The rank hiding comes across as incredibly shady

The reason of ‘we don’t want people to solely focus on ranks’ is complete garbage. If you’re playing with rank 20 bots, and this happens, you can go from comp players to newbies in MMR, then this needs to be flagged as an issue. I’m really quite disgusted at this decision, as it feels like they’re trying to force MMR, rather than address any issues.
Imo people would have decent players, but then post match see rank 7 & put the blame on that. I get rank 1 bots daily so rank means nothing to me anymore.
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I don’t see the point of it besides to stop the “I got matched with rank 1s” posts
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This is because everybody would only say "I got rainbow ranks" whenever they were giving MMR feedback, when the whole purpose of MMR is that ranks don't matter.
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The reasoning makes sense considering that rank isn't relevant anymore. The problem is more with the SBMM beeing a complete intransparent black box we as the players just have to trust working as intended and can barely check if it actually does.
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Yeah, well I literally got rank 20s in the last MMR as rank 1, not really worried about rank 7s.
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Well, it does matter, rank 20s should not be playing with red rank players, period. Now we have zero way to report it to BHVR. As always with them, zero transparency on anything.
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It can't be broken, if nobody can tell, right? I understand the reasoning behind the hidden ranks, I really do, but given how shady and utterly incompetent Behaviour has been in the past, I find it difficult to trust them. There's nothing easier than hiding ranks, changing few things behind the curtains and calling it a day and I'm concerned that's exactly what will happen, now that we can't hold them responsible.
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There's nothing wrong with them doing a blind test to get feedback based purely on the events during the game, if it bothers you that much come back after the 16th.
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NO, it is necessary to get people's true opinion on the feel of the match. If not, smurfs just take screenshots and say, "look MMR is a joke."
When they may actually be matched to a person of similar skill. They really need to make it impossible to derank past rank 12. If you made it to 12 you should not go down any further. You understand the basics of the game by then
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Maybe they shouldn’t be doing it at rank reset then? Lack of common sense.
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Not really necessary at all, I can tell I’m playing with bots and BHVR are covering their tracks as always. They never listen to the players, and waste all their resources on pointless nonsense.
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I actually have a different experience. My solo games have gotten a lot better. I feel like almost all of my teammates have similar playstyles as I do, and actually pull their weight. My escape rate is up and I am having more fun in games, even if we lose, feels like we had a chance.
As killer, nothing really has changed. More decent teams perhaps, but overall, facing the same skilled survivors.
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There is no rank reset it's going off sbmm elo that's been background calibrating for months so I fail to see how that's relevent, the rank numbers mean literally nothing atm.
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Lucky for you, I’m getting baby wraith/spirits who camp all game and teammates who never save.
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Pretty much same experience, I think a lot of solo quers have had similar experiences because the swf boosted potato's who you got in your games have been put back to where they belong and the games feel much better for it.
Even when we loose the games felt good and we all really tried and made good BP.
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Damn, that sucks!!!
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eveeyone is going to be playing at red rank though, it’s not fair to put MMR on then
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I also had an Oni use his power on me whilst I was injured and ignore two healthy people right next to him lol. Wasn’t surprised the game ended in him camping two of the others to death
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Before ranks were hidden everyone's tune was 'ranks don't matter' because they don't reflect skill, they only reflect amount of time played.
I am not a super star at this game, I would say I am very average, yet red ranks is easily obtainable for me because I simply just play daily.
So, in the grand scheme of thing, hidden ranks are not a big deal. They didn't matter before but now that we can't see them everyone thinks its shady. I think everyone needs go chill the bees and give this new system a couple weeks before they decide to riot. Positive change takes time.
My only fear right now is that I am getting very easy matches as both killer and survivor, especially as survivor. My escape rate is through the roof and I am going against killers that seem to be new... like they walk right by me, stay in chase far too long, and don't understand the killer's power. This isn't every match but its often enough that I have noticed it.
I don't mind going against people of higher skill then me, but I do take issue being put against people who are new and learning the game. Hopefully it will sort itself out and I will be matched with similar or high skilled players ^^
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Can't help but laugh at all the people who still think rank matters. It NEVER has but hopefully someday will. Rank is earned by hours played, not doing specific things, so there are many red rank potatoes just like there are godlike brown ranks. The ranking system is a joke all the way. SBMM is weeding out the players that don't deserve the ranks they have I.E. Brown ranks going against red rank because they're smurfing, or red ranks who do nothing but safety pip are getting paired against like-minded bad players. It works, plain and simple, people just don't like being proven they're not as good as they think they are
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1st game of the day, we got 4k'd by a hag, everyone earned great BP, team played like God damned legends, all totems purged in the 1st few mins, team work off every hook, someone on gens on every save, everyone dipping in chases for protection hits, we got 4k'd but it was a great game.
I love this new system.
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Damn, that ######### always blows my mind. Like such a waste to use that power on an injured survivor.
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Its only shady because we typically have no faith in BHVR. There aren't any ranks because MMR does not function based off ranks, it works based off a hidden numerical value given to you that determines who you are matched with.
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Why should you need to report it when its not used anyway?
And they know that.
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Well when ranks were showing, people were shady to anyone's rank that wasnt their own, or even of their own ranks by deriving their own depiction of how they should be playing at [X] rank.
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They hid the ranks to see if people will give feedback on the information they actually need; namely, how the trial went. People were focusing on the old ranks instead, which is useless information for the devs to understand if MMR is doing its job or not.
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Ranks do matter, rank 20s should not be with red ranks no matter how stupid the red rank players are
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Okay and my feedback is that it’s terrible, I don’t need to see ranks to tell they’re in the double digits.
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This is what I'm talking about.
They don't want you to try to estimate your teammates or opponents' ranks, they just want you to tell them if the trials seem fair or not, and if not, why.
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estimating someone to be green or yellow rank= they played at a much lower level than how a teammate should =not fair
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estimating someone to be green or yellow rank= they played at a much lower level than how a teammate should
No, it just means they're estimated to be at green or yellow rank. If someone wants to say that their teammates were worse than they believe would be fair, then they should say that; otherwise, it just looks like they're still obsessing over irrelevant ranks.
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People associate the ranks to a certain skill level I mean it is what it is, if someone thinks their team played poorly they are probably going to associate that with a visible means of valuation. MMR or whatever it is isn't visible. Its infinitely easier to say my team played like a bunch of green ranks than it is to spell out everything they did wrong when many of the things they did wrong are just commonly associated with green ranked people. Same as if in game I'm thinking wow this team is trash, then after the game you see a bunch of green and yellow, you're just gonna say well yepp that makes sense. I think the argument for rank doesn't matter only applies to red rank. Inside red ranks there is a wide variation of skill. That variance doesn't exist at other ranks because believe it or not some people are just stuck in those ranks. You cant say you've never stomped a group of survivors then looked at their ranks and been like well ######### now I feel bad they were a bunch of babies. Or a killer couldn't get any traction in a game and after you see hes a rank 9 and say well shoot no wonder now I feel bad.
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People say rank doesn't matter all the time but every green or less killer I've played against shows they have a clear lack of understanding or skill or both. Sure just because you're a red ranked player doesn't mean you're a god at the game or a pro but to say rank doesn't matter is just foolish because it does mean a lot. If you never hit red ranks you lack something basic in your gameplay somewhere. Getting matched with people outside of your rank is never a fair thing for someone. I'm always red ranked and while I don't escape every game or 4k every game I still understand the game and if you match me with a rank 14 survivor I'm going to destroy said survivor player if I'm killer and as a survivor they probably won't do things properly to get us or themselves out or perform at the standard I and the other red rank players would be use to. We all have to also remember red ranks on console and PC meant very different things before crossplay AND it probably still does. On ps4 I could play red rank Legion with Third seal and 4k almost every game guaranteed because people would just die on first hook. On pc that was never the case and I got told how bad of a perk it was and that it'd never work and I wasn't even purple ranked yet. Ranks matter but people say it doesn't matter to avoid giving some people that ego trip and prevent others for feeling bad about not being red ranked. If MMR can actually give us fair games where we are matched with people that don't seem like they've never played the game then sure I'll agree ranks don't matter but I highly doubt its going to happen. I think this game is better off giving games based on rank and mmr or just rank instead of just MMR. I certainly don't like the rank hiding but at this point if you've played the game enough you can usually guess someone's rank especially the killers.
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Then blame the people who used rank as a weapon to bully others. We all knew that ranks did not equate to skill, but for far too long, and far too much us players have each others ranks to harass others.
I am very happy with the change to hiding ranks, there is 0 reason for anyone to see another persons rank since it doesn't refer to that players skill. It refers how much they play a month.
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And they’re not because I’m getting matched with horrible teammates and NOED campers way more than normal
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I have a rank 1 account and a rank 20 account. Both can outplay you're 1 red rank account LMAO
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I think you know damn well that that’s an oddity, and not at all a reflection of most low ranks.
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Personally, I don't care about ranks, I like the matchmaking as it is now. I enjoy the game much more having the ranking be more laid back. If i get put with sweats that is ok, I'm a good killer, but being matched with sweats every round of really obnoxious and tiring. I like when it's sometimes people just playing for fun or just playing off meta stuff.