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What is the benefit of tunneling without being killer or Survivor sided..

I play a lot matches, both killer and survivor equally. But EVERYBODY has a different view on tunneling and camping.

But I want to know from both sides without being bias, why tunneling could be a viable strategy if I were to use it every match.

I personally believe there should be more ways to counter it other than DS. (I don't believe that BT is a viable option, because if you play solo queue you can't just expect teammates to have it)


  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I play both, as a killer you get the chance to get someone out early or maybe down a better player who is now out positioned.

    As a survivor if I'm being tunneled I know I can lead on a big chase and essentially make him lose the game just chasing me, I also use DS so I can throw that in for even longer punishment.

    Both sides can benefit from it, and the killer should play how he needs to. If it's a rough match a simple tunnel could help, if you're in a good position maybe go after the unhookerer. Cant be mad at people who tunnel, if a survivor does an unsafe hook or your team isn't doing gens to punish it then your team is just as much to blame.

    IMO teammates are the real killer lol, I fear a bad team more than any killer

  • InsatiableMop
    InsatiableMop Member Posts: 325

    So true. If someone is getting tunneled or camped and the rest of the team says screw it and just hold m1 the killer flat-out loses. Especially if the survivor getting tunneled happens close enough that maybe a random hit can be taken to extend the chase then the game is surely over. If the killer wins in this situation it's because the survivors didn't adapt properly.

  • Weasdat
    Weasdat Member Posts: 143

    There're already several ways to counter tunneling. DS, borrowed time, we'll make it, taking protection hits, sprint burst/dead hard off hook. Just being in general a better player whether that means looping better or not saving teammates in a dumb way that gets them downed again.

    The truth is survivors have all the tools they need to counter tunneling but 90% of players in this game are bad and blame the game/killer rather than themselves.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Thats simply true. However, if you dont like that playstyle, you shouldn´t do it, because it screws the numbers the dev uses to watch their game balance.

    If the kill rate with tunneling is high enough (or too high), future balance changes might not be the one that allow for a more relaxed game, but might make tunneling a requierement to keep up at all.

    At the moment its just the lazy way for killer, but it might become the only way.

  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393

    Tunneling or getting someone out of the game early (by targeting a person on later hook stages if you see them later) is one of the most efficient strategies the killer has.

    Tunneling in particular is effective cause the survivor is still injured after being unhooked making them easier to down.

    The problem is that it is not in the killers benefit not to tunnel one person/get someone out early if they want to win. I made a comment on another post about camping that included some changes that could reward killers for not tunneling or camping, thus encouraging them to play in a healthier way that also provides them benefits so that they are not putting themselves at a huge disadvantage by not taking advantage of strategies like tunneling.

  • InList
    InList Member Posts: 85

    I've been tunnelled for 5 gens before the killer managed to mori me. I've also died with only 1 gen popped- indoor map and I wasn't very switched on at the time. I treat survivor as a team game so I'll take a protection hit or even a down if someone else is in need and don't mind being tunneled or camped if my team mates are slamming gens in the meantime.

    Tunneling as killer can be a 50-50. Getting the weak link out early gives you lots of pressure but committing to a bad chase can cost you the game.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    I play both sides. Primarily survivor, but I've served my time as Killer.

    Tunneling is great for Killers when your gens go by too fast and you're able to weed out the weak link fast. Getting someone hooked in a dead zone if they don't have the perks to counter tunneling will be absolute destruction for them.

    However, at the same time, committing to someone who is better than you, especially on killers who don't have an amazing chase (Like Wraith or Trapper outside of his web), can easily cost you the game. Double this if they actually have the perks to help against tunneling.

    But- and this is a big but, I don't think tunneling is as clear-cut of a 50/50 as people seem to make it out to be. There's no counter to tunneling for Survivor- merely perks to help buy time and hoping you can outplay the Killer. (A feat not always possible with some of the cast pretty much-throwing survivor skill out the window.) The best counterplay to tunneling, is, well... teamwork and communication. That's something that's really hard to come by as Survivor, so unless you're in a 4-man or you get a super lucky rando/randos, there's a good chance that you just can't buy your team enough time to get everything done, because they're wasting their time. Because of this, I think tunneling tends to be more in the Killer's favor, unless you are just getting rekt in chase.

    At the same time, (and this is just my opinion), I personally don't condone the playstyle unless, well, you actually have to do it. (Whether it be because you cannot find anyone else, or because there's like one gen left and they were your first hook or something.) I think doing things like camping and tunneling is a part of what leads into the nasty cycle of making more people to feel like they have to run meta perks in order to get a chance to play, and encouraging more people to gen rush (The best counter to a tunnel, which does tie back into communication and teamwork), which then leads more Killers to think they have to camp/tunnel and run nothing but meta perks to play. I just don't agree with feeding into the cycle when you don't need to. (And this goes for both Killer and Survivor players, as this is a two-way issue.)

  • Crystopus
    Crystopus Member Posts: 35

    That's mostly true, but from a solo queue stand point (Without being survivor sided) The only perks that actually help are DS and Sprint Burst/ Dead Hard. Both Borrowed time and We'll make it have to be used by another person in order to successfully. I'm actually glad that almost everyone who commented on this one didn't go straight to "Ur JuST bAD", and I'm glad you pointed out Dead Hard and Sprint Burst, because those are both good options that I didn't think about.

    But all of those perks, including DS and Dead Hard/ Sprint Burst can only temporarily stop tunneling. Sprint burst + DS are definitely going to be the most effective, considering I could get off the killer's shoulder if they tunnel me, and then Sprint Burst away. I definitely need to get better at looping.

    Thank you all for being very upfront though and giving good advice. Greatly appreciated.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    A way easier job

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Tunneling makes things easier.

    It's negative is less points, and I don't like that

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 512

    If the survivor wasn't camped on hook and managed to be healed, if I find them again I don't consider it tunneling. You have 3 chances to not get caught, and if I let them heal up after being unhooked then they are getting a fair chance to play the next chase. If they fail those chases then they need to be more cautious on their last chance.

    Now being camped and then tunnelled off the hook is a problem that needs solving, DS and BT help with being targeted right after you are unhooked, but camping is something that makes you completely helpless and dependent on your teammates and their perks to get you back in the game.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    If you mindlessly use tunneling every match, decent survivors will punish you for it. Camping, tunneling, slugging are all tools to use as a killer, but mostly based on the situation that is presented to them.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Tunnelling turns the game on its head. 3 players are way more manageable, especially when discordance lights up when another is downed/hooked. If a game is going to the survivors, you can expect the killer to tunnel the next one he hooks, if not, they're being naive.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Let me put this straight most ppl consider 4k a win and they will often tunell to get that and let me explain to you I tunelled ome match and got brutal killer with 4k and no pip and than next match I didn't tunell anyone and got two kills and ruthless killer and 1 pip tunelling is viable strategy only to ppl who works for sweaty 4k that doesn't care about rank or their killer status same goes for camping I'm playing wraith so maybe I don't need to tunell to accomplish my goal but as far as I see everyone is playing powerful killers I got camped at 5 gens by blight who was rank 3 so it really doesn't matter tunelling in my book does more harm than good

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,172

    Sorry but killer status is cute. As if anyone of any side gave something on that. Everyone only sees the worst in the opposing side.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Killer status as endgame result I meant like entity displeased brutal etc

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    Eh sometimes I'll pick 1 lucky guy to go straight to death hook in the early game regardless of map just so I've got an instantly removable guy in the late game in my back pocket as that's very useful but I make sure the dude gets left alone for a while after that to play the game.

    Send me to haddonfield though....

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    DS: only activates once, you can get tunneled after both hook stages.

    BT: Sure.

    We’ll Make It: does not counter tunneling at all because if the killer really wants to tunnel you won’t have time to heal.

    Protection hits: Sure, if you only play SWF. It’s really rare to get someone to take a hit for you in solo Q.

    Sprint Burst: Sure, it can take you to a loop, unless the killer is right on you when you get unhooked, since the unhooking animation takes priority and wont let you use sprint burst and you can get hit until then.

    Dead Hard: If you aren’t in a deadzone, sure.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,172

    Ah okay sorry I misunderstood.

    I thought is was meant as status as kind of the impact on the reputation of killers in general.

    Like i don't tunnel, camp or slug and often even don't intentionally kill but that won't have any impact on the general image of all killer using only scummy tactics.

  • Crystopus
    Crystopus Member Posts: 35

    Exactly. As a survivor in solo queue, when I see my teammates teabagging the killer or taunting the killer, I genuinely hope the killer catches them. And as a Killer, when I see a survivor teabagging I take it as them wanting to be chased. And yes, for the most part it is the survivors's fault. I completely agree with that. And in solo queue I suffer from that the most.

  • RiskyKara
    RiskyKara Member Posts: 804

    Teach me a lesson. Do it. I've been trying to get better at being chased, and I taunt click and teabag to get the killers ire.

    One day I'll get tunneled the entire game and still manage to escape.

  • Crystopus
    Crystopus Member Posts: 35

    Now I'm scared to play killer. This actually puts fear in me. XD

  • Jason_Soreknees
    Jason_Soreknees Member Posts: 51
    edited August 2021

    I have recently played 2 games as killer against a 3 man SWF of various levels (all higher than me) and in both games the 1 survivor on his own was rank 1 (the excellent matchmaking system working as greatly as ever) ... tunneling in those games is what got me a 3k and a 4k. The SWFs were way too focused on helping out their buddies. I realised this pretty early, as soon as I hooked one his friends were there in seconds.

    I figured that they wouldnt want one of them to die and have to sit and watch the rest, nor would the others want to quit and get an abandon penalty. So I would tunnel the first guy I hooked and his friends were trying so hard to stop me, that they completely stopped doing gens, which made my life a hell of a lot easier.

    Tbh other than those examples I very rarely tunnel as a killer. Only real do it if I've been gen rushed to high heaven and want to secure a kill or two as the match is ending and the others escape. Doesn't make too much sense to tunnel too hard as a killer as you are just giving survivors more time to do gens.

    Gotta say though, I do like the idea of getting bonus points for focusing on another survivor after one has been unhooked.

    Post edited by Jason_Soreknees on
  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    This. less Survivors means less work to pressure gens. It's a no-brainer.

    Also, this. All of this. Don't get found, don't get caught, don't get cocky. Put some effort into actually giving the Killer the respect they deserve as a dangerous opponent or you can't complain.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Ohh lol maybe I worded it wrong which understandable when English is not my first language

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,562

    The pressure gain is exponential. Camping someone to death or tunneling them out inside of a 3 gen is incredibly effective. It's safe.

    A 3 gen doesn't really exist in a 4v1 scenario. Survivors can split 2 and 1 with Prove while you're in a chase. In a 3v1, they can't. End a chase, PGTW, rotate to the other gen and chase. It's very difficult for survivors to recover without chaining great chases together.

  • MrCrazyCat62
    MrCrazyCat62 Member Posts: 168

    It can benefit if a person has a key, or if getting a person out of the game is top priority. But generally thats if you have severely screwed up your early game.

    Unfortunately I often see it used by killers who don't feel confident enough to play the game. And use tunneling to get atleast 1 kill.

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    The "benefit" is to lessen the pressure on the Killer side making the match easier for Killer.

    It's also why DS and BT are so popular.

    Nothing much to be done about it though. If you get tunneled, gg and re-Q.