The pig is a good killer am I right?

The pig is so great and so useful and it is the best thing they added to the game in my opinion and most streamers use her and I think you should use her if you need the blood points because she is easy to use
pig imo is really good
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Pig is clearly too strong, we should nerf her again
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Agreed, Pig needs a nerf. A killer able to run fast and then hit a survivor, a killer that puts traps on survivors that LITERALLY kills them, it's like Tombstone Myers 2.0 and we all know how OP the pink Tombstone is.
Nerf. Pig.
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I think she's underrated because most people just tunnel the person with the trap ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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That they will remove at the first box anyways
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Pretty bad imo, like sure she beats bad survivors but every killer does. A good team can beat you pretty easy, its rng if you get a map your dash works on and even more rng if your traps do anything. I have awful rng so shes an awful killer
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You're right. I propose we nerf the pig. Infact, remove her entirely from the game. This is clearly the most balanced choice, traps will be re-added as a 10,000 auric cell cosmetic exclusive to the first 4 survivors.
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I mean if you think a killer who's power is entirely reliant on RNG is good then yeah she's the best.
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Respectfully disagree (though honestly I'm not even sure if OP is being sincere or not).
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Bottom three worst killer in the game. I think most would say at least bottom five.
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Not so sure about her right now, but in the past (prior to her nerfs, mind you), I would say she had a lot of hidden potential and was stronger than perceived to be.
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Nerf all you want, just do not nerf the curve
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In short NO in more complex answer NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO