Having played a lot of killer lately, sadly I understand tunneling better
Yeah, I still think it's a very unfun strategy and ruins the game for the survivor who gets killed early. But, often not tunneling ruins the game for killer if it's the only way to build up pressure FAST, and failing to do so means too many gens popping.
I had a game that wasn't going very well, couldn't really find and down survivors fast enough. There was the weakest survivor in a hook and the best looper unhooking him. At that point, I had zero pressure and couldn't really waste my time chasing the player who could run for ages. Since I was playing Tunnel Head, I wasn't afraid of DS either and decided to cage that unlucky Meg.
A little later I ran into her accidentally and her team mate basically threw himself into me thinking that I was going to tunnel again, giving me an easy alternative target.
They managed to do all the gens, but I managed to kill them all before they could escape, so it was a really close call. I'm pretty sure that if I decided not to tunnel that one hook, it would have been a 4-man escape for sure. A lot of times I lose horribly when playing nice.
you went from patient to doctor. So yeah. Stuff makes sense when you play the other side.
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It’s good to have you join the crew. News flash, 3 gens can get done in 80-85~ seconds if the killer doesn’t have early game perks.
People still cry about tunneling when they are the first survivor chased and have every resource on the map available to them. Add in the obligatory pile of second chance perks and it’s just sad in most cases.
I literally had a guy crying on my steam profile earlier when he’s running full survivor meta and I’m playing nemesis.
It’s like my dude, how many health states do you need? You had like 5 this life…between nemesis, BT, and DS;……quit crying you sucked so bad you still went down again in 10 seconds.
14 -
This is untrue. Tunneling more often than not ends up being a headache early game. You lose too many gens in the process and you aren't getting that pressure either.
Bbq is a great perk to ween off tunneling. It helps reduce the desire to attack the same person by providing you with an immediate target.
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Good players will have spread out already and expect bbq on every killer and will hide their aura's behind gens so you can't see them. BBQ as a tracking is really bottom of the barrel. Tunneling someone out of the game early is still the best slowdown in the game. Just book it for the rescuer hit them once and they go tunnel the person off hook. It's the best strategy in like 99% of situations.
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Tunneling is just a legit and effective strategy just as splitting up and everyone does 1 gen (genrush). For the opposite side boring and unfun.
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The only person that tunneling slows down is the killer. Also I still see aura's behind gems. Its not that hard to see a spot of bright red that fades out of view. You know unless this is purely brown rank we're talking about.
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You eyes have been opened!!!!
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If you decide to spend all your time chasing someone who can run around for 5 gens, then sure tunneling is bad.
However, removing a weak link quickly is super beneficial as making the game a 3v1 before all the gens are finished massively helps. If my options are to down a person I've never hooked or down a person who is dead on hook, downing the person who is dead on hook will always be the better option.
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If you're playing for kills focusing on the weak link(s) is the best strat.
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Oh, yes, I forgot that insulting people who don't agree with you is the best way to strengthen your argument.
Oh wait...
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I didn't insult anyone...?
Just sounds like a tactic a new person would use.
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Not really. Unless you are a high mobility killer BBQ doesnt give you an immediate target because of the travel time you would spend going to that survivor and they may have well moved. Proxing the hook and nearby gens lets you quickly get a down again on whoever is unhooked and also lets you interrupt the unhook wasting more of survivors time and if you can get them to reach 2nd stage all the better. Tunneling is definitely the smartest play in almost every situation unless you are hard tunneling in which case thats just being a dumbass.
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You dont need to tunnel or slug. Going out of your way to make a specific player miserable is just scummy imo, and I don't need to do it to win.
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Tunneling and slugging aren't happening to specfically make a single player miserable.
You are taking tactics killers use to help win games as personal attacks when they aren't.
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You ever been tunneled? It sucks the fun out of the game. You know what fun is right? The whole reason we play games...?
Not saying its personal, its just kinda a jerkish way to go about it when a skilled player can do just as well without tunneling.
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If I can consistently 4 k at ranks 5 and 4 without doing it, I dont think that makes me inexperienced. But whatever, you do you.
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I've certainly had ######### matches in dbd, but that's also because dbd is a pvp game and not every game is going to fun.
It's not like you are only playing the match you were tunneled out of either.
If you can't handle the fact that sometimes pvp games have sucky matches then maybe it's just not your kind of game.
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This is pointless. Clearly we're not getting anywhere. You feel like you have to tunnel. I don't. End of story.
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I simply decide that it's best to focus on spreading hooks between 2 or 3 survivors. If a recently unhook survivor is out of position then of course I'm going to capitalize it.
Removing a single survivor out early is the best way to win as killer and sometimes that means tunneling out a survivor.
If you don't want to be tunneled then play smarter.
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yep now if only more survivors played the killer side they would understand. i know how it is lately ive been playing pyramid head because i have gateauxes on him from way back. chase one survivor one or 2 gens pop in that time depending on map size and rng and nothing you can do to stop it because hes so damn slow .... lol. too slow
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Tunneling is powerful but feels bad. I try not to tunnel, usually if it happens it's unintentional or the poor person ran into me lol
If I'm losing I'm more inclined to tunnel because who wouldn't? If they are winning it's more acceptable to utilize certain strategies.. But a killer who tunnels every match straightaway is a bore and making things miserable for someone.
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Focusing on 2~3 survivors while hitting/slugging a 4th imo is the best strategy. Tunneling a single survivor out of the game is risky because you're most likely to be hit by heavy meta perks like BT, DS, UB etc. I'm usually always running either STBFL or PWYF on my main killers so slugging/ignoring the obsession while focusing on hooking the other 3 is a strategy that makes me win consistently.
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Tunnelling at the start of the match has always struck me as an effective strategy against weaker teams but way less effective against good teams. Coordinated teams will run perks that counter tunnelling, body block and be efficient with gens and you will be lucky to get one kill. You are essentially just punishing weaker teams that you could have probably just beat normally while not improving your macro strategy/game sense that would help you against stronger teams. There are def times though where the best play is to tunne.
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Tunneling can be a strategy but it isn’t always the right call to make. That is if you want more than a 1k of course.
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Just got tunneled by a rank 1 Plague on the RPD map. I've only played that map a few times and it still confuses me. Had to end the match right there. Tunneling is a strategy but I won't stand for it.
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Sometimes you have to make a choice: play nice and lose, or tunnel and win. Heck, half the time I'm not actively trying to tunnel someone and just run into them without seeing anyone else.
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Not true on Xbox, their aruas blend right in if they move behind the gen.
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When one person is out of the game the numbers work in your favor. You down someone and chase another and now literally no one is working gens.
And the auras of survivors literally get blocked by gens. Survivors can see where the killer is when they pick someone up which makes it easy to get behind a gen.
I'm rank 1 and never leave it and I'm telling you tunneling is your best friend when fighting good or even decent survivors. It's important and 9/10 the best strategy.
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The student, has become the teacher.
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Of course I'm not saying there's nothing wrong about tunneling. There is, it's not good game design that such a strategy is needed sometimes.
I want my opponents to have fun but not at expense of my own fun, and after having several 4-man escapes and gen-repairing speed runs, I had to prioritize my own game, stop thinking about survivors and play a bit dirty. It's very rare that survivors don't capitalize killers' mistakes, they do gens quickly if the killer fails to keep them off. Somehow, it's still expected that killer only have to play in a way that is fun for the other side as well.
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Most survivors don't play nice either, so why should the killer have to?
Survivors who genrush, offer a map and teabag don't deserve to have a nice game.
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Not really. Anyone who can play well without tunneling and slugging could play better with tunneling and slugging.
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And finally he can see the light at the end of the tunneling!
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I am glad most people see why tunneling is valid, but at the same time it is a piss off to the one being tunneled. It can be both a valid but unfun strat.
I only tunnel when its mid game and I know someone is on their death hook. With 2 gens left getting that player out of the game is the only logical answer.
If something were to be done I would like to see a mechanic that helps the survivor being camped and tunneled at the start of the match.
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I see a few entitled, inexperienced hypocrites in the comments above. DBD is an imbalanced casual party game, most of the players that complain have no PVP/competitive experience in any other games and expect it to be rainbows with unicorns every single lobby. I would hate to see some of these people play a 2009 MW2 lobby on Xbox, they wouldn’t last 20 minutes.
Tunneling can be annoying when it happens to you, but it can be countered with good looping or a protection hit. I consistently maintain rank 1 and don’t get tunneled very often even though it happens in streaks sometimes...so I KNOW these rank 10s-rank 5s that claim it consistently happens are lying. They make bad plays, don’t use the best perks while leaving marks all over the place but say it’s tunneling when they get themselves caught again. Survivors that don’t play killer love to claim it’s scummy because it’s takes away their fun, but have no problem hiding the whole match to hold M1 on gens and then standing at the exit gate to taunt as if they did something amazing. It’s not fun for the Killer but guess what, nobody shows them sympathy if they’re not optimizing pressure. I’ve never seen a survivor who complains about killer tactics stop working on a 80% gen because it’s the first 2 minutes of a match and going too fast can be unfun/stressful for the other side
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I don't know how efficient the survivors you've played against are, but I main Ghost Face, have around 700 hours playtime, and I don't see a need to tunnel off hook.
Punishing mistakes and leaving a recently unhooked survivor slugged aren't what I'd consider tunneling, personally since I see tunneling as removing someone from the game as quickly as possible.
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I used to play Killer all the time before I decided to play Survivor and I was a nice Killer who didn't camp or tunnel. The thing was that I'm not serious about winning. I play to have fun and like being nice to people. However, I've learned over the years that a lot of people are like me and a lot of people aren't. A lot of people like to win and that's good as long as they're not a sore winner.
I watch a lot of streamers who play Killer and it's given me a view of how Killers think when they want to win. "Oh, only 2 gens left so I need to get this Survivor out of the match!" Usually, if a lot of gens have been done, I can understand tunneling. I won't get angry or upset about being camped and tunneled at that point because...you gotta do what you gotta do.
I don't like being camped and tunneled when there's still 5 or 4 gens left. Not a whole lot I can do about it, though. I die, I spend my points, I play another match.
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Except the killer doesnt know if you are playing solo q or new or a hit squad.
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Tbf I've almost never had to tunnel but recently survivors have been alot more challenging to the point of sometimes I almost feel oppressed to do so
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I don't like it too and was on the receiving end more than often, but it's unfortunately necessary on highest ranks if you play for kills, maybe not straight from the beginning but in later game definitely. There is a difference between hard tunneling like a bot straight from the start of the match and throw the game OR punishing survivor mistakes and add pressure. If you unhook in my face and the unhooked surv is running into me because they think i give them their BT hit, i will just wait it out and then down them. If you don't heal up and i run into you 30 seconds after unhook, i will not spare you. If i see the chance for a slug i will use it. Going for all 4 survivors at once, hooking everyone alternately, only works with bad matchmaking or chill squads. If there are only 2 or 1 gens left, i need a kill to win.
I still think it's kinda scummy and unnecessary to tunnel the weak link out at 5 gens, making the game kinda boring and miserable for everyone, but i understand that every killer has to get a kill before all the gens are powered.