Blocking Top of Stairs?

So this is a topic that I've always been curious about but have never seen a real direct answer, so hopefully somebody can clear the air for me. I think everyone is familiar with the whole basement stair scenario, where someone is rescued from the basement hooks with borrowed time, and the killer stands at the top of the stairs for a chunk of time until the effect wears off. This has been in the game for a very long time, and I've never heard any news about making any changes, but is this something that was intended by the devs? It seems a little broken to be able to hard counter a perk like that without any real mechanics. Is this something that is a reportable offense? I'm not trying to sound like a whiny survivor main, just hoping to get a clear answer about something that brings me much frustration.



  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    It is allowed and completely okay, personally I would rather hit them but you can't blame killers for doing that.

  • MrLahey
    MrLahey Member Posts: 5

    I think it should be bannable. Killers either suck if they do that, or too afraid of BT.

  • Kemosabe69
    Kemosabe69 Member Posts: 23

    @MrLahey said:
    I think it should be bannable. Killers either suck if they do that, or too afraid of BT.

    It does seem very unfair. Like I said it's not any in game mechanic or counter perk, it's simply the size of the killer and the staircase matching up that allows them to counter these saves.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @Kemosabe69 said:

    It seems a little broken to be able to hard counter a perk like that without any real mechanics.

    Nurses Calling
    all of the hexes

    Just to name a few killer perks that get hardcountered without you having to do much besides either talking to friends or just holding down m1 or hiding in a locker.

  • MrLahey
    MrLahey Member Posts: 5

    @Delfador said:

    @MrLahey said:
    I think it should be bannable. Killers either suck if they do that, or too afraid of BT.

    Survivors are too afraid of going down.

    Goes both ways.

    That's literally the point of the game.... to survive and not go down??

  • MrLahey
    MrLahey Member Posts: 5

    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why some people think it's okay to body block the staircase and prevent a survivor from leaving. Several times this has happened to me, and the killer has gone AFK.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @MrLahey said:
    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why some people think it's okay to body block the staircase and prevent a survivor from leaving. Several times this has happened to me, and the killer has gone AFK.

    This thread is not about holding the game hostage but about waiting for BT to run out and blocking for that purpose.

  • MrLahey
    MrLahey Member Posts: 5

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @MrLahey said:
    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why some people think it's okay to body block the staircase and prevent a survivor from leaving. Several times this has happened to me, and the killer has gone AFK.

    This thread is not about holding the game hostage but about waiting for BT to run out and blocking for that purpose.

    Yeah, I know. I am just stating my similar experiences. But the OP's post is equally as bad in my opinion.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @MrLahey said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @MrLahey said:
    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why some people think it's okay to body block the staircase and prevent a survivor from leaving. Several times this has happened to me, and the killer has gone AFK.

    This thread is not about holding the game hostage but about waiting for BT to run out and blocking for that purpose.

    Yeah, I know. I am just stating my similar experiences. But the OP's post is equally as bad in my opinion.

    There's nothing bad about blocking ppl from leaving the basement until BT runs out, it's literally the ONLY counter that we have aside from playing amanda/wraith or using insidious

  • MrLahey
    MrLahey Member Posts: 5

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @MrLahey said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @MrLahey said:
    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why some people think it's okay to body block the staircase and prevent a survivor from leaving. Several times this has happened to me, and the killer has gone AFK.

    This thread is not about holding the game hostage but about waiting for BT to run out and blocking for that purpose.

    Yeah, I know. I am just stating my similar experiences. But the OP's post is equally as bad in my opinion.

    There's nothing bad about blocking ppl from leaving the basement until BT runs out, it's literally the ONLY counter that we have aside from playing amanda/wraith or using insidious

    Again, as previously stated, this has happened to me several times where the killer just goes AFK. Just widening the stairs enough to prevent body blocking would solve both the BT and AFKing issues.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    MrLahey said:

    I think it should be bannable. Killers either suck if they do that, or too afraid of BT.

    So you don't like how a killer plays=pls ban?

    Does this mean killers should now be able to report and get loopers banned?
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Clear answer: Not bannable.
    I don't think they intended it, but just like Generator tapping, Decisive Strike dribbling & others, it's been accepted by them as a legit thing.

    It's basically the Killer telling you: Next time, plan accordingly with the basement, whether you have good Perks or not.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    Ooo omg th8s is how you epicly pig kill jerks in game trap basement hook and just block them till it goes pop now imaging having multiple down there like that pop fest
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Run Dead Hard and just DH through the killer. You can also break collision by hugging the killer and dropping your item (hence why there is a chest in the basement) then just walk out. If they swing BT procs, win-win for you. If neither of those are options go back downstairs and heal, then just stay there. As long as you and the guy that saved aren't the last 2 survivors, the killer will just end up wasting time waiting for you to come up.

    As long as the killer doesn't do it to hold the game hostage, it's not bannable. They are using tactics to counter your perks. Maybe think twice about rushing for a basement save if you think you might get body blocked. Survivors that report this are just salty MF scrubs.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @MrLahey said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @MrLahey said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @MrLahey said:
    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why some people think it's okay to body block the staircase and prevent a survivor from leaving. Several times this has happened to me, and the killer has gone AFK.

    This thread is not about holding the game hostage but about waiting for BT to run out and blocking for that purpose.

    Yeah, I know. I am just stating my similar experiences. But the OP's post is equally as bad in my opinion.

    There's nothing bad about blocking ppl from leaving the basement until BT runs out, it's literally the ONLY counter that we have aside from playing amanda/wraith or using insidious

    Again, as previously stated, this has happened to me several times where the killer just goes AFK. Just widening the stairs enough to prevent body blocking would solve both the BT and AFKing issues.

    The basement is literally the only dangerous place in the game, if you want more safespaces you need to go to uni.

  • TheCatLady
    TheCatLady Member Posts: 60

    This almost feels like a response post to Monto's new Legion video lol. Blocking the staircase from the basement to wait out borrowed time is a valid tactic. It sucks when you're in that position as the survivors though I'll admit. But it's not a reportable offence imo.

  • Killmaster
    Killmaster Member Posts: 429

    @TheCatLady said:
    This almost feels like a response post to Monto's new Legion video lol. Blocking the staircase from the basement to wait out borrowed time is a valid tactic. It sucks when you're in that position as the survivors though I'll admit. But it's not a reportable offence imo.

    I'd still consider it holding the game hostage, at what point does blocking the stairs go from a tactic to an exploit? 30 seconds, 10 minutes, 30 minutes or even an hour. If something has to be judged on a case by case basis then it should just be removed entirely.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Delfador said:

    @MrLahey said:
    I think it should be bannable. Killers either suck if they do that, or too afraid of BT.

    Survivors are too afraid of going down.

    Goes both ways.

    Ooo, don't burn him! (No pun intended)
  • TheCatLady
    TheCatLady Member Posts: 60

    @Killmaster said:

    @TheCatLady said:
    This almost feels like a response post to Monto's new Legion video lol. Blocking the staircase from the basement to wait out borrowed time is a valid tactic. It sucks when you're in that position as the survivors though I'll admit. But it's not a reportable offence imo.

    I'd still consider it holding the game hostage, at what point does blocking the stairs go from a tactic to an exploit? 30 seconds, 10 minutes, 30 minutes or even an hour. If something has to be judged on a case by case basis then it should just be removed entirely.

    I mean it's 20 seconds for BT, I'd consider any longer holding the game hostage. If they're just using it to wait out BT then I'd see it as just a tactic. The killer going afk at the top of the stairs is definitely holding the game hostage though. You're definitely right about the case by case basis thing, probably for the best if the staircase just gets widened to prevent body blocking entirely.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I don't know if someone is standing at the top of the stairs and you can't get past them because they're too big, that's physics. They already have the thing where when you hit someone they go right through you but making this technique a bannable offense is just ridiculous, might as well report Survivors for body blocking you from not getting a kill, that's not fair either right?

    The Basement is dangerous, it's supposed to be dangerous and you need to second guess if you want to go there to save someone, because it is SUPPOSED to be a death trap, hence why it's small and underground with a long time to escape from.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited December 2018

    @TheCatLady said:

    @Killmaster said:

    @TheCatLady said:
    This almost feels like a response post to Monto's new Legion video lol. Blocking the staircase from the basement to wait out borrowed time is a valid tactic. It sucks when you're in that position as the survivors though I'll admit. But it's not a reportable offence imo.

    I'd still consider it holding the game hostage, at what point does blocking the stairs go from a tactic to an exploit? 30 seconds, 10 minutes, 30 minutes or even an hour. If something has to be judged on a case by case basis then it should just be removed entirely.

    I mean it's 20 seconds for BT, I'd consider any longer holding the game hostage. If they're just using it to wait out BT then I'd see it as just a tactic. The killer going afk at the top of the stairs is definitely holding the game hostage though. You're definitely right about the case by case basis thing, probably for the best if the staircase just gets widened to prevent body blocking entirely.

    So why the ######### would you nerf killers even more when the escape rates are already too high? If you die near the basement then that's tough ######### for you, don't get caught there, don't loop that building.

    Your reasoning is basically it can be exploited, well then remove every object on the level since looping is basically an exploit in the first place.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @MrLahey said:
    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why some people think it's okay to body block the staircase and prevent a survivor from leaving. Several times this has happened to me, and the killer has gone AFK.

    This thread is not about holding the game hostage but about waiting for BT to run out and blocking for that purpose.

    The problem is if survivors found a way to block hooks where the killer couldn't hit them the same complaints would be coming. This is 100% the same as that.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @MrLahey said:
    I think it should be bannable. Killers either suck if they do that, or too afraid of BT.

    Part of the risk of carrying survivors all the way to the basement. And if survivor gets caught caught close enough to

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @purebalance said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @MrLahey said:
    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why some people think it's okay to body block the staircase and prevent a survivor from leaving. Several times this has happened to me, and the killer has gone AFK.

    This thread is not about holding the game hostage but about waiting for BT to run out and blocking for that purpose.

    The problem is if survivors found a way to block hooks where the killer couldn't hit them the same complaints would be coming. This is 100% the same as that.

    Survivors can block hooks to waste wiggle timer. It sucks and is super frustrating but it works and is totally legit.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Attackfrog said:

    @purebalance said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @MrLahey said:
    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why some people think it's okay to body block the staircase and prevent a survivor from leaving. Several times this has happened to me, and the killer has gone AFK.

    This thread is not about holding the game hostage but about waiting for BT to run out and blocking for that purpose.

    The problem is if survivors found a way to block hooks where the killer couldn't hit them the same complaints would be coming. This is 100% the same as that.

    Survivors can block hooks to waste wiggle timer. It sucks and is super frustrating but it works and is totally legit.

    They CANNOT do it infinitely. My point was if there was a way to block the hook where the killer is unable to hit you, THAT would be the same as blocking the basement steps until BT runs out.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    Survivors can body-block the hook to prevent hooks, therefore the killer can body-block the basement to just wait out BT.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @MrLahey said:
    Again, as previously stated, this has happened to me several times where the killer just goes AFK. Just widening the stairs enough to prevent body blocking would solve both the BT and AFKing issues.

    And again,as has been stated several times, this thread is not about the killer going AFK, so that is not a valid argument. So, NO. The stairs are working exactly as designed, and has been stated in several dev streams.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @purebalance said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @MrLahey said:
    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why some people think it's okay to body block the staircase and prevent a survivor from leaving. Several times this has happened to me, and the killer has gone AFK.

    This thread is not about holding the game hostage but about waiting for BT to run out and blocking for that purpose.

    The problem is if survivors found a way to block hooks where the killer couldn't hit them the same complaints would be coming. This is 100% the same as that.

    except what you just said would completely break the game nfrom the core.../facepalm

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523
    Doing it to counter borrowed time is not bannable. They could just heal to counter that anyway.

    Doing it to hold the game hostage is bannable. If you grab a video of it and send it to support, we'll take care of it. Remember to report it in game too.
  • qpwoeiruty
    qpwoeiruty Member Posts: 98

    In this situation you just heal the survivor in the killers face... either they get healed or he takes a swing... not an issue at all...

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @purebalance said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @MrLahey said:
    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why some people think it's okay to body block the staircase and prevent a survivor from leaving. Several times this has happened to me, and the killer has gone AFK.

    This thread is not about holding the game hostage but about waiting for BT to run out and blocking for that purpose.

    The problem is if survivors found a way to block hooks where the killer couldn't hit them the same complaints would be coming. This is 100% the same as that.

    except what you just said would completely break the game nfrom the core.../facepalm

    It's no different than what is being described here.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Peanits said:
    Doing it to counter borrowed time is not bannable. They could just heal to counter that anyway.

    Doing it to hold the game hostage is bannable. If you grab a video of it and send it to support, we'll take care of it. Remember to report it in game too.

    Ok so if survivors ever find a way to block a hook without the killer being able to hook them that better be left alone too.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited December 2018

    @purebalance said:

    @Peanits said:
    Doing it to counter borrowed time is not bannable. They could just heal to counter that anyway.

    Doing it to hold the game hostage is bannable. If you grab a video of it and send it to support, we'll take care of it. Remember to report it in game too.

    Ok so if survivors ever find a way to block a hook without the killer being able to hook them that better be left alone too.

    Completely breaking the base game = outplaying a broken Perk. Love how your mind works.

    But go on, make the basement safe too, see how long your queues get after BHVR starts continuously nerfing killers again.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Peanits said:
    Doing it to counter borrowed time is not bannable. They could just heal to counter that anyway.

    Doing it to hold the game hostage is bannable. If you grab a video of it and send it to support, we'll take care of it. Remember to report it in game too.

    Ok so if survivors ever find a way to block a hook without the killer being able to hook them that better be left alone too.

    Completely breaking the base game = outplaying a broken Perk. Love how your mind works.

    But go on, make the basement safe too, see how long your queues get after BHVR starts continuously nerfing killers again.

    heck, they don't even just nerf them but they make killers now who are already at the lowest they can go.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Kemosabe69 said:
    So this is a topic that I've always been curious about but have never seen a real direct answer, so hopefully somebody can clear the air for me. I think everyone is familiar with the whole basement stair scenario, where someone is rescued from the basement hooks with borrowed time, and the killer stands at the top of the stairs for a chunk of time until the effect wears off. This has been in the game for a very long time, and I've never heard any news about making any changes, but is this something that was intended by the devs? It seems a little broken to be able to hard counter a perk like that without any real mechanics. Is this something that is a reportable offense? I'm not trying to sound like a whiny survivor main, just hoping to get a clear answer about something that brings me much frustration.

    Bodyblocking to let the BT timer run off is definitely intended design.
    The only thing thats reportable is if the killer is locking you in the basement to hodl you hostage (i.e. 10 mins or sth and no timer ticking down)

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Peanits said:
    Doing it to counter borrowed time is not bannable. They could just heal to counter that anyway.

    Doing it to hold the game hostage is bannable. If you grab a video of it and send it to support, we'll take care of it. Remember to report it in game too.

    Ok so if survivors ever find a way to block a hook without the killer being able to hook them that better be left alone too.

    Completely breaking the base game = outplaying a broken Perk. Love how your mind works.

    But go on, make the basement safe too, see how long your queues get after BHVR starts continuously nerfing killers again.

    heck, they don't even just nerf them but they make killers now who are already at the lowest they can go.

    Yeah funny how ######### like doc and freddy get nerfed and ######### nurse is untouched. Like holy hell what are these devs doing?

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Peanits said:
    Doing it to counter borrowed time is not bannable. They could just heal to counter that anyway.

    Doing it to hold the game hostage is bannable. If you grab a video of it and send it to support, we'll take care of it. Remember to report it in game too.

    Ok so if survivors ever find a way to block a hook without the killer being able to hook them that better be left alone too.

    Completely breaking the base game = outplaying a broken Perk. Love how your mind works.

    But go on, make the basement safe too, see how long your queues get after BHVR starts continuously nerfing killers again.

    heck, they don't even just nerf them but they make killers now who are already at the lowest they can go.

    Yeah funny how ######### like doc and freddy get nerfed and [BAD WORD] nurse is untouched. Like holy hell what are these devs doing?

    Oh I was talking about legion : P

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269

    @purebalance said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @MrLahey said:
    I guess I'm just having a hard time understanding why some people think it's okay to body block the staircase and prevent a survivor from leaving. Several times this has happened to me, and the killer has gone AFK.

    This thread is not about holding the game hostage but about waiting for BT to run out and blocking for that purpose.

    The problem is if survivors found a way to block hooks where the killer couldn't hit them the same complaints would be coming. This is 100% the same as that.

    Survivors can block hooks to waste wiggle timer. It sucks and is super frustrating but it works and is totally legit.

    Unless it's ew3 Myers with infinite ew3 they leg it or are slugged or noed bites them in the ass
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Peanits said:
    Doing it to counter borrowed time is not bannable. They could just heal to counter that anyway.

    Doing it to hold the game hostage is bannable. If you grab a video of it and send it to support, we'll take care of it. Remember to report it in game too.

    Ok so if survivors ever find a way to block a hook without the killer being able to hook them that better be left alone too.

    Completely breaking the base game = outplaying a broken Perk. Love how your mind works.

    But go on, make the basement safe too, see how long your queues get after BHVR starts continuously nerfing killers again.

    It's not "outplaying". It's just as broken as using 360. Abusing bad mechanics to get an unfair advantage.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Peanits said:
    Doing it to counter borrowed time is not bannable. They could just heal to counter that anyway.

    Doing it to hold the game hostage is bannable. If you grab a video of it and send it to support, we'll take care of it. Remember to report it in game too.

    Ok so if survivors ever find a way to block a hook without the killer being able to hook them that better be left alone too.

    Completely breaking the base game = outplaying a broken Perk. Love how your mind works.

    But go on, make the basement safe too, see how long your queues get after BHVR starts continuously nerfing killers again.

    heck, they don't even just nerf them but they make killers now who are already at the lowest they can go.

    Yeah funny how ######### like doc and freddy get nerfed and [BAD WORD] nurse is untouched. Like holy hell what are these devs doing?

    Agreed with you there.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,862

    @Kemosabe69 said:
    So this is a topic that I've always been curious about but have never seen a real direct answer, so hopefully somebody can clear the air for me. I think everyone is familiar with the whole basement stair scenario, where someone is rescued from the basement hooks with borrowed time, and the killer stands at the top of the stairs for a chunk of time until the effect wears off. This has been in the game for a very long time, and I've never heard any news about making any changes, but is this something that was intended by the devs? It seems a little broken to be able to hard counter a perk like that without any real mechanics. Is this something that is a reportable offense? I'm not trying to sound like a whiny survivor main, just hoping to get a clear answer about something that brings me much frustration.

    It is working as intended and it is not reportable. The only thing that would make it reportable is if the killer kept the survivors trapped for an extended period of time. That is considered taking the game hostage. But waiting 20 seconds or whatever until borrowed time runs out is fine.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @purebalance said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Peanits said:
    Doing it to counter borrowed time is not bannable. They could just heal to counter that anyway.

    Doing it to hold the game hostage is bannable. If you grab a video of it and send it to support, we'll take care of it. Remember to report it in game too.

    Ok so if survivors ever find a way to block a hook without the killer being able to hook them that better be left alone too.

    Completely breaking the base game = outplaying a broken Perk. Love how your mind works.

    But go on, make the basement safe too, see how long your queues get after BHVR starts continuously nerfing killers again.

    It's not "outplaying". It's just as broken as using 360. Abusing bad mechanics to get an unfair advantage.

    360 is also literally outplaying ppl. the ######### you on about.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @purebalance said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Peanits said:
    Doing it to counter borrowed time is not bannable. They could just heal to counter that anyway.

    Doing it to hold the game hostage is bannable. If you grab a video of it and send it to support, we'll take care of it. Remember to report it in game too.

    Ok so if survivors ever find a way to block a hook without the killer being able to hook them that better be left alone too.

    Completely breaking the base game = outplaying a broken Perk. Love how your mind works.

    But go on, make the basement safe too, see how long your queues get after BHVR starts continuously nerfing killers again.

    It's not "outplaying". It's just as broken as using 360. Abusing bad mechanics to get an unfair advantage.

    360 is also literally outplaying ppl. the [BAD WORD] you on about.

    Abuse of broken mechanics is outplaying? Riiiiight. I should totally miss a swing because you came closer to me? Bullshit. The ######### are you on about. 360 is using broken mechanics.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Peanits said:
    Doing it to counter borrowed time is not bannable. They could just heal to counter that anyway.

    Doing it to hold the game hostage is bannable. If you grab a video of it and send it to support, we'll take care of it. Remember to report it in game too.

    Ok so if survivors ever find a way to block a hook without the killer being able to hook them that better be left alone too.

    Completely breaking the base game = outplaying a broken Perk. Love how your mind works.

    But go on, make the basement safe too, see how long your queues get after BHVR starts continuously nerfing killers again.

    heck, they don't even just nerf them but they make killers now who are already at the lowest they can go.

    Nice. Someone else on the hivemind hate. So how much legion have you played? None? Yeah. 

    Legions fine. Next circle jerk arguement?
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @purebalance said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @purebalance said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Peanits said:
    Doing it to counter borrowed time is not bannable. They could just heal to counter that anyway.

    Doing it to hold the game hostage is bannable. If you grab a video of it and send it to support, we'll take care of it. Remember to report it in game too.

    Ok so if survivors ever find a way to block a hook without the killer being able to hook them that better be left alone too.

    Completely breaking the base game = outplaying a broken Perk. Love how your mind works.

    But go on, make the basement safe too, see how long your queues get after BHVR starts continuously nerfing killers again.

    It's not "outplaying". It's just as broken as using 360. Abusing bad mechanics to get an unfair advantage.

    360 is also literally outplaying ppl. the [BAD WORD] you on about.

    Abuse of broken mechanics is outplaying? Riiiiight. I should totally miss a swing because you came closer to me? Bullshit. The [BAD WORD] are you on about. 360 is using broken mechanics.

    Get a better mouse, like mine literally only cost me 150 bucks and I very rarely get 360'd