What happens to players who insult us ?

Piwatte Member Posts: 162

Hi everyone !

I have a simple question : What happens to players who insult us after I report them in the end chat game ?

Should we take 5 hours to take some screenshots, write a paragraph, then search where we have to send this picture of the player who insult us with our words, search his Steam ID, translate these insults, etc etc ?

Can they still playing this game and can insult who they want in this game ?

Have a nice day.


  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited August 2021

    This game isn't as toxic as it is because the report system is functional. So to answer your question, some believe these types of complaints go into a rather large pile, that then sort of slowly slides down into a large bin, which then shreds the problem away. Not for you, for BHVR

    It's kind of why they introduced the classic, forced word filter. You know, to let you know they're taking all actions necessary. I'd imagine if they're harrassing you on a specific platform you could report it to Sony/Microsoft and they might do something. Or, they'll just tell you to block them, since they, too, have a slow sliding pile shredder.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You don't need to send screenshots of the chat, a simple report will do the trick. As for what will happen, it depends on what they said. Pretty sure they wouldn't ban someone for calling someone else a "doo-doo head", but if they start slinging racist slurs at people, that's different.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Nothing. The in-game report system is a placebo. There is an urban legend saying you can be banned for insults in chat if you get reported, but not a single proof of that has ever been provided.

  • Piwatte
    Piwatte Member Posts: 162
    edited August 2021

    I don't report for "doo-doo head" words, I report for some bad words in my langage (so : not in english).

    These words are simple, they said in another language : [You know this bad word] your [choose one of your parent]

    I report people for THESE words : but I have no feedback if they've been punished or not... Ban for 2 hours / 24h / 1 week / 1 month ? How does it work ?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You won't receive any feedback, nor will you see temporary bans on their profiles.

    I can assure you that the reports are read, though. A while back, a user attempted to prove otherwise and essentially "dared" one of the people in charge of dealing with reports to post the content of the report. Said person did, and it was proven that the reports are actually handled.

    Many people will claim otherwise, but I question someone who essentially says "Don't bother going to the police, they won't do anything anyway", because it just seems like trying to cover for criminals. If they're wrong, then the police actually do something. If they're right, then nothing will happen either way. There is no downside to reporting someone.

    If you think the absence of feedback is suspicious, then know that it's easier to set up a fake automated "Your report totally did something" message than to create a website where you can send in additional information (should it be necessary).

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052
  • Gruul
    Gruul Member Posts: 130

    They get thrown into a pit full of leopards.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Isnt chat filtered?

  • 1miko
    1miko Member Posts: 268

    It's an online game, people will get heated and insult each other more often than not and because of this, as long as they don't do it every game, people just get away with it no problem. As long as it isn't slurs deathwishes and x-ism or really a player relapsing onto heavily harming relapsing verbal abuse I feel being salty is just part of it and although its not pleasant it's nothing people should be severely punished for, if punished at all.

    Some people come to games to relieve stress or as a way of coping, not caring about anyone but themselves and when they get mad they're usually open about it, and again even if it's not pleasant it's just part of it. Let's not make this game like League of Legends where you could most easily get 7 day ban for getting into a heated discussion with someone sandbagging and shittalking in postgame chat because the automated system is just ######### and that game is supposed to be big and have actually working systems, imagine implementing something like that in dbd with bhvrs record.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    They get the "Bonk"

  • Piwatte
    Piwatte Member Posts: 162

    In english : yes. But english is not the only language in the world, is it ?

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    Things do happen, but the ultimate result is between BHVR and the accused.

    I think the reason behind this is partially for the same reason they don't do naming-and-shaming on here. There's always a chance that if someone got a punishment and that was fed back to the reporter, it's possible the reporter may feel justified in slinging that persons name around as dirt to make sure they were harrassed in any other game, and there's an issue with that:

    Say, on a certain day, John Doe has just had someone close to them pass away. They're feeling a plethora of emotions, and decide to play a game to try to take their mind off it for just a tiny amount of time. They play this game, and the survivors run rings around them. Maybe teabag at the exit gates. Nothing majorly bad, but this is the straw which breaks the player, who is already heavily burdened with pain, so they snap amd in that one instance they say something they normally wouldn't, but their anger pushes them to make a threat or horrendous insult.

    Then they're given a temporary ban, and the reporter gets confirmation justice was done, and that reporter then starts feeling justified to spread crap about that guy, maybe because that reporter is having a bad day too. So, because of that brief moment of loss of control, the accused is abused by other players just because of that one incident, and branded such. With the tragedy he has endured, the end result could be quite dark.

    Sure, there are things people say that there is no excuse whatsoever, and may show an extreme prejudice that person has, but sometimes it's one bad moment in one bad day that was out of character, and now that person could be burdened for life. There are many damaging paths that may follow.

    That's a good reason why you may report something justifiably, but never get an answer to it. The wrong type of person can cause some extreme damage and feel justified.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,577

    The reports go through, of course, but I doubt anyone has actually been banned because of what they said. Which is, honestly, quite sad.

    I've seen players who truly deserved to get banned, but it is just like the real, boring world: sometimes criminals walk away without punishment.