So, about the minor fix to grabs.

I'm honestly not surprised at this point, my first game in over a month being the only game I played that day and I get screwed over by a so called "fix".
Basically due to latency or something, for the killer they see a survivor still on a gen, but for the survivor it shows that they've already let go of the gen, therefore causing the killer to start the grab animation but it stops right after. Am I right? Well I've read that they've added in a fix... "fix", that is supposed to help with this, so whenever a grab is denied by the server the killer will instead m1 and hit the survivor. Honestly that sounds like a good idea until a proper fix is in place. Now here comes the good part. If you are playing as a killer with an instadown, so let's say hillbilly, instead of it preforming an m1 it instead instantly pops your chainsaw downing the survivor with no time to react.
Was there a change to this "fix" that I didn't hear about or did they somehow mess this up?
Sorry if this has been brought up before, I haven't seen anyone else talking about this.
I mean it's a buff to Billy, I will take what I can.
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Not just Billy, Leatherface as well. Like he needed to be any better at camping.