it.
Why must the killer be punished because on YOUR screen you decided to cut it too close for the server (which has its own latency) to play a guessing game as to who should get it or not?
1 -
I completely agree that it needs to be ironed out and give more information on what's happening. However this system is overall healthier for the game, as VPN killers are a common occurrence on PC, and it's a serious issue as it's done purposely to gain an advantage.
1 -
That is just his own perspective though. From the survivor perspective, that pallet was already down 50% or more.
Now, what seems more fair?
- For a survivor who already dropped the pallet 50% down to be hit because the killer perspective didnt line up? This used to be the case 100% before the patch, sometimes the pallet was dropped 100%, only for the killer to hit me and be stunned 3 seconds after the pallet was dropped
- Prioritize the action that reaches the server first? Aka, if the pallet being dropped reaches the server before the hit, the hit gets rolled back.
Obviously option 2 is the fairer one. Option 2 only "robs" the killer sometimes, while other times it can "rob" the survivor, where option 1 always "robbed" the survivor.
0 -
Obviously the devs disagree with your line of thinking. Thousands of times i was hit after throwing the pallet before the killer swung. Thousands of times as killer i got hits i knew were bull. The devs have fixed a problem so stop crying or play something else
2 -
True, I've come across many Killers using a VPN as well so I totally get that this is necessary.
0 -
It's not fair for the killer either to hit a survivor legitimately (from their screen), hear the screaming, get stunned and then see them magically run away. It just looks extremely janky.
The natural consequences of these changes is that you'll see even more Nurse, Spirit, Deathslinger etc., all the killers who don't care about pallets much.
3 -
Idk because when Survivors Ping is higher than mines I can barely touch them as killer. All my swings will miss, and autoaim crashes into every object they hug. Their pallets stun mega early too. Even after I hit them before they threw the pallet. I’ll get stunned and the hit won’t count. Or worse they vacuum me into pallets. When I see survivors with ridiculous ping I leave immediately. Glad they allow us to leave without penalties.
0 -
0 -
Lol, appealing to the devs is an amusing position to take, because you assume that the devs even know what they're doing.
There is a huge difference between an intended outcome, and the actual outcome, and DbD exemplifies that in pretty much every release.
My favourite example is last years anniversary cakes which were supposed to grant a 104% bonus. Anyone with a basic understanding of mathematics would know that you multiple a value by 1.04 to get the 4% bonus. But BHVR somehow determined that you should multiply by 1.4 to get a 4% increase.
You could argue that the devs have a different perspective of mathematics, but the end result was that the cakes were bugged and giving a 40% bonus, lol.
So yeah, that argument doesn't really work! Otherwise you could argue every bug, etc, was an intended outcome with full knowledge of how it'd play out, and completely free of any commercial influence to appease the survivor-base that makes up the majority of players over actual fairness of ability and objectives.
0 -
Dont use dead hard.
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As the devs said they are fixing it it will be a non issue but until the fix yeah im prepared for more of the same killers