Spirit still is broken
I run iron will simple as that but still get downed because Spirit's ability is broken now i don't mean her ability is dumb but i can't counter it at pallets she can just stand there and also that thing of she shines or whatever i don't see that at all and her noise never triggers i use headphones, i used just my tv speaker and nothing Spirit's ability needs to be fixed her add-ons are fine but her ability just needs a fix so survivors can just tell when she's phasing like how Wraith works he can still see him 5% of the time because i'm for some reason unable to tell if he's cloaked or not
I think everyone knows that she’s broken at this point lol. Also her add ons do need a nerf, coming from someone that loves her to death.
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Spirit will remain broken, it's a Killer for those who are bad at the game.
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Currently Iron Will totally counters Stridor and there's a massive bug which prevents her from being able to hear survivors footsteps. If Spirit is still giving you problems right now, it's due to your own playstyle or lack of skill/experience.
You should very rarely fall for the standstill mind game. If that's working on you, you're being too predictable. The fact that it seems to work on you multiple times shows you aren't changing on improving the way you play.
Spirit is fine as is. Her add-ons are fine as is. In fact, her add-ons are exactly what add-ons should be for every killer. They enhance her power or her passive abilities and don't have ridiculous detrimental effects attached to them. They're the only full set of add-ons in the game that make sense for a killer to have.
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what do you expect, unless you run iron will then spirit still same as before
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The counterplay is magic. Only me and you can see it.
And I believe that Spirit not hearing footsteps is intentional, unless you've seen otherwise.
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As far as I know they haven't said it was intentional which likely means it's a bug, and this game is notorious for sound bugs. There's no telling for sure though.
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2 things
1. I don't think Spirit is a problem. I think it ultimately comes down to the fact that survivors don't wanna change their playstyle. They want direct counterplay information for easy mode. Even shadow nerfed Spirit comes down to survivors fault because if you go down, that's survivors fault for being predictable.
2. The way Spirit's current kit is, you can't nerf her without butchering her kit. If you wanna nerf her, you have to rework her ground up.
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Ah yes the usual shaming of people playing something specific.
What you play spirit because you liked the style and the lore? Nah you must be bad at the game.
What you have a daily/challenge for the killer? Nah probably crutching on it because you can't win without.
I don't speak exclusively about your post or spirit but damn is shaming people into the wanted behaviour still going strong.
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Well considering you have iron will, and scratch Mark's and sounds are bugged maybe it's a you problem not a killer problem? You're probably in ranks you shouldn't be, wait till mmr then have ago
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Spirit is fine as she is now
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That's strange considering you give up visual information and have to rely on hearing. Though, I get why survivors don't like playing against this killer let's not say it's a killer for bad players.
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If you have a problem with the current, bugged Spirit for anything but the stand-still mindgame, you're predictable and are the problem.
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Sure, the survivor is the probably for not equipping iron will ever single game just to counter the 1 possible spirit they encounter.
Come on dude. Its not fun to be deprived of all sensory information, while the spirit has every possible in game sound at her disposal. She stands still, and then you die in 10 seconds.
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If she stands still just run to the next tile. Like not every encounter is a high interaction mind game. It's been this way the entire time she's been in the game. Spirit wants you panic cause she's just standing there, but if you run they've still got to chase you and they still have to respect terrain.
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Iron Will, the perk that a metric ton of survivors use Spirit or no Spirit and gives a ton of value on any killer?
She's bugged to where, if the survivor has Iron Will, the only indicator she has is scratch marks, which don't do enough for her ability to function outside of the stand still mindgame. Spirit is, effectively, both blind and deaf if against an Iron Will user. Survivors have to guess which side of the pallet she'll reappear. Now Spirit has to guess which of 4 core directions a survivor is going, or if they're standing still. Feel free to dislike her core gameplay, but let's not pretend that Spirit's in a good spot for killer players ATM.
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I agree shes broken
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ok sounds are broken for her and bugged ..... i found this out not hearing survivors not to mention scratch marks on lighter maps barely visible and disappearing so quickly they messed them up. if you think shes phasing then run dont keep trying to loop her. she has counters its called run away or also try to hide once you have ran if you can find a hiding spot after she phases. im used to using spirit i didnt even notice she was broken but in some cases due to the broken sound i did lose survivors. the game needs some viable killers just because you cant loop her like all the others oh woe is me .... a "fix" she would literally have no power if they messed with her what you mean is a nerf. yeah no. shes fine as is. more killers should pose a threat and not loopable ie ring around the rosies chasing a survivor
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Nothing changed on her, so why should she be any more balanced than before? Obviously Stridor was not broken, Spirit was and IS broken.
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Mmmh? They didn't change Spirit, only a perk and the change wasn't aimed at her.
But yes, the "stand still to win" strategy is bs. There should be a tell for when she uses her power, that would require the killer to be a bit smart and use LoS blockers to not be seen.
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For me, her "standing mind game" is actually a part of her kit. If they remove it (by makes her glow bright obviously when starting to phase). She will just instantly phase and you will be out run by her 176 speed anyway.
The most important thing is her 1.5sec activation time doesnt give survivor enough time to make a move (such as making a rung then walk on other direction)
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With the way Spirit is right now not being able to hear anything and still doing well is legit a survivor problem.
She can't see or hear. She's literally Helen Keller and survivors are still complaining because they are being too predictable.
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That’s a very egotistical thing to say tbh.
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Can you use the word Overpowered? Broken means not working, deficient, etc.
As it is, Spirit can't see or hear survivors. What more do you want? No smell either?
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this is a lie and not true, sry