The funniest/most stupid things you've been accused of by your opponents



  • Katz
    Katz Member Posts: 2

    I'm back again with another accusation of cheating. Now read this, I got accused of cheating by removing my terror radius while playing The Plague with Dark Devotion, her own damn perk. I guess some people too lazy to read what are they getting into. Also accused of wallhack with Doctor, Sir/Ma'am, you crouching in front of my illusion...

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    One game as trapper I had 2 survivors and 2 gens left. The short story is I used Whispers to locate someone in the basement of the shack after searching every where. In the end game chat he didn't lose his mind but he did ask how I knew he was there. I explained

    "Whispers was going off. I looked all around the shack and didn't find you. I checked inside the shack and opened lockers. Whispers was still going off so if you were outside you would have left long ago because there's no gens here. I check downstairs and Whispers is still going off. After checking the 4th locker there you were."

    That person at least listened to my explanation before jumping the gun and screaming HACKS!.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    I was playing Hag and was NOT putting my traps near the hook. More out of the way; in choke points leading to the hook. All it took was crouch-walking through chokepoints to avoid them. Did not even have to crouch off the hook. I had 3 people dead, downed the 4th; he DCs the second I hit him. Like, he must have been sitting on his router to do it.

    End game chat: 'Campers don't deserve 4Ks'

    Then there was the time as Trapper where I hooked a Survivor on Plague's map. Turn around; a Meg is 3 feet behind me like she's waiting in line for a toilet. So I hit and chase her about 40 feet, then turn, because if ONE person is hook camping for the save...And yep! Another Survivor is running towards the hook, so I go back and chase her, only to turn and see the Meg approaching again. So it becomes a back-and-forth until the Meg screws up & I down her. I COULD slug & camp, but I pick her up, walk literally 5 feet, and hear the hook save. I turn around to see them healing under the hook. So I walk back, still Carrying Meg, down the unhooked Survivor (the healthy one ran), and hook the Meg. I can't seem to pick up the downed Survivor (I was unaware of the bug to hide in the Hooked Survivor's hitbox, at the time). So I just chase the other Survivor around a wall near the hook until all 3 suddenly DC.

    End Game Chat: I'm a 'noob Killer' 'filthy camper' and 'skill-less slugger'. I responded with 'Why would I leave if you're right there?' and was told I HAVE to leave or I'm a camper. 😂

    A time as Huntress: Match starts on the Swamp with the big boat. I yeet 3 hatchets at random before moving, because why not? Miss, Miss, HIT! Person hit DCs 2 seconds later. Waits the entire match for it to complete, then claims he's reporting me because I was 'clearly hacking'. The other Survivors actually stood up for me, since I missed LOADS of normal throws. But the DCer said I only did that to hide my cheating.

    Like...Why would I cheat ONCE, at the start of the match, when the throw would 1) Be glaringly obvious and 2) Be easy to dodge, since the hatchets are not hitscan, and then NOT cheat for the rest of the match?

    But he was convinced I was cheating, and said he was writing down my steam name to get his friends to report me in every match they find me in. Made me laugh out loud.

    The time as Billy, maybe in 2017 or 2018, I zoomied across the map and clobbered someone doing a slow vault, and they DC'd before they hit the ground. (Clearly, they DC'd allot, to have it so ready to do).

    End game chat: Billy is OP.

    The amount of mental gymnastics people do to blame everyone for mistakes or their own lack of skill should get them a spot in the Olympics. 😂

    'And this year we have a new event: The 250 Character 'Blame Your Opponent' Dash! You have 250 characters in which to blame your opponent for you losing! The judges award points for originality!'

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    Accused of holding the game hostage for an hour when the game was 10-15m long by a killer who ended up teaming up with a useless teammate that did very little all game who led the killer to me, and then died right after I did (I did the only 3 gens, 2 unhooks and a hex).

    I just laughed, gave them both a report and then moved on.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    Me, a rank 20 killer who got NO hooks that game, accused of thinking that the round would be easy because I had a mori on. I explained that no, I suck, I just threw it on because it was the only offering I had so why not?

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Well I put a filter on my Xbox a couple months ago (don't help all the time) but still got examples to share.

    At lobby I noticed the team I was playing had specific names that informed me (they were toxic) won't share the names but when they all died the Jane who name was sumthin sumthin toxic sumpthin (can't remember) but she sent me a message (REPORTED). Have no idea why or what for best guess that SWF did not expect to get owned.

    Nancy - Downed a survivor with my last hatchet, walked to reload in the Big Boat on swamp and guess what Nancy was in the locker I tried to reload at. Hooked her then went back to that same locker to reload lol. I was hacking and a ######### killer with one of those green smiley faces that apparently means toxic.

    Hawkins - Destroyed a team with Fred with BBQ/Pop and got a message from Dwight saying "Typical Freddy main, run unbeatable combos and slaughter everyone" "Can you win with someone else? Bet not trashcan". I have Pig as my Gamertag, mentioned in my Bio, and on forums but ######### Freddy main here.

    My favorite - Please unistall your game. For not getting a 4k with trickster the day he released......Can't make this ######### up. People are ######### clueless to anything outside of their own wants/needs/expectations.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    I got accused of using "wallhacks" to find the hatch against a Pyramid Head and he wished for me to get Covid, which was fun.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Sometimes you can just know what survivors are going to do, to a point where it probably looks really bad in their perspective. 😝

  • FeminineSlime
    FeminineSlime Member Posts: 90

    The other night my boyfriend had an internet issue and lagged for a few moments during a match, and the Blight we were against was so cocky in endgame chat like, "Heh, even your lag switch couldn't beat me. I should report you." The sheer confidence and paranoia on display were amusing. Someone introduce him to Occam's razor, please.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    As Pig someone died to my Reverse Bear Trap and they messaged me "tunneling camper"

    I laughed so hard that I ended up getting a migraine

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    Almost every week someone accuses me of "instastalking" with GF because nobody seems to know GF can 99 people.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I've been accused of hacking by a new player because I found them in their locker. They entered slowly to the locker... in front of me. Of course, I saw them.

    I've been accused of being part of a toxic SWF. I'm solo. I was repairing a generator away from everything, and the Killer DC. I asked what happened. The Killer insulted me, saying that I was the most toxic of my friends. I actually never met the Killer during the game, as they DC pretty early. I don't know how I was toxic.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Aim bot as trickster, huntress or slinger.

    I just play a lot of fps games so I understand how to shoot and when not to.

    Also I got called a hacker a few days ago because I didn't go down after being hit twice , I had MoM active.........

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I was aparently reported for hacking, cause I saw a survivor's aura with BBQ.

    "How did you find me at the end? Makes zero sense. So far away yet came straight to my locker, reported"


  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    Accused of hacking when playing PH and using I'm All Ears

  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270

    Survivor once accused me of being a "Roaming gen camper"

  • DuneT
    DuneT Member Posts: 88

    You really have to turn off random messages on the PS with this game, the crap some people spout...

    Personal highlight:

    "You made me DISCONNECT!"

    Because I didn't manage to unhook a fellow Survivor from the other edge of the map in time (on Haddonfield). While Survivor no. 2 was doing a basement Gen (way closer to the hook) and no. 3 was already sacrificed. Never mind there also was a random killer around still...

    Clearly all my fault! 😂

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820

    I was accused of being a premade and when I explained that I was solo, the killer insisted that solos can be premade too.

  • TerrorUnleashed
    TerrorUnleashed Member Posts: 497

    I was accused of hacking and exploiting, using certain perks that just didn't fit the circumstances they fell under, and just told I was #########, simply due to the fact that I landed seven solid hatchets and three hooks on my first game as Huntress while my game was freezing up without an end in sight (console player problems). Their words were along the lines of, 'You only hit those hatchets because of NOED! You were clearly hacking. There's no way somebody can hit hatchets from across the map' and 'Wurst Kullir' (yes, those exact misspelled words). Yeah... I was 'using NOED' apparently. I was running a Level 7 Huntress with two perks I cannot even remember, and I hadn't even picked up NOED on her Bloodweb... very intelligent person. What was it? Was I running NOED, hacking, or a combination of the two? And despite all that freezing and lagging, and going in rather oblivious to how to play Huntress well, I still manage to hit some decent shots and hook a few of them... yet I'm the 'Wurst Kullir'... yeah, ok.

    And yes, two of them did DC.

  • TerrorUnleashed
    TerrorUnleashed Member Posts: 497

    Not even a call for Occam's Razor. Just a common sense issue lol

  • Aquamarine
    Aquamarine Member Posts: 207

    Okay, I was just reported because "I knew 24/7 where a certain survivor was" and hit him through the walls. I had Nurse's Calling and I'm All Ears on Pyramid Head. On top of everything, this was a legacy player.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Before turning messages off I was accused of playing Nurse with mouse and keyboard because I won easy against a SWF team on Lerys. Truth is..I was really good that game 😀

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    It's always fun being accused of hacking for using Mad Grit. It's such an uncommon perk to see, I get it, but come on, it's not that hard to read it's description at the endgame. 😂

  • SadLegion
    SadLegion Member Posts: 222
    edited July 2021

    Accused of waiting for Dead Hard, waiting for 360 spins cuz "noob baby killer", not allowing an easy flashlight save. These are probably the dumbest ones i can remember

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited July 2021

    As killer:

    • Tunneling while 3 hooking everyone and not hooking anybody twice in a row. Happend a few times.
    • Cheater because i use BBQ

    As survivor:

    • Unfair player, because looping the killer.
    • Beeing in a SWF when i play solo
  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    I play on console so I'm deprived of the joys of post game chat, I do however often get unironically called a "sadist" on Twitter just for playing meta perks on a killer or daring to use add-ons that the game provides me.

    Twitter is a strange place.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Been accused of being in a swf because the killer lost. We were all solo.

    This happens more often than not.