Head On nerf ?
For me lockers now have a 50/50 chance of just flipping down after stunning the killer lol
I love that.
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Can you give me more information on how this happened, I know I've seen it in the past but I don't think we've ever been able to repro it - so any information you have will be of great help? And also how often it happens? Thank you.
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First time that happened to us lol
My teammate stunned the killer with Head On off screen. And when I died and came back to spectate after my other teammate in the same room - this was the result 👌
Interestingly enough - my teammates said that the locker was fine on their screen. So it only bugged out on mine for some reason.
I'm playing on PC, with medium settings and unlocked fps (121), hope this info helps idk.
This bug is ok though lol. Because the killer seemed to also see lockers just fine and my friend was able to hide in this flipped down locker from him.
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That's so bizare! Thank you for the information though, I will pass it on to the team - I really want to have a game now when the locker falls on the floor :)
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I see they finally buffed head on so that the survivor now drops the locker on the killer which kills them instantly
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Do they stay like that? Does it have a hitbox on the floor, can you interact with it?
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They do for me; Don't know; Yes, you can.