What if its spelling a quote

Just food for thought
But what could fit for what we have right now what we have
If it's making a quote its probably something iconic to that movie game ext. Any ideas
I say this because at the rate we're going we would have a name by tomorrow and ptb isint till around the 17th
Yeah I didn't realize how weird spelling it out was until Schmuckles pointed out how weird that would be
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some think its saying "I Am Still Here" or "I always come back" for Springtrap or "Raise Hell" for Pin Head.
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We had a pin in the target. I'm afraid it means Hellraiser.
By "I'm afraid", I mean... All these hints to finally add a pin and it's done, we know? I feel it's too easy and quick.
Rumors say the PTB is next week, we still have tomorrow and Monday for more hints. I don't know, I feel less hyped. I hope it's not as easy as it seems.
I don't know about spelling a sentence. I feel people really want to believe it'd be Springtrap and now we have an E, it's not the name anymore but a sentence.
Wait and see. But a sentence seems too long, too random to spell.
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Or a nail that's pinning the hook into Candyman's arm.
I know it's more intune with Hellraiser, which is fair, I ain't complaining. HellRaiser is a good choice, but I've seen that scene in Candyman lots of time, so I just kinda auto associated it with CM as well as PH(2)
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Raise Hell, or Hellraiser? That's a negligible difference in letters.
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I never watched Hellraiser nor Candyman, and I discover their names a few days ago. I didn't know the pin could be Candyman related at this point.
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My vote is for "I am still here"
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either one. ive seen people say one or the other due to it being either one. who knows at this point
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Like I said, when I saw it, I immediately went to this scene.
And this is my favorite one lmfao
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OK, it's absolutely not gonna give me nightmares. It's not time for bed for me. 🙈
Good point. It does look like the pin from the screenshot.
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It's most likely Pinhead, but that's just where my mind went
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Haha, but like I said it's mostly likely Pin Head