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Is it known that SWF ruins the game for solo players and killers ?

Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

If you play solo survivor with SWF , they're selfish and only care about themselves ; if you play against them as killer - we already know how it is .

Since you guys are ''so cool'' and have stranger- i mean friends around the world to play with , why is it so hard to find a 5rh person and start a custom game. you guys are popular right ?



  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Back when the game was new there was no survive with friends option and survivors would enter and exit lobbies until they found their friends and a lot of people were vocal about wanting a survive with friends feature. People were going to find each other anyway. (Game population wasn't nearly as big, its just the way it was.)

    That's why it's here. It wasn't really a game balance thing. It was an inevitability. I don't think this game was ever supposed to be taken competitively anyway. It was just cheeky slasher hide and seek. Winning and losing were kinda after thoughts.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Also bhvr would never disable swf they'd just be shooting themselves in the foot. I dont even play survivor much and even when I do only like 50% is with swf and if they disabled it id stop playing.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,969

    but playing with friends in dbd bad I shall shame you and berate you for doing so

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    But they should seperate swf from solo queue and balance both modes seperatly, because otherwise this game will never be balanced. SWF do have an advantage that needs to be balanced out for killers.#

    But it will never happen, thats why this game will keep rebalancing, so some times killers are up (even against swf), and sometimes they are down so solos can still play.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    I rarely play with others when I play survivor. I have played approx 1700 hours as survivor and 1800 as killer and no.. I don't think SWFs ruin anything. I like going against SWFs as a killer because it feels more challenging/rewarding. As a mainly solo survivor I don't mind SWFs of 2-3 people because their communication with one another actually benefits the entire team. Not sure what ranks you are playing with, but in red ranks I have no issues soloing survivor.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Lel. My imagination jumped to Shadows of Mordor's orc shaming mechanic. Just grab an SWF survivor by the face and shame them, decreasing their rank.

    Solo queue does bring about how this game was originally envisioned to be played and I'm always going to recommend it. I'm too finicky about my play time and I'm usually the third or fourth survivor out of a losing match. Not too sure my team mate would ever enjoy that for more than an hour.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Seen to many solo survivors left to die on hook or left alone in the trial after a 3 man swf ragequit. I avoid them as survivor.

  • Kyxlect
    Kyxlect Member Posts: 230

    I agree. There needs to be an option to filter out these SWF groups from searches as both Survivor and Killer.

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    Letting Killers know whether they're facing a SWF would help a lot, since it's no fun for anyone when a Killer brings meme perks for fun only to meet four dudes with LED gaming chairs.

    Matter of fact, even as a Survivor I'd love to know who is with who, so I can adjust perks and my expectations accordingly.

    And yes, lobby dodging would be a concern, but eh...

  • KweenPlease
    KweenPlease Member Posts: 305

    This post is very cringey and sad . . . someone is really projecting their own insecurities.

    Not all SWF are selfish either. My group definitely isn't and my group has a mix of people from ones I know IRL to ones I met online and we talk all the time. I'm not special either so I know there are plenty of people in the same boat as me.

    If you want people to play with, put yourself out there. There are other friendless, insecurity projecting survivors who blame everyone else for their lack of ability to play other than you. I promise. <3

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Bhvr can barely keep up with one game mode, not too mention we've wanted a new game mode for years, what makes you think they can properly balance 2 different queues also how would 3 queuing work?.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    I must be very lucky because I've never in all my solo survivor games ever been ######### over but what was clearly premade, not saying it doesn't happen I'm sure it does but only in very low ranks did it ever feel like I didn't have alturistic team mates who wouldn't go for unhooks, everyone wants to farm the emblems via unhooks/healing.

    As for playing killer swf really doesn't bother me any more, after you face it enough you learn to identify the tells of problematic groups in the lobby then you just perk up to counter them ( starstruck, lightborn if appropriate ) ignore the ones begging for your attention and if they try "bullying" you you've pretty much won because nobodies doing gens and it's easy to snowball off the swarming.

    I find rare spawns where it puts 1 survivor on a solo gen each way more problematic than any swf group, heading to the wrong gen and having 4 gens pop is a bigger issue than swf will ever been and I think swf gets blamed for this happening than the actual dodgy spawns.

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    Yet here are...Treating the game like rank and skill actually matter :' )

  • MrBuffalo
    MrBuffalo Member Posts: 312

    You know what used to happen when killers could tell they were versing a SWF? They would lobby dodge and then no one would find games which is why BHVR had to put things in to stop people from dodging every single lobby just cause people didnt like what they were looking at.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    How do I convince my wife's boyfriend that he's wrong for enjoying Survivor?

    For the past two days every time I walk by my bedroom and see him in there playing with a SWF with meme perks I get absolutely livid. I cannot believe he would betray this exclusively killer main household like this.

    Sometimes I'd step in and say something like "H-hey Kieth, um, you know that playing in a Survive With Friends is basically an exploit, right? Like it makes aura perks like Bond almost useless a-and you can constantly call out the killer's location"

    And he'd always say something [BAD WORD] stupid like "Not now, champ. Go back to your room me and your wife need to have an important talk"

    One time I tried to redditpill him again and said "H-hey Kieth you know that survivor is really unfun to go against because of Ruin Undying. And some killers are uninteractive to go against like engravings billy, um like you don't have enough time to react to the curve around loops. Don't you wanna join us and main spirit instead"

    Now get this Reddit. He had the AUDACITY to say "I don't really care about ruin, its just a infinite flashbang generator. But if my team suffers too much from Ruin I'll maybe try to cleanse it with counterforce. I just want to focus on stunning the killer with head on"

    I immediately ran out of the room sobbing, I sat at my desk and threw my chicken tenders all over the floor in disgust. He is a totem cleanse exploiter.

    I just don't get it reddit. I'm at my wits end at this point. I cannot fathom how someone could enjoy exploiting in the current state of the game. I've already tagged the developers at least 13 times in my Reddit comment manifestos do you think I should start tagging him as well? I don't even know if he checks Reddit.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    As with about LITERALLY every other COMMON complain about what ABSOLUTELY RUINS THE GAME ( keys, hatch, moris, DH, DS, BT, NOED, SPIRIT, Deathslinger, Twins, Trickster, Hatch etc) this all boils down to one thing:

    Every time something is perceived as 'ruining the game' one of the involved parties stubbornly tried to play in an utterly selfish 'win at every cost' way.

    Heck, I just had someone have a go at me because I 'ruined their' match because they couldn't find me after tunneling, camping and slugging with doctor for the 12 hooks. They got insulting because I bled out instead of giving them 12 hooks...

    Too many people play this game with these kinds of approaches, be it killer or survivor. And THAT is what ruins the game

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    That would be because it IS a insult to the people who just want to play with friends

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

    go to custom games and stop ruining the game for people who play alone .

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

    and your response is excuses. go to custom games and stop ruining the game for solo players.

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

    so what , they ruin the game & thats not subjective .

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

    then. go . play . custom . games . literally a mode designed for friends to play together . ######### is the hold-up ?

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    custom games shouldn't be the only way you can play with friends mate, the devs added SWF because they want people to play with friends, if you are that upset over it, blame Discord and other 3rd party communication software over a system that was intended to just let buddies play with each other and nothing more

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

    ''custom games shouldn't be the only way you can play with friends ''

    What more can you ask for , thats literally the best mode in the game . People just want to group-up and pub-stomp and ruin solo players experiences for both sides. SWF sucks. whether you're killer or survivor you're the stooge to them .

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

    Poor balance and logic is what ruins this game , something SWF single-handedly breaks .

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Yeah. I grab the person I know for 20 years now and we decided, we just want to play together to ruin other players experience. Like, not that we enjoy playing together, we solely play to make the life of others miserable.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Yes, sometimes it really is that hard to find a 5th to play customs.

    Me and my friend group will always do a custom game when we get the chance, but more often than not, it's just 3 or 4 and we SWF it up because we suck anyway.

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

    Whether you like it or not , you break the poor-balance of the game even more , and ruin the game for solo-players i.e others. you and your friend just wasted 2 slots for solo-players to be able to link-up and play clean matches. Like i said , only selfish , inconsiderate SWF boys and girls disagree with this - you people can't even admit the way you play is gross , and just continue on with your nuisance ways.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 537
    edited August 2021

    I don't care, they are helping the killer by letting me die, and I never cared to lose as survivor since it is so chill

    They have to buff solo queue and killer

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

    Aside from rank , SWF is another driving factor that forces this game to be a ''wanna-be competitive'' mess. Basically - SWF ruins the game.

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

    And for good reason - nobody (killers) likes SWF . Solo survivors don't like them & they waste slots for solo-players . The reasons for dodging are valid and make 100% sense.

    SWF ruins the game.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Bro I'm a killer main, playing with friends is like maybe 10% of my game time and survivor is at most 20% of my 1k hours I've done every survivor challenge from the last 4 tome chapters and all the ones from this chapter so far and you don't see me b*tching.

    My friends stopped playing dbd well before I got to rank 1 survivor and don't get me wrong solo queue sucks at times which is why I play mostly killer but don't delude yourself into thinking it ruins the game.

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

    good for you ; your track record , personal experiences , and opinions are irrelevant - this thread is valid complaints based in facts . keep making excuses for wanting to sweatwithfriends instead of just owning up to the fact that its a slimeball way to play the game . instead of going to custom games , that the mode was designed for.

    excuses , excuses .

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    I actually would do custom games for SWF if it gave bloodpoints and let you do challenges. But it doesn't

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    "Your opinion is invalid my opinion is fact" are you a child?

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

    You can go to another thread now ; retorting to ad-hominems and making it personal is not my problem . i made a valid statement thats worth a complaint and you got a problem with it because it conflicts with your inconsiderate and self-absorbed ego . bye bye now .

  • MadmegMain
    MadmegMain Member Posts: 105

    This post reads as someone who cant make friends.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209
    edited August 2021

    Well for one just because you started the thread doesn't give you ownership over it, I can do or say what I want on this thread. Two your statement isn't valid just because you feel strongly about it also the majority of the playerbase plays at least somewhat in swf disabling it or separating queues would not be good for the game and definitely not for solo queue.

    So let's address your idea of "just go into customs" so whats a group of 2, 3, or even 4 supposed to do in custom games? The games not balanced for it. Another thing how much enjoyment can you get out of playing against the same 4 people over and over again? What about how devastating removing swfs would be to queue times? You know a large portion of the population would quit the game over swf removal right?

    SWFs was an addition to the game it wasn't there at launch or at least it wasn't there in its earliest forms not sure (not sure when exactly it was added) it was highly requested why would they remove it now years later?

    Can you answer those questions legitimately since you brought up this whole topic ill drop the "personal" attacks I want your legit answer to those questions. Obviously you don't have to answer but all that tells me is that you don't have an answer to them.

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61
  • MadmegMain
    MadmegMain Member Posts: 105

    I truly play solo 99 percent of my 4k hours in this game. Somehow I’ve never had a problem with people playing with there friends lol. Grow up dude

  • MadmegMain
    MadmegMain Member Posts: 105

    Except your post isnt a valid complaint. Its a pathetic one

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

    Good. for. you.

    Your entire posts is just making excuses with strawman arguments , you people know the sh** is unfair why the hell is it such an endeavor to fix your lips to admit that ? How the hell can custom games be unbalanced ? You have free- reign over game rules , maps , and you're all on coms and can negotiate what perks yall wanna use . The fact that you're trying to find an excuse for why custom-games isn't the perfect fit for friends is just - EXCUSES.

    Then you said - ''what if its 2 or 3'' ? then the inconsiderate 2-3 of you just ruin the game for the solo-survivor and the killer , all the while wasting 3 slots that other solo-players could've had. not only that - but you screw up the algorithm with your rainbow ranks or ranks in general that just throws off the matchmaking . why cant 2 swfs be matched with another 2 swfs is beyond me also - but keep making excuses for sleezy , greasy and sweaty ways to play that suck .

    Nobody cares about the ''what if's'' with the SWF the point is that ITS NOT FAIR AND RUINS THE GAME. wheres the dispute with that ? there is NONE .

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

    And cheating with friends is an invalid pathetic way to play the game , instead of going to custom games that only SWFs can play . Keep making excuses without jack-S** to back it up. thats all you sweatsquads do is point-fingers at the OP because you have no rebuttal for your garbage game-breaking playstyle.

  • Deon_1
    Deon_1 Member Posts: 61

    As soon as your grow out of your titanic ego , ill maybe consider what some inconsiderate ''mad'' boy has to say.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    The Devs confirmed that playing with friends is not cheating. They even provide the option to do so on the DBD-Discord Server.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I honestly do more solo and killer because most of my friends have left the game.

    But simple answer is, custom is no blood points nor progression.

    So, boring. Plus, usually, friends play too nice when playing killer.

This discussion has been closed.