What is the glowing ring on survivors?

A friend who hasn't played the game in a while but started binging it recently came across these two games in a row, what is it and why is it happening?
should note both games were huntress,
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that's the first time I've seen that unless it's freddy and those people used alarm clocks
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I've never actually seen that. Was colorblind mode on by any chance? Even if it was idk what it could've been
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its not freddy, we dont have white timer aroud pics of survivors
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then not a clue
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I have no idea, first time I've seen it. Either a glitch/ bug or something that was going to be added in the next chapter, but accidentally added in this patch.
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ooooooooooohhh nice theory
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Hum... New Killer's power? 👀
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Dwight is a bit yellow too, did he eventually have a ring?
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Exactly what I was thinking and wanted to add. Dwight seems like he's gonna have a ring soon/just get off the ring.
Really, I'm intrigued.
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Like I said, not really sure. Plus, the info that both games were against Huntress, makes me lean more towards glitch/bug, but who knows? It is bizarre, that's for sure.
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Yeah I can confirm. Not on the wiki it's not true yet it stands in front of us
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Maybe they're gonna add a new kind of indicator on the survivor hud, I imagine if it was only related to the new killer or a new perk then it probably wouldn't appear when not playing as/against that killer/perk but maybe it is still possible. If they quietly remove it without acknowledging it then we might have our answer
In a little while I'm gonna play huntress and ask people if they noticed anything weird, maybe try to gather more info about it. I'll update this comment or make another one if I figure out anything
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I don't know about game developpement, but is it possible for a new Killer to be based on an existing one? Like, if the new Killer has a similar body shape as Huntress, they used her model to create them... Creating a bug in game when Huntress is in the match...
(I have to admit I'm super excited to make theories. It's so fun.)
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I don't know why that would be a huntress bug or a bug at all. it's so weirdly out of place even for a bug
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Do you have the endgame screen or know what perks and add-ons people were using?
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Why Candyman? I mean, I only know the character from his name. Orange makes sense for him?
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Candyman bees 🐝
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It is something I'm willing to go out and test, I'll try playing some, see if I go against a Huntress, and see if it happens to me.
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Well, it is orange, like honey
I don’t think I need to elaborate any further then that
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Please, keep us updated. It's late for me right now, but tomorrow, if I meet the "bug", I'll do the same and come there to tell.
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I think I've seen it in the tutorial before. As for what it's doing there... Lord knows.
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Hey, maybe thats some addon did this? What addons they had?
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OP said both games were Huntress
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I know I didn't see that until after I put my comment though
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Let's see if the mods delete this thread or not. 😂
Giving me Candyman vibes though.
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friend thinks its glitch
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Yes, please, do. I don't know Candyman outside of his name.
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Nothing that you wouldnt see out of the ordinary, we had newer players so they were running base game perks. I was kate and i was running Blastmine, Stakeout, Urban, and Flashbang
The Feng was running Iron will, borrowed time, blastmine ,and headon
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@DigiCentral Do you have any other pics or a video?
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They pulsed in and out... except for claudette... the one who was seeing it... the faded in and out
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new player tips for during games?
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Pack it up guys, it's just a bug, it's something from the tutorial that has been bugged into the main game, vs huntress i guess.
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It's a bug. It's from the tutorial.
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Candyman’s entire deal is that he was killed because “haha 1800s racism go brrrr” and wants to perpetuate his existance through killing people
how did he die? Simple, a lynch mob cut off his hand with a saw (hence why he has a hook hand) and then covered him in honey, causing the nearby bees to sting him to death, they then put him on a pyre and spread his ashes across the entire region
one of his abilities is unleashing a swarm of bees, which is why I think the orange ring MIGHT have something to do with him
Edit: Orion pointed out that Candyman doesn’t want to avenge his death but rather perpetuate his existence, so I changed this comment to better reflect that
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wants to avenge his death by killing those who doubt his existence
That's not right. His goal is, essentially, to perpetuate his existence. If people doubt his existence, if they stop believing or just forget him, he will literally cease to be, so he needs to keep killing people, to keep his myth (and therefore existence) alive. He sees it as a "blessed existence", likely because of what he experienced in life.
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my mistake, I was just sort of skimming through the wiki for his cause of death and was going off of memory for his motive :/
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By my victim...
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actually now I'm doubtful.
something feels off
edit: never mind I believe it may be a tutorial bug
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Wait. It's too bright though.
I mean. Yeah, that makes sense, but it feels way too bright and the circle is thinner
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It's a bug, it's been happening to everything
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It feels too bright though, doesn't it seem like that?
I believe you, but it feels so bright
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one of them is a screenshot, the other is with a phone camera which would exaplain the difference in colour imo.
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Yeah I suppose that's true, but it doesn't hurt to speculate, right? Especially since Dwight has the golden aura without a ring which isn't in the tutorial from my knowledge haha
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If you look at the videos the golden haze is there behind the pulsating circles.
but no, you are correct speculating doesn't hurt :)
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That is very true! :) I just haven't seen the aura by itself, you know what I mean? I mean I am obviously looking too deep into it, but I'm genuinely excited
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it's a tutorial bug