Regarding MMR

MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

Let's start with a couple questions real quick. Answer openly.

For Killer/Survivor Players

1.) Do you want to sweat every single time you play Dead by Daylight.

2.) Do you want to Slug, Tunnel and Camp every Game. or be Slugged Camped and Tunneled

3.) Do you want to run the strongest perks in the game every game with little to no variety.

4.) Do you want to face teams who know how to loop properly and know how to abuse tiles to become timewasters or face the same for Survivors.

5.) Do you want 3-5 Minute games at max every game.

6.) Do you only want to play Nurse or Spirit to be consistent. Or face these two everygame

7.) Do you believe MMR can work in a game with no win condition as well as being unbalanced.

8.) Do you enjoy having your time limited within the game.

9) Do you enjoy getting little to no bloodpoints at all.

10.) Do you enjoy not being able to know your skill level at all.

11.) Do you truly believe MMR is the only system possible to work in Dead by Daylight.

12.) Do you enjoy not having as much fun as you use too playing with MMR on.

These are the questions you need to ask yourself when you defend MMR without openly knowing the impacts it's going to bring this is exactly what is happening now. MMR works in games that have a set-win condition and are balanced enough to not contain flaws and have very little to no RNG.

Developers can't even define the win conditions and yet so many people are defending MMR. My question is how do you make a skill based system that can't even define the win condition openly also, how can you make a skill based system that doesn't even show your progression within it that's the whole point of Skill Based, aka MMR, is to showcase your progression as a player.

What I can predict for now is soon the ones defending MMR will be the same ones calling it the worst thing ever added to Dead by Daylight and soon when a lot of people who are at high mmr start walking away from the game because there's no longer variety and the fun is no longer there. Dead by Daylight was created as a Party Game and that's what made it what it is today. Not a competitive esports game.

You can make systems that prevent Babies and Higher Ranks from playing together without it being MMR based Bloodpoint system was great, with only a tiny flaw of allowing for camping to be promoted and could have been adjusted to no longer allow for it.


  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    I'm enjoying it. Now all they need to do is create a casual mode. For those of us who aren't in it to win, and just want to have fun.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited August 2021

    This would mean splitting the community and there's potential one side is played more than the other leading to longer queues. Also a casual mode is a horrible idea there's people who want to play the game and not meme and goof around which casual would be. Lastly there's a way to make a matchmaking system which allows for good players to progress and keeps them away from lower ranks without MMR being it.

    Choosing to play sweaty or meme around shouldn't be the only two options offered and by your suggestion those are the only two options there.

  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    You're awful presumptuous. I see a possible casual mode as a middle ground, not a playground. Sweaty players would likely stay in Ranked for increased rewards and to maintain their ranks, while people who would want to play for fun -while still playing, mind you- could stick to casual.

    As it stands, the community is split between the lol get gud crowd and the why cant I have fun crowd. Currently the latter has to suffer at the hands of the former, and to force that to continue simply to have shorter wait times is just selfish.

  • Zomboid81
    Zomboid81 Member Posts: 10

    I believe MMR will not be perfect, but I believe it will balance the game better and show major problems with it. The reason I want MMR is because they are doing it in a way that will allow you to have several different killers at different levels of play and gradually learn them, rather than throwing a brand new person who just unlocked a killer at rank 1 against people running full meta perks. It will also allow people to see which killers overperform, which underperform, and see how powerful top tier survivors really are. In regards to your other questions:

    1. I already sweat everytime I play DBD because I want to win. I do not know the survivors starting out so from the start I will play to win and see how the match progresses. Only if the survivors show they are way worse than me and should not have been matched to me will I sometimes allow the last one to get hatch.
    2. I employ those strategies every game already for the reasons previously mentioned above, and I expect them to happen to me because both sides want to win. More on what I consider constitutes a win in #7.
    3. I already run the strongest perks because I am already at red ranks and have no clue if the team I'm going to be facing is going to be a bunch of solo que survivors who have no coordination or a 4-man SWF on comms running a full set of meta perks.
    4. I do want to face these because I want to get better at recognizing what is a loop I should not go to and should drop chase to pressure gens. I want to learn to get better at the game, and I enjoy going against good teams of survivors because if I do manage to win it was because I made a lot of good decisions and used what I learned from previous matches well.
    5. This one I can agree I do not want, but I believe that if MMR goes through then the devs will be able to better balance the game to extend it in a way that is healthy for all levels of play.
    6. As previously mentioned, all killers will have different MMR. There will be a point that I reach my skill ceiling for a certain killer and that will be where my MMR stays for that killer. However, if I get tired of one killer, I can always swap to another one and learn them and get survivors more my level for that killer.
    7. While I can say that not many people will agree with me, I consider a pip a win. It progresses you forward in the ranks and shows you did a good job that game. I can also agree pipping is currently poorly designed for the current state of DBD and needs to be looked at and balanced, but MMR might be able to help with that as well.
    8. When you play killer you are always on a clock. You need to find and kill the survivors before they finish all the gens, at which point it becomes an attempt to secure a kill. For survivors, you are on a clock as well depending on how good the killer is. Some killers set the game on a clock that you need to finish the gens, take up as much of the killers time as possible before you go down, and escape before you are sacrificed to the entity. So my time is already limited in the game, and I believe it will be better if MMR is added as I will be able to anticipate skill level before the game begins.
    9. I have gotten a lot of bloodpoints for the previous games mentioned. This is more of a survivor issue than a killer issue I will admit, but I can get a lot of bloodpoints by playing killers such as Doctor or Blight and always spam their ability to end chases fast. A lot of people might get out, but I still will often get over 20K bloodpoints, which is a number I am happy with. I can understand survivors getting frustrated with games they get camped out of at 4K bloodpoints, but that is more of an issue with the fact that the bloodpoint system in general is a tedious grind that needs to be redesigned to be more friendly to players.
    10. I will be able to tell my skill level based on what type of survivors I'm getting or killers I'm getting. If I keep getting SWFs with 4 toolboxes all running BNP, then while I will be annoyed at how fast the games go I will be proud the game considers me that good to throw those teams at me. If I keep getting Nurses who can flawlessly predict my pathing when even I don't know where I'm going, I'll be happy the game considers me that good.
    11. Currently I believe MMR has the potential to be the best system in DBD as I am unfamiliar with other systems and can say the current one is not working out well for balanced matchmaking. I would like to know what system you would like to see implemented and would be glad to talk about pros and cons of that system as well.
    12. The last few times MMR has been on I've had a great time as the games actually felt fair and balanced for me. When I played the killers I usually play, games were intense and I often had to play nearly flawlessly to win or at least get a kill or two. If I needed to relax, I would just switch to a killer I don't play often and get a few quick relaxed games in. I know this isn't everyone's experience, but it has been mine so this question doesn't really affect me.

    That is my personal take on why I think the MMR system will be good, but it needs to be implemented properly. Which is why I'm glad the devs are taking their time and trying to finetune it.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989


    1.) Do you want to sweat every single time you play Dead by Daylight.

    Camping is no sweat

    2.) Do you want to Slug, Tunnel and Camp every Game. or be Slugged Camped and Tunneled

    Proxy camping is a fundamental skill for higher ranked play

    3.) Do you want to run the strongest perks in the game every game with little to no variety.

    Camping perks are in no short supply

    4.) Do you want to face teams who know how to loop properly and know how to abuse tiles to become timewasters or face the same for Survivors.

    Once you hook one, just camp and you'll win

    5.) Do you want 3-5 Minute games at max every game.

    Yes, that's about how long camping takes to win

    6.) Do you only want to play Nurse or Spirit to be consistent. Or face these two everygame

    Nemesis is best camper; spirit is literally brain dead gameplay and nurses are fun on both sides

    7.) Do you believe MMR can work in a game with no win condition as well as being unbalanced.

    ELO is hell but it sure beats rank matchups

    8.) Do you enjoy having your time limited within the game.

    I pitched a camp out for awhile

    9) Do you enjoy getting little to no bloodpoints at all.

    Camping can easily achieve 30k+, I even got a couple 32k with nemesis recently

    10.) Do you enjoy not being able to know your skill level at all.

    Camping is for anyone and everyone

    11.) Do you truly believe MMR is the only system possible to work in Dead by Daylight.

    Naw, if it were up to me, I'd simply randomize matchups

    12.) Do you enjoy not having as much fun as you use too playing with MMR on.


  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,873

    No, I don't want to be super sweaty. I want to play in a relaxed way and lose sometimes instead of grinding to get to the top of the MMR. That's also an option.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,131

    I want to be able to see my MMR, at the very least.

    I also want to know how to get higher MMR, because it sure seems like it's the exact same system we have now, just hidden.

    I also don't want to sit in queue's for 20 minutes like I did earlier today.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    90% of the player base are not going to be playing at the elo where what you describe will be a factor. A small group of people raise valid concerns about what they will face at the top mmr and suddenly everybody thinks it applies to them, it doesn't.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    You can't balance a pvp game around "well one team needs at least 25-50% of players to be bad/play bad on purpose, or at least its a total stomp for the team.". Also I don't understand this meme of "everyone will sweat!". Is everyone a temporarily embarrassed millionaire? Not every killer will be a top 5 spirit/nurse player.