Okay, disable the DC penalty again.

I was all in favor for it to come back, when I though they were going to fix things, but I'm locked out for 2 hours after 4 matches lagged, froze and crashed. Fix that first, then you can bring back the penalty.
(I'm sorry, I know there's about a dozen of these posts already.)
No, don't disable it because one person is having issues. Fix it whilst keeping the D/C penalty enabled. Go report your issue in the bug subsection instead of making insane suggestions.
The D/Cing was rampant when it was disabled. Survivor's D/Cing over the dumbest things like the Killer, the Map or even the fact that they got downed first and that affects the three other Survivor's that are stuck in the trial with a much bigger disadvantage because of one immature little...ehm, problematic person.
16 -
I don't think I'm the ONLY person this is happening to. Also, you're right, they probably shouldn't disable it again cause, yeah, while it was disable it was rampant. I'm simply very, very frustrated because, not only am I being punished for the games technical flaws but I'm also screwing up games for other people. Especially if it happens when I'm playing as killer. But don't tell me its an INSANE suggestion, like it's pure madness that I want to actually play the game with out it crashing and penalizing me.
17 -
While I'm not having many problems (Probably because my PC is upper mid tier and not a potato), I have noticed it lagging erratically here and there. Heck, I like to watch some of the funny dbd clips on YouTube from 4Gamers and you'd see lots of examples of poor performance. So if they're more widespread, the DC penalty should be removed until then. It isn't fair to punish people for something that isn't in their control and should have been dealt with a long time ago.
2 -
Unfortunately the cons outweigh the pros for turning it back on. At this point if you're game is constantly crashing I'd just stop supporting the devs & play something else.
2 -
My discussion title is a little immature as well, I apologize for that.
1 -
One person? Did you not see the thread over optimization that is dozens of pages long? It's not one person that has this issue, it's many people. Devs just can't, or won't, fix it in a meaningful way.
It would be nice if the server could tell the difference between clicking 'leave match' vs hardware/software issues.
10 -
One issue I've had is my game crashing when someone leaves in loading screen
1 -
It's 90 now!
8 -
The cons definitely don't outweigh the pros. When the D/C penalty was off it was being massively abused.
The game currently doesn't have any issues significant enough to warrant disabling the D/C penalty.
If it was an issue with the game more players would be experiencing issues and that isn't the case. They're other things that could be causing it then the game. as to the cause. Maybe your system doesn't meet the minimum requirements, it's not configured properly, your system isn't working properly, etc.
0 -
90 people is a small fraction of those that play this game. If it was an issue with the game there would be a lot more having problems.
1 -
You really think they will fix it anytime soon? We waited 2 moths for half of fix and ur like fix it? No they won't and we keep getting undeserved bs penalties for their own fault don't you see anything wrong in that? What msg does this give me? Don't play our game?
0 -
90 pages of 30 comments each.
There's plenty of people experiencing these issues and you are trying to sweep them under the rug as if they don't matter.
12 -
Its definitely not one person dude. Not too mention the myriad of other bugs that have been in the game for years. All the dc penalty does is punish people who have actual crashes people who would've dc'd just kill themselves on first hook for the same effect anyways on just eat a 5 minute penalty then go on to kill themselves on first hook. It literally solves nothing.
3 -
90 pages
0 -
Well, the topic at hand is D/Cing, not those other bugs. The amount of people suiciding on first hook is vastly lower than the amount of people D/Cing for dumb reasons. At the very least, the worthless Survivor can keep the Killer busy while they take them to hook (each second counts in this game) and can also serve as bait to the Killer if they decide to stand around and watch in disgust as the suiciding turd goes bye bye.
0 -
Okay you will still lose a 3v1 unless you are significantly better then the killer in which case it being a dc wouldn't have mattered. Also the amount of people who still dc or kill themselves on first hook because they got downed to quick is still like every 3 or 4 games its only moderately less then when the dc penalty was on but the amount of suicide on first hook has definitely compensated.
Also I don't camp or tunnel when possible either nor do I run ruin/undying, the only slowdowns I run are pop and surge and almost never together.
0 -
well hate to break it to ya but more then 2,000 people are experiencing this lol
7 -
Well, I hate to break it to YOU but there are 37k people currently playing and about 60k-70k playing at peak times. I've never even experienced this crashing issue myself. For all I know OP could just be one of these people that D/C at the start of every trial themselves for kicks and wants it back so they can go right back to doing it again.
1 -
"I've never even experienced this crashing issue myself".
Well then, don't try and invalidate other people's problems because it's never happened to you.
13 -
don’t try to invalidate other people just because you never experienced this. have you heard of the insane horrible performance issues on consoles when the RED chapter was released?
8 -
literally, I crashed twice on switch after the last update and gave up after that (one week of upate delay just to disable clip recordings and no improvements btw), went back to PC which is the most stable for me, I don't even wanna try ps4.
0 -
Well, I hate to break it to YOU but your numbers are for steam. Im pretty sure console users is a larger playerbase.
4 -
Yes, because PC Master race. ;)
That's a bold statement even without any numbers whatsoever to back it up. Nice.
0 -
You just made my day.
Him: "90 people is a small fraction"
You: "90 pages, with 30 comments each"
Probably Him: *Suprised Pikachu Face*
4 -
I mean most of them just disconnect and wait out the 5 minutes watching the rest of the match. It's kind of pointless, unless they keep doing it.
0 -
Not a statement, an hypothesis. "I'm pretty sure".
Xbox + PS + Switch is a ton of players. Dont underestimate that.
1 -
if someone wants out of the game, let them get out of it. Playing as survivor I've been trapped in place by other survivors, held hostage in games by killer and survivor buddies not letting me do gens or die, playing as killer survivors lagging so badly they're literally impossible to hit who won't finish gens and leave. If people want do dc let them dc - there's literally no difference to the other players vs someone suiciding on hook or alt tabbing out and doing something else.
1 -
If it is 90 pages of 30 comments then Pulsar put things out of context by only putting the number 90 in response to Kyxlect's comment on about it only being one person.
In any case as many have pointed out if it was the game more people would be experience it and that doesn't appear to be the case now that many of the issues with the Resident Evil DLC have been fixed. Instead of posting in this 90 page thread perhaps they should be troubleshooting their systems.
0 -
"Troubleshoot their systems"
((Laughs heartily in console))
0 -
Someone leaves = replaced by bot. That's what I would like it see.
1 -
You've never had to troubleshoot a console? Lucky you. Sometimes it isn't fun tracking down a problem. Then again if your one of those experiencing issues and haven't tried troubleshooting then that could explain the issues your having.
0 -
I experienced some errors which removed me from the match to the main menu of the game. If they want to enable de penalisation system they should be sure this issues happen to a very small portion of the community or nobody at all, but this is very extended as I see.
If they don't want to disable completely the penalisation system, at least they shoul put a lesser penalisation, 5 minutes penalisation 3 or 4 times in a row before starting to be 15 minute penalisation would be nice.
0 -
The only troubleshooting I know how to do is unplug everything from my xbox and leave off for a couple of minutes, then reconnect and maybe just maybe the system cache is cleared. Maybe.
My NAT is open and internet very good. Ping is 70-90ms ever since the patch after Blight came out (Blight's actual patch overheated all Xbox1x's and was fixed by the following patch, check out the Tech Issues for more on that).
We can't even defrag. What troubleshooting do you recommend?
0 -
Okay. Sure.
Go ahead, tell me what I should do.
1 -
Yeah I get you're having gamebreaking issues that prevent you from being able to play the game you enjoy but you see, I might be inconvenienced with some people sometimes DC'ing in my game. I mean, yeah I can still get points and the game is certainly less fun while still playable, but understand that my fun being unperturbed is more important than you being able to play in general.
The DC penalty is a joke right now, three times I've been given a penalty because the killer DC'd at the start, forcing my game to be permanently stuck at the 'intro' phase with my character just standing still until I shut down the game.
1 -
My friend Mike is also having an issue with the game doing something similar. He got an hour and a half matchmaking lock last time because it does it around once a day. It's cray.
0 -
With the teammates you get in this game even the bot would end up disconnecting 😐️