Explain to me why FNAF is so demanded?

I'm really clueless when it comes to FNAF games and its lore, all I know is that it was pretty famous when the first game came out in 2014 or so.
Can someone kindly explain to me why FNAF is wanted in DBD so much in 2021?
It's not.
Most of the FNAF threads come from a tiny percentage of people, and are often made by new accounts that have never posted anything before and rarely - if ever - post anything again. Furthermore, the responses in those threads are overwhelmingly against the idea.
It's a loud minority, that's all.
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Summed it up perfectly.
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If we never leave the forums sure.
But are we gonna pretend springtrap in dbd doesn't trend on Twitter every time the possibility is there?
As for why I think it's just because it's current and everyone knows it where as there's older slasher that while iconic not everyone may have come across.
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ok 1. it isnt, just because a handful of people are very vocal about it does not mean its "demanded", you might equally state that Sidney Prescot or Frank West are "demanded" because of some spamming twitter accounts.....
2 I dont think its even about FNAF itself, its more about getting swooped up in hype and wanting to announce to the world that you were correct and/or had influence on the choice, as soon as whatever they demand is added though there will be a brief period or glee and then it will be forgotten, replaced by the next thing to force out of the devs.
3 (not entirely related) due to recent developments its not even possible that fnaf gets added
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But are we gonna pretend springtrap in dbd doesn't trend on Twitter every time the possibility is there?
Twitter is infamous for bots designed to push certain topics to "trending". It's the same thing with these brand-new accounts that never posted before or since making FNAF threads.
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Yes, the polls made by YouTubers to their audience, who presumably would support said YouTubers on literally any subject, as we've seen countless times in other instances.
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what polls? link me those polls,
apart form that it does not matter, I never claimed there were a lot of players bashing on fnaf, I merely say there is no proof so far that indicates anything of a large demand, just a handful of whiney spammy brads (again, see Sidney and Frank).
(also fyi I dont care either way if its added or not, I have nothing to do with that franchise, never played it or watched anyone play it so dont assume so much)
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oh that is rich, try to claim that its a minority who is against the addition (even though that isnt the argument) and sight some make-believe poll to warrant the claim that there actually is demand but then not actually represent that data when asked for it.
come on man......I have like...like say like SOOO many polls of people saying they are against FNAF, like atleast 90% of the community voted against it in those polls of like 1 million votes and even MCotes said it wont happen....honestly...just uhh, just check youtube, its all there....
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I meant "demanded" in the sense that people are so passionate about the franchise to be part of the DBD lore.
I felt the same for RE, but I knew what RE was about.
I just don't get why FNAF is so wanted for those who are asking for it.
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Lol yes it's all an illusion there's a million concepts for springtrap and when people do polls asking what licenses people want springtrap ranks extremely high.
I think it's the opposite of what you said tbh. Springtrap is wanted it's just among people who don't go on the forums really hence why every time it might happen we get so many new accounts on here.
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It's a popular franchise that fits the style of DBD, so it's something people who like both games naturally think about. It's the same thing with killers from other games and movies that tend to stalk and easily overpower their victims. So while lots of people would love to see a Clock Tower crossover or rare specimens like me who want to see Prom Night come to DBD, they're far outnumbered by people that want more accessible crossovers like FNAF or Friday The 13th (which I want too btw lol).
Regardless of what anyone says, the idea for a FNAF crossover is not uncommon and tends to pop up anywhere the game is discussed.
As to why it's so hotly debated, I'd have to say that the strong opposition from the people that think they're too cool for the series tends to light a fire under the people that want to express their enthusiasm about the possibility. Emotions run too high, so it just causes people to talk even more about it.
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I mean, it makes sense. This game is filled with children, as well as adults who behave like children, and FNAF is a children’s game marketed towards children.
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Looking at his thumbnails alot of them have Springtrap from FNAF & his most viewed video is FNAF in dbd. I'm assuming alot of his viewers are FNAF fans so it's not surprising the FNAF fans would want Springtrap over Jason.
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Unrelated another terrible clickbait youtuber, great stuff..... yeah pls come up with content creators who are a bit more respectable....thought I will give you that, on this person the fans are very much in the FNAF court.
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Exactly. This is why these polls by so-called "content creators" are worthless. Their fanbase isn't representative of DbD, it's representative of people who are into their content. Polls that are actually representative of a given population need work.
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Okay look at the like to dislike ratio
Why would someone watch a video on a subject they don't care about? If that video ever showed up on my homepage, I'd ignore it completely. No dislike from me, but that wouldn't mean I didn't dislike it.
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people here reaaaallllly love shitting on other people's interests huh
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How many people here are actually shitting on FNAF?
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You cant come up with Likes vs Dislikes, I tend to not click dislike on anything anything (heck the brilliant youtube algorythm would actuall reward the video with more views because interaction, even negative, is better then no interaction).
heck you think that clickbait muppet you posted earlier will get anymore attention then he got by me simple going to the video's section on his youtube channel? because no, he wont.
I dont go and click on every video of his to leave a dislike, I just click it away and move on, infact I really have to see something amazing to bother giving anything a like.
So yeah any like to dislike ratio is not a valid measurement, more a "say something nice or dont say anything at all" type of deal.
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This guys fanbase is 90% fnaf fans no wonder lol
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here in particular, not much. i feel i've seen a lot across the forum, naybe there was a better place to leave my comment
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DBD Forums Moment. Full of elitists who love shutting people down.
Even the DBD Reddit isn't this bad.
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So basically, there's no way to prove you wrong. Big brain stuff.
As to why people demand it so much? I guess a mix of nostalgia and the fact it was a big sensation for a while, even though I never really cared for it. I mean there's Trickster, something I'll never understand myself, but it's there for people who are into that style, for some reason, and that's cool for them. Might also be due to the fact that people who are into FNaF are passionate, as it's clearly a rather passionate community. People identify and invest themselves into all kinds of things and not all of them are easy to justify, nor need to be for that matter.
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That poll is still from the same guy & why would anyone admit that something they like is made for little kids?
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I always thought that FNaF is just for kids when it seemed to be somewhat inspired by a real life mass shooting to be a really strange take.
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Doesn’t change the fact that it is marketed towards children and that children play it.
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Well it is rated T for teens so, that should tell you enough.
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I can only speak for myself about why I would love FNAF in DBD but it's honestly just cause I love the game. And just for everyone's knowledge I'm 22 and not a child.
While the gameplay of FNAF isn't anything particularly special I like everything else about it. The concept of the game — haunted animatronics, reminds me of when I was little and used to love going to Chuck E Cheese just to see the animatronics. I think I have a slight fascination for animatronics because I also love watching videos about older animatronics in other children places and the dinosaur animatronics made for Jurassic Park.
I also really love the 4th wall breaking in the game. How there were clues hidden in files and on the FNAF website that you had to manipulate them to find out. Psychological horror is my favorite genre so it just makes sense. This is why DDLC (if you know you know) is my favorite single player game because it does what FNAF did but better.
I used to really like the lore but I started getting lost on it after the first couple of games. I only really know the first game and that's all I really need to like the game — just because it is scary knowing that children were killed in cold blood and left to rot in animatronic suits. Or the child that got part of it's brain bitten off by an animatronic.
But yes — FNAF is marketed for tweens. It doesn't have explicit imagery like the lore actually contains to keep it's pg-13 rating. But the combination of childhood nostalgia, fascination of animatronics, and my love for psychological horror is what makes me love FNAF. And I also love DBD soo it just makes sense.
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The same ESRB rated Halo M so I think ratings are joke tbh.
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It's originally wasn't made for kids, but due to all the FNAF let's plays that were watched by children FNAF content like toys, shirts, & books were marketed towards children. Also the game is more pg:13 horror, it says graphic stuff happened in the game like kids getting their skulls chewed off & bodies being stuffed in metal suits, but it doesn't actually show any of it happening.
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yeah they tend to rate things waaaay higher then what they should have, exactly halo is about as tame as they come and yet its rated mature yet FNAF is rated T for teen so that should speak volumes about its target audience.
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They also rated MK v. DC as T lmao. It definitely goes both ways.
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The amount of people trying to deny FNaF popularity on these forums is insane, literally using every cope tactic imaginable no matter how dumb it is, like "It's just a minority" or "It's just bots pushing the agenda"(actually LOL'd on that one). People linked polls already, and there is also the fact that everything regarding dbd fnaf chapter in the media gets lots of attention. What surprises me the most though is have baseless the hate is, like there is literally no reason to hate fnaf that's not been debunked and laughed at, and people still take it as their life's mission to keep parroting garbage arguments trying to create an illusion of springtrap chapter being unwanted. Shame on you for that, and god have mercy on your souls
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Lmao, can't find non-FNAF fan polls huh?
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People went ballistic when it was pyramid head vs candyman theories.
Fans of franchise Y just dont want francise X they dont like added before their subjectively "better" franchise.
I personally have no clue who that pincushion headed dude called hellraiser is. Ofc I'd prefer something im more familiar with.
And if the twins work then so does a "rotting carcass in a robot furry suit".
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Just want to point out that this much discussion across various platforms more than indicates people want it.
It's similar to Kate's face rework. I doubt most people even care about it at all, but there's a lot of talk about it everywhere. People clearly want it. Same with the demand for an LGBT character.
Fussing about whether a majority of players want something or not is moot. If we had a poll showing that everyone who voted thought FNAF was a yucky stinky poo poo [redacted] franchise and refused to play DBD anymore if it were put in the game wouldn't dictate whether or not the opportunity is taken if and when it comes along.
Essentially, the majority is probably totally apathetic about it and even if a lot of people dislike something, it doesn't mean that the opinion they're opposing isn't popular enough to be legit.
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After your 403rd discussion about DH, BT, DS, and the like you tend get less inclined towards politeness.
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Using a poll based off a platform where FNAF, and only where, FNAF was popularized I see.
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Ex fnaf fan. Personally I dont know why. People want fnaf in the game. The game play its self is mediocre.
But the lore is rich with so many twists with theories. And easter eggs for alternative endings that still leave questions. But give you that little bit of more info to theorize with
I'm talking 1-4btw not the newer ones those are meh to me
Personally I want him because out of the runners it's the one I have the most experience with
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Idk why but honestly I don’t know anything about the franchise. The mere fact that there is a segment within the group of people often asking for this character border-lining “desperate”… just kind of turns me off. Me, who doesn’t even know the character! 😆
Im usually open minded about this stuff. Like, I would love to be more loud about Chucky (as an example) he is one of my all time favorite horror franchise killers, and there are some threads about him, is often brought up making him one of the most requested characters for DBD, but not in the manner that this character is. Which i just find interesting, but also off putting at times. Especially on Twitter.
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Actually, it's rated T for teen. If it was solely marketed for children specifically, it'd be given the rating E for everyone. Grown adults have played it, streamed it, so it's not just for kids. A large base attracted to it is children but the rating is still T.
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Because people can have opinions
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Teenagers are still considered as children in most cultures as well as most laws. My post never denied adults play it, it just pointed out lots of children play it and it is marketed towards children, hence all the toys in the toy isles at shopping centers.
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Honestly I'd much rather have Springtrap due to feeling that Pinhead conceptually isn't... ######### what's a way to say this with respect... I guess inspired?
While I know that Springtrap is the more recent of the two properties, I feel that he'd be ripe for cosmetics with the different animatronic suites, gameplay styles that evoke that spooky Weeping Angel vibe possibly. Maybe even a rushdown mechanic that deals in stealth like a combo of pig and blight!
Pinhead on the otherhand feels like he'd be derivative in terms of powers, evoking either Pyramid head powers that would involve suffering and hooks or Deathslinger who reels people in. While I will concede that his mori would be sick af with tearing folks apart with hooks, I don't feel that Pinhead has much to him aside from pedigree for being an older horror icon. This isn't even mentioning the legal turmoil that the Hellraiser IP is going through atm that is similar to Friday the 13th.
Just to clarify, I'm not knocking folks who want Pinhead in the game, I'd be happy for y'all for getting a property you've been waiting for so long to get in. I'm just saying that I feel like Pinhead does not have much to him in terms of a playable character in Dead by Daylight. Not saying that he wouldn't, just saying that I don't see as much potential in him. After all, while he is the master of pleasure and pain, he is still a follower of Slaanesh in a way and I've always been a Tzeench and Khorne kinda guy lol.
EDIT/SIDE THOUGHT/OFF-TOPIC: Did you know that Warhammer came out before Hellraiser? I could've sworn it was the other way around lol
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Not so sure about tearing people apart with hooks, ever saw leatherface mori? :D
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True, but I'm goin' for a feel that's reminiscent of the movies lol
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It is a very popular franchise and I think a lot of people's gateway into the horror genre. The kids that grew up with fnaf are now young adults and of course they want to see two games they love merged. I mean, don't we all? I have seen equally as many threads for Candyman, Hellraiser, Chucky, Alien, The Thing, 13 Ghosts, Penny, etc. The fnaf threads are just condensed so it seems like there are more of them.
I feel like there is a huge spread of ages in this community and that is where a lot of the divide on fnaf comes from. The older gen who grew up on classic horror see fnaf as childish and not worthy of DBD, while the younger half see it as a horror staple and very much should be in DBD.
At the end of the day we are all horror fans and everyone wants their fav horror icons in this game. I just wish people would see it that way and stop demonizing the fnaf fans. We all want to see our favs and IF fnaf comes to the game it doesn't destroy what is already here, it enhances it for people who do like Fnaf, thats it!
This community is very dramatic tho so asking people to respect one anothers likes may be too much ^^"
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This shouldn't be that hard to understand.
Dead By Daylight contains a lot of famous horror icons. To the best of my knowledge, FNAF is the most recent famous horror franchise to happen. Of course people would like to see it in DbD... because they're actually familiar with it. Not gonna lie, I personally know way more about FNAF than Pinhead. I don't necessarily care if either show up... I'd honestly rather have an original chapter, but I can definitely see why people would want FNAF.
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well yeah for good reason:
look how extremely tame and held back these fatalities are, nothing like actual MK