Can someone give me tips on applying gen pressure

It feels like I can’t chase even one survivor for like 20 seconds before they got three gens repaired by the time he’s hooked. I don’t hyper focus I give a brief chase break a pallet or two and get a hook but it seems literally impossible to chase survivors and do gen pressure at the same time so what am I supposed to do?


  • Msterflex
    Msterflex Member Posts: 126

    The only answers I can think of is use ruin and undying but I hate being compelled to use a perk

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,171

    Bring gen slowdown perks if you aren't.

    Also Corrupt Intervention is really useful because it forces every survivor to come towards you and not just hop on the nearest gen to them when they spawn in.

    Don't take too long on chases, if you realize its taking too long, just injure them and go focus on pushing people off gens. Most of the time, survivors will want to heal before they get back on a gen (or risk being on it injured and going down very fast) so keeping the pressure on them to heal will only keep them off gens longer and give you some wiggle room.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    The issue is actually right there in your post. "I can’t chase even one survivor". If you're chasing one person, what are the other 3 Survivors doing? If they are all healthy, then the answer is slamming gens and that means you are very very swiftly losing the game. You as the Killer need to be causing the Survivors to do anything and everything that isn't generators as much as possible. What exactly that looks like depends on your preferred Killer and playstyle.

    Which... that leads into the necessary question, which Killer do you play as and what's your normal perk layout?

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Max 20 seconds for chase. If you still have not any hit, leave them.

    After 20 seconds, if you hit them and they have strong loop, leave them.

    After 20 seconds, if you hit them and they have not strong loop, keep chase but be careful about time.

    Tinkerer is good perk for generator control. You can use it if you have fast killer (Wraith, Freddy, Blight, Nurse, Spirit etc.). So when you saw gen 70%, you can leave chase for this generator. Also you can combine Tinkerer with Ruin + Undying + Pop.

  • the_new
    the_new Member Posts: 175


  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    Your issue is the norm you cant do much exept bringing perk to slow down the gen. Even if ut take 20 sec to down someone if 2 survivor are on a gen that half a gen done plus the time you take to hook him and get there the gen is done by the time you get there. Best advice i cam give you if you see someone close slug the guy go for a hit if you can hit him under 10 sec. Depending on the map cut the map in half, ignore certain loop area and if a survivor is hook inside a 3 gen or near a complete gen stay near them like that you put pressure on the gen amd the rescuer

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Use CI, PGTW, Undying and Ruin. I would suggest to always use CI with PGTW, or Undying Ruin. You can use them all together, but it can be overkill vs random solo players. You also have to know where not to chase, and don't chase one survivor for too long. You can try to hold a 3 gen setup as well.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
    • When you down a survivor, take him toward the center of the map hooks. It gives you more map control.
    • Take survivors to hooks that are near gens that have been worked. It allows you to kick that gen.
    • Don't chase toward finished gens. Those areas are useless to the killer and survivor, that survivor is useless to the team until he gets back.
    • Look for 3 gens close to each other and defend those more than other gens. Try and criss-cross those gens as you move from one side of the map to the other.
    • If there are multiple survivors working a gen, chase one off, then come back and try and surprise the survivor that went back. That's 2 survivors not working gens.

  • milkybandit69
    milkybandit69 Member Posts: 64

    One thing I havent seen mentioned much is chasing survivors into other survivors. I always try to corral the survivor I'm chasing to where I suspect the other ones are. It's not always possible, but it's a good way to disrupt multiple survivors when it works.

  • Msterflex
    Msterflex Member Posts: 126

    Thanks for the tips guys. I’m starting to realize I’ve been too nice lol I gotta learn to slug people, punish mistakes like unhooking near me and even just using m1s to get everyone wounded (especially with sloppy butcher) goes a long way and ya keeping all the survivors preoccupied instead of chasing one. just gotta learn to ignore the salt. Also having a good hex (namely ruin and undying) goes a long way cause it forces them to search for totems.

  • Msterflex
    Msterflex Member Posts: 126

    Oh ya establishing a territory like staying near three gens and getting rid of the pallets around them helps a lot. Gotta accept you’re gonna lose gens but try and choose which ones they get.

  • TruEternity
    TruEternity Member Posts: 320

    Some quick tips of the top of my head

    1. Don’t be afraid to lose a gen or two at the beginning, as killer this is your weakest point. Losing a gen will happen early, don’t panic and keep calm.
    2. Plan your chases based on location. This takes time but knowing what is or isn’t a good chase based on gen location, loop strength and survivor positions is invaluable.
    3. Learn how to run basic loops (long wall, LT’s, short wall etc. this goes more to point 2, knowing how to run a loop gets downs quicker, taking a survivor off a gen.
    4. Where you hook. Pick a spot that will put survivors at disadvantage, but doesn’t waste a large amount of time to get to it.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Here's the secret: Corrupt Invention + Lethal Pursuer — Corrupt locks the generators for two minutes, Lethal Pursuer allows you to get the most value from Corrupt.

    Another tip: If you're getting bloodlust frequently, you have commitment issues. Watch out for survivors who will lead you away from their objectives.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594
    edited August 2021

    What you describe only happens to me when I forget to set up my 3 gen, you can play everything perfectly but nothing can stop the first 2 gens from flying no matter what your perks, as long as everything you do is ultimately based around your 3 gen the game will rapidly slowdown towards the end. Most of the red ranked games I play survivors really try not to let the 3 gen happen so you get plenty of opportunity to make things happen playing off their determination to prevent it.

    If you're expecting sweaty games I highly recommend lethal purser (god perk) starstruck (swf tamer) and ruin with undying ( currupt just doesn't seem to pay out much now it's like survivors just wait it out ).

    Edit: oh and another thing, sometimes in life the game will spawn 1 survivor on a gen each and if you go to the wrong gen that games over in minutes, it's rare it happens and it's not the survivors fault the game just ######### you over, try not to get to mad about it and go next.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,594

    Equip Noed, No way out and Bloodwarden and slaugther them in the endgame. I've done more than 50 games with this, guess how often the survivors prevented the noed from activating? ONCE! Most of the time the survivors are just to lazy to do the bones, even when they crank out 4 gens like crazy and i just got 2 hooks. You would think that they should expect Noed when the gens are flying, but it seems they just don't care. But they will whine about it in the end game, a really nice salt mine!

  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508

    To an extent, you need perks to deal with this issue. Corrupt is the go to for slowing down the dreaded 3 gen pop. It's mandatory on any killer that's not a fast killer, and even fast killers have a similar issue, but they typically prefer lethal pursuer. Gen regression perks in general help, but it won't stop the issue.

    Try to identify a cluster of 4 gens, and make it your top priority to protect those 4 gens in a more favorable side of the map. You can venture off, but don't leave them alone for long. It's better to not guard gens out in the middle of nowhere.

    What you'll quickly find is that

    A. survivors make the classic mistake of taking the path of least resistance and finish the gens you don't care about, leaving yourself with more easily defended generators.

    B. The survivors will aggressively funnel themselves to central generators in an attempt to break the possibilities of a 3 gen.

    Optimal plays become predictable, and suboptimal plays win you the game.

    Depending on the level of the team (which you won't know until it's too late unfortunately), you'll have to engage in tactics they don't like. This includes hooking a survivor in a 3-4 gen area so that you can simultaneously guard the generators will either getting that survivor to second stage, or snowball map pressure by downing the savior and slugging the previously hooked survivor. These types of tactics can even make Trickster look like a credible threat since it's the only thing he excels in.

    If you're a faster killer, it's possible to hook a survivor, chase another one, slug them, then go back to the hook where a rescue would likely take place.

    This works because if a survivor is on a hook, and you occupy another one, then one other survivor has to go for the save, leaving a maximum of one survivor on a generator.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Don't take too long on chases.... Yeah you see the problem with this is what if they are all good at the game and there isn't a partially sentient potato in the group?

    You have now wasted the 20 or so seconds chasing and a further potential 20+ seconds just walking to where the other survivors are plus the extra time to catch up to that survivor before you even get into the chase.. THEN you need to deal with the loops that they made it to. All while the survivor you left and the other 2 are on gens.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Which gens are we talking about?

    The first 2 gens are pretty much guaranteed to be completed by your first hook. Regardless of how good you may be, it is really more likely the survivors fault if that doesn't happen than anything else. If they are good or lucky it might even be 3.

    The question is what you do pressure wise for the last 2 or 3 gens. There are multiple ways to apply pressure:

    - 3 gen strats where you focus on controlling specific ones for the final one, sometimes 4 gens.

    - Snowball by gaining multiple downs in a row or hooks.

    - Lowering the amount of survivors you face by killing one quickly.

    - End game builds, that doesn't care to much about the gens and usually ensures a snowball at the end by a huge power spike.

    Map awareness is important, even if you have quick downs if it is on the other side of the map from the gens... the time you take to walk back also slows you down. Do you take chases in dead zones or super strong options with tons of resources and all that jazz.

    Also, consider where you choose to hook survivors. If you can defend the hook and multiple gens at once or hook them in a dead zone to punish any save.

    You will hear many survivors complain about camping, tunneling, proxy camping, slugging and even gen camping or NOED user, gen regression perks or anything else that you use to build pressure. Yet that is how you do it!

  • nutmilk420
    nutmilk420 Member Posts: 153

    There's allot of good tips here one I didn't see is forcing survivors away from high progress gens ideally you want to hook survivors close to a gen with alot of progress kick it and keep pressure in that area (not camping but patroling so your terror radius keeps going off) scareing off an forceing survivors to abandon that gen then restart on another. Also be aware of what gens your favoring don't run across the map if it could screw up a 3 gen even if you know someones there sometimes you gotta let a gen go (unless your killer has traversal abilitys and you know you can make it back to keep pressure on the 3 gen setup).

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Really comes down to the killer and map you're on. In most cases, you want to know where the gens spawned the moment you pop into a map, and think about which you can force together. If you can get three or four gens that are nearby, that should become your zone of pressure. Try and force the game into that area.

  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374

    ive learned that focusing on pressuring gens without slowdown perks is pretty much useless because downs and hooks give you alot more pressure. when i play to win i always run ruin, pop and tinkerer. those are the best perks by far for killer rn.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited August 2021

    Ruin + Undying + Discordance/Tinkerer/Thrilling Tremors.

    When you get notified go to the gen.

    If you use an slow killer you will struggle in big maps anyway.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited August 2021

    Tip 1) Get bad survs.