How many killer mains do you have?
Yeah, for me 4 Hillbilly, Hag, Ghostface, and Nemesis. All of them are fun to play for me and enough so I don’t get super bored playing just one constantly. But, how about you?
How many killer mains do you have? 85 votes
Freddy and Legion
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Spirit and Hag
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Post edited by CheeseAnton on0 -
I tend to switch my mains a lot, But right now it's currently Oni, Doctor, and Wraith.
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Doctor, Nemesis, and Wraith.
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I'd say two right now. Legion and Wraith.
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Pig, Doctor, and Nemesis
Edit: I will play any, but most of the time it's these 3.
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Rotate through them all
After playing this game for as long as i have, i've sorta stopped maining any of the killers. I kinda just find them all fun to play and can pick up and enjoy any one of them. (Except nurse, she can burn in hell)
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Spirit Plague Blight Huntress
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Twins, Nemesis, Doctor.
But i also like to play Demo, Huntress, Wraith, Pig, Clown, Hag and Ghostface.
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Rotate through them all
I have played a long time now, too long to have a main anymore.
I usually do two solo survivor games, then play as the last killer I versed using their build. Keeps it fresh for me.
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Used to rotate through almost all the killers. Now I only play Trickster.
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Nemesis & Ghostface
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I have changed my mains many times but right now its Trickster and Ghostface
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Huntress, but I hope I can add Oni to my mains once I understand how to use his powers efficiently :)
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Rotate through them all
I play this game too much lol back in 2017-18 all I played was the doctor and only the doctor but then I started playing other killers and started enjoying it a lot more.
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Nemesis, Micheal Myers, and Pyramid Head. I want to pick up oni though.
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I main legion, trickster and ghostface, currently practicing pyramid head though
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Rotate through them all
I used to play Huntress a lot. Now I play all other killers as much as Huntress. So it's fair to say I rotate trough all killers and I have 1 main.
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I main spirit for a long time but haven't played her in quite some time. I am considering getting her back in my rotation.
Clown, Legion, Doc and Spirit 🤗
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Technically speaking I guess I have two, because they're the ones I've got at P3 with all perks: Ghostface and then FreddyShoot. I just remembered while writing I should've said three. I've also got Oni at P3 all perks as well. I just haven't had him at P3 all perks for as long as the former two so I forgot.
So technically 3 mains: Ghostface, Freddy, Oni. Change my vote pls.
However I cycle through a lot more than that, and I basically play through whoever I've got a daily for (which means cycling through all the killers at some point or another). But to be more specific, I play a lot of Nemesis and Deathslinger so they would be the runner ups to be considered as mains.
I'd also like to learn Blight but frankly it's just too difficult to learn a technical killer like Blight when you're at red ranks and most survivors are light enough on their feet to dodge out of the way of a lethal rush in time. So that's been a real struggle and I haven't played Blight in a long while because of it.
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Trapper and Blight currently. Although I have to admit that Blight's wonky collision makes me enjoy him less and less over time. It just feels truly horrible to lose out on a potential hit because he slides off a wall or object. Trapper can be pretty frustrating at times too so he's no saint either, lol.
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Despite my frustrations with him, Blight is an immeasurably fun Killer to play if you take the chance to learn him. Blight is a struggle to be sure but perhaps you could just crutch on the typical Blight meta? It'll buy you some time to practice his rushes. I can link a solid guide if you'd like in the media lounge (The video is no longer age-restricted so it should be grand)
Post edited by RoboMojo on0 -
Pig, Legion, Cannibal and I guess Nemesis.
I really like Doc, Oni and Bing-Bong too, though I don't play 'em as much somewhy.
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Huntress, legion and Spirit for me as of lately.
I used to main trapper, ghostface too.
But overall I main huntress and lately I've picked up other killer's again since I wanna learn how to play more killers effectively so I can rotate between them.
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Sure, I wouldn't mind any advice. I don't think I'll be playing Blight anytime soon probably because I just got burned out on losing so many times in a row to survivors I definitely would have killed had I been playing nearly anybody else, but I'll definitely take a look at the guide and depending on how good it is maybe I'll be inspired to try again who knows.
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Posted the guide for ya. I totally appreciate that it can be hard to get inspired when you're losing a lot. Just remember that once you learn him, you'll become a killing machine. Oh and don't beat yourself up for losing on a bad map either. Blight is decent on most maps but he can really struggle on swamp or RPD.
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Freddy, Hag and Pig.
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I'd say the main one's are Plague, Demo, Clown, PyramidHead and the most recent addition to my killer arsenal the Twins. Who is certainly becoming one of my favourite killer's now.
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At the moment and in order from my best to worst. Pigs my favorite but I'm best with Freddy.
- Freddy
- Huntress
- The Pig (Favorite)
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Pyramid Head, Pig, Demogorgon.
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Demogorgon, Blight and Nemesis
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I'll say that, in light of recent games, I'm definitely leaning on the following (descending) order: Blight, Ghostface, Doctor, and Freddy, with a little Nemesis on the side.
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Nurse and PyramidHead,
Sometimes GhostFace if I want classic gameplay.