Selfcare players



  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    yeah that's my solutions cuz if killer wasn't busy he would find u both before gens poped he is not wnadering around randomly patrolling gens it does matter the order a survivor heal takes less then a gen loosing a gen is worse than a health state and the longer the game takes the more diffuclt it will be healing slows down the game especially with SC players body blocking killer is really is when you do it right you don't try to assume where killer will go our block him just be right behind after your teammate you might need to go sometimes just a little left or right where the killer goes but mostly you should be tail of your teammate If someone just gets tilt not getting heal to end the gen that person is new or shouldn't play the game in my opinion cuz what ı said is the efficent way

    yeah my solution either medkit or using inner strength just like your all solutions has SC and it is almost imposible for someone to not have medkit in this game or you just have to be a new player and if u are getting injured bc killer can't catch you shouldn't be that afraid to play injured that but you act like priority of yours is healing so ı don't think that's your situation and if u are gonna selfcare to save someone pls don't bother someone who needs a protection hit not gonna last that long and if does that person is decent doesn't need much of your protection hit there some exceptions of course i keep saying that from the begining sometimes it can come in handy still my other options medkit and inner sternght does the same trick and does faster so what you said is valid to all other heal options SC is the worst one that's all

    and you are talking like lots maybes what if etc. i can give millions of maaybes to SC as well in general SC is suck and my solutions are better on those maybe situations here is an example that i see so often maybe you just almost heal your self like 30 sec and killer find u and downs you 30 sec waste

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    ı'm all okey when it is combined with some perks it becomes usefull that way and i feel the same way how you eel about that wraith situation i doN't even like wraiths

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    ı am at rank 5 at the edge of 4 ı ve been red for along time but the last 2 months ı am having connection problems and game was keep kicking me out ı'm also using Nvida's geforce now to play dbd connection is everything for me it is suprising metoo tbh i feel like if ı rank up to 3 or 4 they are all vanishes matchmaking system is wierd af and ı dc a lot lately due to campers etc. ı don't wanna give them points

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567
  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Me looping too well and the killer leaving me alone is actually my situation pretty frequently. Here's the thing though, sometimes you just mess up your positioning and get found by the Killer in a place where you have nothing to work with. I don't want to go down like a sack of potatoes when that happens. So... I usually bring self care and a med kit, heal up, and that way if/when I need to I can use my healthy state to get somewhere safer.

    " it is almost imposible for someone to not have medkit in this game" I personally am slowly running out of medkits. You know why? I main Killer. Most of my BP goes towards one of my Killers, trying to get them all the perks I want to use. My main Survivor has all the perks I've got unlocked so I don't throw many BP her way. So... I'm slowly running out of items. I still run medkits, but not high rarity and definitely not with add ons because those are guaranteed to go away. The only way I'm bringing a 2 heal med kit is if I run either Botany or SC and I prefer SC because in the games where I do need a 3rd or 4th self heal, I have that option. I'm sure I'm not the only person in that sort of situation BP wise.

    Also Inner Strength isn't exactly a perfect solution either because that's on a licensed Survivor.

    There's a ridiculously easy solution to healing for 30 seconds with SC and then getting downed. Its called "Heal under a pallet". Not that hard. Killer shows up? Start running or throw the pallet and finish your heal.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    If a survivor is absorbing hits and thereby preventing someone else's hooks, what's the issue?

    Two injured survivors is not gen efficient, sure, but Im assuming the other two are doing gens.

    This would make self care highly efficient for 4-player escapes, irrespective of how long the trial lasts.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,038

    I don't really care if people run self care use what you want I'm not the dead by daylight perk police

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    ı don't care loosing all of the match points make him loose a little is the only option for me at that point If it becomes 3v1 and he is a ######### camper tunneler as long as that person doesn't get the pip ı'm okey with loosing my points tht was what ı meant

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Man man this argument is almost as old this game you guys need to find something else to b!tch about

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    ''Me looping too well and the killer leaving me alone is actually my situation pretty frequently. Here's the thing though, sometimes you just mess up your positioning and get found by the Killer in a place where you have nothing to work with.'' this sceniro doesn't make your SC efficient yeah it is sucks when this happens a health state may look like a good thing but if u are in a dedzone you are gonna get hit again and this puts you in a vicious circle you SC for 32 in a deadzone bc you are in a deadzone you are likely to get another hit in there and if u manage to run you SC again you are making game take so long which results in defeat you are considering everything as a solo player you are saving yourself with that SC waste time meanwhile resources are running out your being good at chase doesn't gonna make SC better survivors when played together are stornger if everyone in your game runs SC you ll never win

    And still ı'm pretty sure you are the at miniorty about not having medkits cuz ı just leveled up every survivor ı have to 50 level and done this in 5th anniversiry they were all like 30 level and considering you are not new in game it is so unlikely to happen yeah you might be a exception but still in general nothing changes I play both sides ı have lots of medkits and every killer except nemesis which ı don't have him are 50 level has bunc of things there maybe 3-4 40 level killers that's all

    even if it is licensed i ve seen more than once inner strenght at shrine of secrets you can get it easily

    There is ridiculously easier solutions for everything u have said instead of healing 1-2 times with SC go do a gen and you ll go out for max of 2 times healing and probably gonna win

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    if a survivor does gens you mostly not gonna need to take hits and you ll have more resources to extend chases everytime someone gets chased if u are gonna just SC and go take the hit you are gonna make game last long with less gen progress and this will make your game harder and harder there is huge bond with time of the match and winning saying the how long match takes doesn't matter is really wrong

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Well I hope I will not get you as a teammate. I don't like teammates who DC or suicide, because "KiLlEr CaMp AnD tUnNeL". Maybe you get bad selfcaring teammates, because you are also not the brightest player.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    I feel like its a bit on BHVR for the way they advertise the perk. Newer survivors see it and get starry eyed thinking "No way!!! I can infinitely heal myself! Thats must be so good!" without realizing the THIRTY FULL SECONDS they spend holding m1 could've been spent contributing to an objective.

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    ı'm not dcing immidieatly and this is off topic you don't know when ı do ı am not a bad teammate you talk with little information you had about me which is annoying

    and please if u are gonna talk about another topic start your own discussion

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Not only that but if there's sloppy butcher it takes a minute to self-care and if everyone in the lobby is running self-care and heals twice that's eight whole minutes of not doing ######### , it's a joke to see people defend the perk on here

  • Sherry
    Sherry Member Posts: 227

    I bring self-care, because some survivors refuse to heal you. If they want to heal me, great! If not, then I've got my self-care.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Well if you've got teammates actually doing gens then most of the time they'll heal you after you pop a gen with them, not telling you how to play at all but just offering the advice that just running resilience and adrenaline and sticking to gens will help you survive way better than self-care ever could

  • Sherry
    Sherry Member Posts: 227

    Many times, we are nowhere near a gen and they just run off. Sometimes, they're healing theirself and won't let you heal them and they won't heal you. Sometimes, you'll finish a gen and then they'll run off and won't heal you. The other day, I healed them and they ran off without healing me. So, I'll keep running my self-care, I like having it as back-up.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    I don't think you quite realize how far you can get away from the Killer after you take a hit. Like you can legitimately go across half of most maps between the speed boost, the killer's weapon wipe animation, and the Killer only being 0.6m/s faster than you. There are some Killers where that doesn't work, but against a lot of them it does. The only way you aren't getting to something is if almost the entire map is dead and you got like... zero windows. If you're on a Gen in a dead zone, being healthy is way better because then you aren't feeding the Killer free hook states.

    "you are considering everything as a solo player". Really? Am I now? hmmm. Funny. You don't seem to have realized the one reason a Killer main would play a decent amount of Survivor. Playing Survivor with friends. You can't really play Killer with friends. If I'm playing DbD, I'm either Killer or SWF. I don't solo Survivor.

    Also, you do know that not healing and trying to just rush Gens is a decent way of handing the Killer a snowball right? I can't tell you how many games I've had that has looked like it was going to end badly, but then I managed to run through and slug all of them because nobody healed ever? I mean I probably get that more than most because I main Legion, but still.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Yea if you're bad at survivor you worry about staying healthy all the time, there's a time and place for everything and in the right type of build self care can be good but on its own you're trading pallets for health states, someone is carrying you by keeping the killer busy and if you have even just 2 self care users and the killer has sloppy butcher that's a minute for you to heal and if you each heal twice that's a solid four minutes of your team carrying you while you're doing nothing, I literally could get all the gens done in that four minutes if everyone not being chased is actually trying to actively do them and that's why you hear the big streamers complain about gen times and not about self-care if anything as a killer I welcome the self-care users because I know I'm walking away with a W in that match with all that wasted time.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    I never said I worried about being healthy all the time. I prefer it... because then if the Killer somehow pops up out of nowhere I'm not completely screwed, but if I know I'm clear to save while injured I'm going to do it. However if I'm trying to save vs a Wraith and Kindred is telling me that my other two teammates are on Gens... then you bet your bottom I'm going to heal first cause there's a decent chance he'll come back to the hook.

    Oh, and also I'm not getting carried. I basically only play Survivor in a SWF with people I know well and literally all of them are well aware and freely admit I'm the best looper we've got. But you know what? I can't loop for extensive periods of time if I'm trying to sneak a gen in a dead zone while injured and the Killer shows up. Nobody can. What I can do though is trade my healthy state to get somewhere I can work with.

    Also, your math is wrong. Mangled reduces heal speed by 20%, SC by 50%. Assuming Sloppy and SC's penalty stacks multiplicatively... the two together reduces the charges per second from 1 to 0.4. 16 charges for a heal means a single SC vs Sloppy is 40 second. That means that 4 self cares against Sloppy Butcher at 40 seconds apiece is a total of 160 seconds which is 2.66667 minutes. Not 4 minutes.

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    I'm aware of the boost speed after you get hit but you are not aware of that to get that speed bost you are wasting 32 secs which is bs yeah of course being healty is much better but not your priority you put your proirity on healing and waste of 32 secs there is no logic in this you say you heal in case of killer can catch you in a deadzone so you waste 32 secs which is almost a half gen lets say you got catched and got the hit conguralations man now you are wasting even more time cuz you gonna selfcare again and a gen time is gone at total and this is just for your health state meanwhile other players used the resources and your concern of getting downed is even more cuz the deadzones are even bigger and this makes you use that mf SC for forever Lets say killer didn't show up and after 32 secs of sc you worked on a gen but your teammate got downed now again killer is coming for you that gen is still not being done cuz you are littearly wasting chase time for your god damn health state and your teammate is lost a hook state for nothing cuz you were so concerned about yoru own hook state In both case all you do is wasting time and that is all solo game play all you care is your own hook count and your health state

    And ı don't give a ######### about your personel games or your experinces ı am talking in general.Your playing swf or killer is off the topic

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Bite The Bullet + Self Care has saved my butt countless times mid chase because of how confused the killer is about my sudden, seeming, disappearance.

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    if u are healing yourself while getting chased it is not waste time opposite it is efficient killer is already on you so I'm okey with that SC players mostly use SC in a corner for forever and keep doing that again and again that's the problem

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    If I manage to use that health state to waste more than 32s of the Killer's time and prevent a teammate from having to waste 20+ seconds traveling across the map to either pick me up off the ground or get me off a hook, then it was worth it... no?

    If you didn't want personal anecdotes about how I play the game, then maybe you shouldn't have included multiple personal attacks like this one "that is all solo game play all you care is your own hook count and your health state".

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 945

    that's why I use resilience, botany knowledge and desperate measures with self care. basically gives me a permanent med-kit, my only weakness is plague

  • God_Prof
    God_Prof Member Posts: 60

    you never get the point. I'm saying comparing item with perk is not a logical. okay, i brought wrong example of current sabotage, lets just say its old sabotage that need to invest time to fully-sabotage. What you are saying is; map is always better than perk:left behind, small game, counterforce. There is no reason to use prove-thy self but we can just use toolbox and brand-new.

    It is simple, items are always better than perk. it is clear, and simple. cause items are consumable but perks aren't.

    So lets just come back to SC issue. I said it's not a SC issue but heal issue. check out above, and saying bellow too.

  • God_Prof
    God_Prof Member Posts: 60

    Maybe you can see them it in asia server competition such as DFC(or othre Taiwan server). or you can just say them noob over 5000 hours playtime

  • God_Prof
    God_Prof Member Posts: 60

    I can agree with idea "healing is stupid" in some points, but not "self care is stupid". it takes just same time(in entire survivors) healing, but your idea that SC is troll perk, comes from noooobs using SC that can't aggro killer more than 32 seconds, while healing.

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    your making up for it still doesn't make it efficient pal lets say say you didn't use SC and worked on a gen and then get chased for 32 secs then downed it was worth to trade your hook state for that gen cuz you give half gen and a half gen time for your teammates this is efficent game play The longer the match is the stronger killer will get and everything will keep going harder and harder SC makes game take so long as you said before you might need 3-4 heals per match and you are out of medkits 3 or 4 time SC means almost 2 gens considering there 2 other free teammate living game could have been done much earlier if u used that time on gens you are risking all the game for your health state your being a good looper doesn't mean you should SC like that ofc you can if u want but you can't tell it is worth it you are making things harder with SC and this is what meant by solo play your actions are paid by all your team but this was only one person's decision do not misunderstand me SC is using itself is solo play ı'm not talking personal at all saying like you did this etc. bc you use sc and using SC causes this not like you are saying ######### my teammates as long as i live nothing matters your perk says that but you are not aware of that

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    dude ı really cannot understand you that's right why a medkits is being consumbable time makes it shouldn't be comparable to a perk that does the same thing but slower? but okey lets not do that hen compare perks why not use inner strenght instead?

    and your sayying map and perks etc. ı really don't understand what are you trying to say

    when did ı say map is better then perks?

    btw you are comparing wrong provethyself and toolboxes are for gens which is priorty and none of the mare making anything slower both are usefull not at same rate but they both are usefull SC is mostly not bc healing is not priority you don't win when you heal you win when you do gens

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    and ı can only agree that sc is usefull at very few points you are saying yourself it takes more time which is the problem if u gave your teamtes huge amount of time at the begining you can do anything you want other then that there is very very few right use of SC it is not about being noob or pro it is just wasting time

  • God_Prof
    God_Prof Member Posts: 60

    so if you are saying is, SC is just wasting time, and how about healing by others? is it also wasting time? so do you mean not healing any others but gen rushing is better?

  • God_Prof
    God_Prof Member Posts: 60

    I'm saying consumable items are always better than perks, and it should be. so comparing both is nonsence.

    This comes same with not just medkits, but also maps and toolbox is also.

    Old sabotage was better in toolbox not soboteur.

    Maps are better than small game.

    Maps are better than left behind.

    Things are simple, isn't it?

  • God_Prof
    God_Prof Member Posts: 60

    Yeah, your right. I don't understand why people could do simple math, and keep forcing their gamplay experience with out of logic.

    It is simple that "SC" is better than "healed by other" by using bond or such.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Its good if you smart with it, if you get 99ed to keep your resilience, but most of the time its an idiot teammate in the corner of the map with urban and iron will using it

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    I prefer having medkits whichs only 16 secs and ı even use add ons to make it faster a gen nearby is in progress gen comes first if someone comes to me asking for a heal ı ll give my medkit instead of healing.Before ı unhook ı put my medkit on the gorund then unhook and leave if ı got hooked and the person comes to unhook me after the unhook ı point at the gen and start using my medkit if ı'm injured and there is another unjured survivor and we are not doing gens I heal the person and I use my medkit on my self after that so that other person can start working on a gen if ı don't have medkit there is a gen in progress also there is another injured survivor we risk it to do it to do the gen since onlyone person can be downed and chase at once the other person does the gen while other is being chased if killer insist on regress that gen you can consider healing with a teammate or a medkit still not with SC cuz 32 for only one person is huge you can also consider working on a another gen probably kill won't commit to you at that point if u are on death hook you are likely to choose healing other then that gens are priority so healing is not the problem when you know your priorites and know how to be efficent

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    so why not use the better one? yeah it is that simple while you can bring a medkit or use inner strength why go for SC and waste time ?

    the old things are off the topic btw it doesn't matter how it was used to be now it is not so sabotaging is still diffrent than healing

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    ı do that with medkit it is much better believe me cuz with SC sometimes both actions stucks at the same button instead of unhooking you start sc etc. yet if u are aware of it and use SC in chases that's great

  • God_Prof
    God_Prof Member Posts: 60

    Im pretty sure you don't know the 'old' sabotage.

    So you are saying items are better than perks. I won't argue with this cuz its true.

    but med-kits are not infinite(not just charge but also number of kits) so its better. and im also sure inner strength has some shortage. like, searching totem, and cleansing totem(it takse 14 seconds), healing time(8 seconds at least) but, yeah its faster than SC its true.

  • God_Prof
    God_Prof Member Posts: 60

    but i still don't get it, why you heal others. healing others takes 16 seconds for both survivors,(so 32 seconds), which takes same time with SC. why SC is wasting time but healing other is not wasting time? it's same time in math. and also, SC is time efficiency when injured survivors not using SC fool around other survivors to get healed by others.

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    ı don't need to know the old sabo it is old never coming back why do you even mention about it doesn't make sense to talk about old sabo

    Yeah and you don't need infinite heal the more you heal the more time pass the more time pass the harder game it takes bc you are wasting resources in time and not doing gens by healing and you need more time bc gens are not done but chases are getting shorter and shorter due to lack of resources it is really that simple pal

    ı think you haven't used inner strenght before the thing is about inner strentgh you cleanse a totem your perk active 5 totem spawns in game you can use it 5 times for match for max it takes 14 secs to leanse it true that's why you shouldn't try to find it so much you just check totem spawns when you are somewhere nearby and keep in mind the totems you have seen for later you already need your perk to be activated it before getting injured to be efficent about it even if you did'Nt do that like that it is still better cuz at total it will take 22-24 secs having it already active will make it 8-10 secs cleansing totems at high ranks is very likely cuz there are hexes so cleansing is not that a waste of time consider to selfcare even doing this may counter noed and all of these makes SC is time waste cuz there better options selfcare with bottany takes 24 secs so inner strenght is definity better inner also makes it like two stages but SC can be interrupted again all the progress is gone