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Why can Generator be popped in 20 Seconds?



  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I mean that goes to everyone. I've only been getting tunneling/camping killers since MMR. every single match.

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320

    As most have said on here, they threw all their resources at that one gen at the start and were together. Losing 1 gen that quick isn't the end of the world and you can still win as your screen shot proves.

    Losing a gen or 2 at the beginning is common because it's when the killer has the least amount of pressure. It doesn't mean it's an automatic loss

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Because even if they can pop it in 19 seconds, it clearly didn't hinder a 4k snowball sooooo.....

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    These people are out to hurt you. Dirtbag scum.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428


    Usually that is how it goes. Lol

    Yesterday my friends and I played against this sweaty Nurse, who had Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer… slugged at 5 gens because she wasn’t half bad. We somehow ended up needing 2 more gens before we all died.

    Yet in end chat has the audacity to say she could have killed us perkless. Lmao

    As in she thought she didn’t sweat, but we “did”.

  • CriticalWeasel
    CriticalWeasel Member Posts: 378

    Yeah I mean what's the chances of actually going against a group with more than 1 brand new part.

    For months I only saw 2 brand new parts at once. Then it hasn't happened again for a while.

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    I don't understand the argument here. That team was playing as hard as you were and you beat them, congratulations!

    It looks like MMR paired you correctly.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,974

    I never thought I'd see someone talk down to a killer that plays without add-ons.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,974

    The point is this type of gen speed shouldn't be possible. I know people like to think every time one of these matches happen, it's a 4k anyways. But it isn't always. To me, if the survivors have that good of a start, they threw the game. They basically started with 4 gens, and they got 4k'd. Doesn't that sound like boosted potatoes to you? Probably just a memer SWF that wants a quick first gen, and then they throw the game because they don't actually care about winning. When the team does care to win, they'll continue pushing gens instead of grinding them to a halt after the first one, like half these other teams like to do.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,687

    If you're looking for a sincere answer:

    The same reason you were able to recover and 4k with an immobile killer - it generally doesn't matter and is a waste of resources.

    It's psychologically damaging, but aside from doing a 'center' gen, it's actually a positioning/item management misplay.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    I know everyone is pointing out the major gen speed deal (And yes, the gen popped immediately because they all threw BNPs with Prove Thyself onto one gen like goofballs.), but I wanna point something else out.

    They were a 4 man on one gen. They brought a Shroud to spawn together. If you had Discordance or Lethal Pursuer, you would have known that. Theoretically speaking as well, had you found them all together (Which I'm sure you found them together later in the game, as Prove Thyself encourages it) on that first gen, you also would have managed to get absolutely insane pressure on them and disrupt all four survivors at once.

    Not trying to down you as a Killer, so I hope it doesn't come across like that, but I did just want to point out that things like that are the drawback to perks like Prove Thyself. Grouping up on a gen can easily be a double-edged sword.

    Personally, I would have been more scared if they were broken up and on three different gens with BNP.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,229

    It is stupid design, but not in the direction you're suggesting.

    If you harshly punish cooperative gen pushing, then survivors have only one option for doing gens: Everyone work solo. The problem with that is that every individual survivor is less important, and this method becomes both the fastest and safest way of doing gens.

    If it were to be the reverse, with co-op speeds being faster than solo speeds, then the fastest method wouldn't also be safest. Survivors would have to consider their options and judge whether it's better for them to risk co-operating on a gen or splitting up to tackle more at a time. This would make the killer benefit more from incapacitating one survivor, as it takes not only their progress value out, but it also takes away their co-op bonus.

    If solo gen times were bumped to 110, and the co-op penalty was inverted, then gens would go as fast as they currently do during co-op repairs. It'd speed up if survivors would group together more, but that, of course, means that if the killer finds one of you, he finds all of you.

    The fact that there's a co-op penalty at all is the stupid design. Not that it's too weak.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,169

    The only way to pop a gen in 20 seconds if for them to have used all their BNPs. That means the rest of the gens will not be that quick. Sure you're down 1 gen, but it's entirely possible to claw back a victory even if it takes you 3 gens to get your first hook.

  • LowrenceVonQersrick
    LowrenceVonQersrick Member Posts: 34

    Clearly your fault - not enough gen. pressure in early game, you just mindlessly wondering around whole 20 seconds, what did you expect to happen? :D