No Way Out and Remember Me

VentingSylar Member Posts: 179
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

If some of you can remember. When endgame collapse came out out as a feature, Remember me was nerfed. Originally Remember Me let you get 6 tokens to add an extra 24 seconds to doors making them take 44 seconds at max. This for SOME reason was deemed too strong at the time time during the endgame collapse so they nerfed it. Now we have No Way Out which is arguably a much stronger perk than Remember Me even pre-nerf. No Way Out can potentially block an exit gate for a whole 60 seconds and works even after you close the hatch which basically guarantees the killer a free win if they find the hatch first. So why was 44 second doors deemed too strong with old Remember Me but blocking exit gates for a whole 60 seconds and giving the killer a notification of where the survivor is fine though?

I am absolutely NOT saying nerf No Way Out. I love it the way it is and enjoy that it works even after closing the hatch. What I am saying is to revert the nerf to Remember Me. Not many people used the perk after the nerf and now the nerf looks plain ridiculous compared to the strength of No Way Out.

And not to go too off topic, but with so many endgame perks now. Why the exception only for bitter Murmur and Rancor? I don't know about you but if I save my obsession for last and close the hatch, I should get Rancor value. And just remove the exception on Bitter Murmur and have it and Dark Sense work after closing the hatch.


  • 1miko
    1miko Member Posts: 268

    Yeah you have to stand idle in front of the door which the killer can check depending on how far the doors are while opening them with remember me. With No Way Out as soon as you interact with a door it gets blocked and if the killer is far away you can be long to a corner of the map and have your whole team sneak it out. If the perk forced you to stand around the door to undo the blocking I'd get your frustration. The perk is okay as is, so is Remember Me. Really situational for fun perks that will be used most usually to combo other perks in an endgame build. I get No Way Out has more use in regular builds but it's still nothing compared to your regular meta frustrating to play against perks.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Revert Remember Me? I am in!

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Rancor doesn't activate if you close the hatch only when the last gen is done.

  • Rez_Marsiel
    Rez_Marsiel Member Posts: 279

    Another thing to consider. Remember me rewards the killer for tunneling the obsession whereas No Way Out rewards the killer for playing nice and going after multiple people. No Way Out is healthily designed whereas Remember Me isn't.

  • VentingSylar
    VentingSylar Member Posts: 179

    I know that. I'm saying they should change it so it DOES work after closing hatch. Cause if I save my obsession for last. Then I should be able to use rancor after closing the hatch.

  • VentingSylar
    VentingSylar Member Posts: 179
    edited August 2021

    Another buff I could consider instead of reverting the nerf. They could make each token add 8 seconds to the door. That way its like old Remember Me but you don't have to focus the obsession as hard.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Considering most people will probably stack No Way Out with Remember Me, reverting the nerf would be overkill imo.

    At max stacks, No Way Out is 60s, Remember Me is 16s, and regular gate opening time is 20s. That's already 96s. It really doesn't need to be longer. If they buffed Remember Me, they'd probably need to nerf No Way Out since they do similar things.

  • VentingSylar
    VentingSylar Member Posts: 179

    I personally disagree. No way out alone is already a free win if the killer closes the hatch. Not everyone has both perks so since they do similar things they should have similar strength for the people who have remember me but not no way out and vice versa. Deja Vu and Visionary are basically the same but work in different ways. Same with bitter Murmur and Dark Sense. Remember needs a buff regardless. Heck I say make each token add 10 seconds so if they get 4 tokens doors take 60 seconds. The perk already does nothing if the obsession is the one to open the door so why not? Or make it 5 seconds each at 8 tokens cause then it'd be like a reverse save the best for last where they have to keep the obsession alive to get the full value out of the perk.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Remember Me used to give 5 seconds per token, so tier 3 used to extend gate opening by 30 seconds, not 24 seconds.

  • VentingSylar
    VentingSylar Member Posts: 179

    I did not know that. But should def go back to that. And let the max amount of tokens be 8. People say that might be too powerful but they could easily change it so it doesn't work after closing the hatch. Problem solved. But personally I think it'd be fun to let both work after closing the hatch. That way for people who only have 1 of the perks can still have a proper end game perk. People say combining would be overkill but no way out alone already guarantees a win after closing the hatch so why does it matter?

  • VentingSylar
    VentingSylar Member Posts: 179

    Heck if you have no way out and whispers and close the hatch there is 0% chance the survivor will live. So why not buff remember me so its equal in power to no way out and bloodwarden? Before no way out and after its nerf NO ONE was ever using remember me. Cause the devs nerfed it WAY too hard and now there's a perk stronger than remember me even pre nerf and people are saying remember shouldn't be buffed? Makes 0 sense.

  • VentingSylar
    VentingSylar Member Posts: 179

    Especially when you again consider that the perk gets ZERO value if the obsession is the one to open the door. Especially in the off chance the last survivor alive is the obsession after closing the hatch.